my wishful wolf

Chapter 39 Lin Junyao, the war that didn't win or lose (1)

Chapter 39 Lin Junyao, the war without win or loss (2)
The next day, everything is normal.

A few days later, Rong Yu stopped Rong Yan on the way to school, and said to her, "Sister, you usually go alone, why don't we go together in the future, we are sisters and friends!"

She was stunned, looking at her innocent-looking younger sister, she just bypassed her and continued walking.

On the third day, she was still waiting there, following her appearance, babbling that she wanted to go with her sister, to become good friends with her sister, to share with her what she liked, what she hated, and what happened every day. matter.

Rong Yan didn't want to be with her, she was used to being alone, but she had never been asked like this before.

Ask to be her friend.

she never had friends...

From then on, she became one of the threesome.

Inevitably, she came into contact with Lin Junyao at close range.

Lin Junyao was probably very resistant at the beginning. After passing Rong Yu, she could see that Lin Junyao looked at her with disgust, but in the end, because Lin Junyao was accommodating Rong Yu, she gradually got used to it. lost face.

The threesome became less and less disobedient, as if it should have been like this.

It was probably at that time that Yan Yan's feelings for Lin Junyao gradually sublimated from liking to...

Lin Junyao is such a proud boy. He is like a ray of sunshine. When it rises, it is so powerful that it can look down on everything and penetrate into all the gaps without leaving any room. Sometimes he will come and go like the wind, chic and elegant. freely.

He would come to pick up Rong Yu every day, and Rong Yan followed, and the three of them went to school together. Although the family was wealthy, they were still reserved at that time. They went to squeeze the bus together early in the morning. Before getting on the bus, they bought some fried noodles on the street. On the bus, Rong Yan and Rong Yu ate together. Lin Junyao just watched from the side. He didn't like to eat anything powdery. Sometimes, he would show contemptuous expressions, but when Rong Yu was happy, he Never stop.

Sometimes, they would also meet villains on the bus. Most of the villains went after Rong Yu. When there were too many people, they would easily disperse from each other. He will deliberately rub against her, so that she has nowhere to hide.

That time, because a fat man rubbed against Rong Yu's butt on purpose, Rong Yu screamed in fright, Lin Junyao rushed in from the outside, and directly sprayed blood from the nose of the fat man, Rong Yu was most afraid of such a scene, scared She screamed again and again, and Rongyan heard the sound, and finally squeezed past. Lin Junyao was spoiled since she was a child, and she has a big temper. Sometimes she would ignore it and lose her mind. He grabbed Lin Junyao's waist and held him tightly, preventing him from moving forward.

It wasn't until he stopped panting that Rong Yan realized that she was so close to him.

She let go of his waist, looked at the somewhat ambiguous eyes of the crowd, and hurriedly got into the crowd.

Later, she mentioned it to Rong Yu. She was afraid that Rong Yu would misunderstand her. Who knows, Rong Yu was surprised, and then came to comfort Rong Yan and said to her, "I know you want to prevent him from breaking someone. , You're doing it for his own good, I'm sorry, because I forget other things when I'm scared, but fortunately I have you, otherwise, if he beats someone bad, we will all be arrested."

Rong Yan thought, Rong Yu's simplicity made people a little at a loss.

Sometimes, only Rong Yu was squeezed elsewhere. That time, on the crooked bus, she stood helplessly by the window, and saw from a distance that the two were cuddling together. Such a harmonious scene seemed impetuous. In the world, it is like a still painting.

She watched like that, watching all the way, until someone slammed her into the car window from behind, and her whole body was pressed against her.She turned her head, although she was annoyed, she was not impatient, and slowly changed her position, going to the side.

But that person followed all the way up, so she had no choice but to lower her head, and stepped on that person's foot hard, probably exhausting all her strength, the person who stepped on screamed, she pretended to be panicked, and said to him, " I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, what happened, did you get hurt, oops, I didn't pay attention, there are too many people, I don't know if I stepped on your foot..."

The man glared at each other, looking like he was about to curse, but he looked aside and was taken aback for a moment.

Rong Yan raised her head, only to see that Lin Junyao appeared beside her at some point.

Although he didn't make any movements, he clearly hinted that he was with his face.

Those who took advantage of it were never tough guys, they were all bullying and afraid of being tough. Seeing that they had companions, they naturally didn't dare to say anything, so they just turned around and squeezed elsewhere.

Rong Yan raised her head to look at Lin Junyao, the car swayed again, and there were people getting on but no getting off, so the car was just getting more and more crowded. He was almost a head and a half taller than Rong Yan at that time. So tall, he held onto it with one hand, looked down at her, and when the car swayed, he was about to bump into Rongyan's body.

She whispered, "I'm fine, you can go to Rong Yu's."

He looked at it and said with a smile, "I can't squeeze through, I'll be there in a while, forget it."

They just swayed in the car, and the car drove in the old street, turning, turning and turning, and occasionally passed the newly blooming branches and leaves on the side of the road in early spring, and fell in front of them together with the sun.

She was only looking outside and didn't dare to look at him, but when she summoned up the courage to turn her head by chance, he was also staring at her, wondering if other people felt the same way, at that time, her heartbeat seemed to suddenly miss a beat Same, that feeling, beautiful and amazing.

Maybe she should stop this fate at such a distance from him.

After a long time, she couldn't help but thought about it this way.

She froze for a moment and asked him, "What are you looking at?"

He casually raised his head and looked outside, and said with a smile, "I knew you must be much stronger than Rong Yu, you see, you didn't panic at all, that kick was really powerful."

She was taken aback, then lowered her head and said, "I just warned him."

He said, "Just a warning, what will it really be like? I won't dare to provoke you in the future. It seems that if I offend you, I will either die or be disabled..."

She watched him make a frightened expression on purpose, and burst out laughing. It happened that a branch hit the car window. She blinked her eyes, and suddenly hoped that this road would go on forever.

When he raised his head, he just stared at her, his dark eyes looked bright, she always remembered his expression that day, he said, "You look good when you smile, why not smile more in the future."

She was taken aback, lowered her head, and quickly put away her smiling face, like a fool...

If that incident hadn't happened, would their relationship still be pure?Or, he was already married to Rong Yu, and she was still the bridesmaid. At that time, they were all happy, received everyone's blessings, and became a model of love in the upper class, or, because of the passage of time, they gradually had differences. , hating each other, but after a long time, they can meet again, talk and laugh, recall together, and part ways peacefully, no matter what, it has nothing to do with appearance.

But that's how it happened.

He kissed her, and she didn't refuse.

From that day on, he was no longer with her, and he refused her to participate between him and Rong Yu. She seemed to have become a poison in an instant, and no one dared to approach her.

She returned to her own small world.

Rong Yu once came to ask her, and said, "Sister, what's the matter with you and Yunyao, did you quarrel?"

How would she tell Rong Yu that we didn't fight, we kissed...

She couldn't say that, so she just smiled and said, "I want to take an exam, I want to study, I can't go out to play every day, play by yourself, don't call me."

Afterwards, as she wished, she jumped from being the last few in the class to being able to compete in the school rankings. The teacher finally began to pay attention to her, introduced her to the club, and asked her to participate in class questions and answers.

It's okay, she's lost one world, but she has another.

Together, Lin Junyao and Rong Yu staged the love of their childhood sweethearts in that world, and she, alone, started a turbulent change in this world.

During that time, she became the most unapproachable queen in this school.

If such parallel lines do not intersect, how good would it be?

Or, God cruelly cut off all the feelings between her and him, and let everything go back to the original starting point, then that's okay.

However, God's way of playing with her is much more clever than she thought.

On that rainy night, Rong Yu called her and said that Lin Junyao had disappeared for several days, and she didn't know where she had gone. She was helping the teacher correct homework in the teacher's office, and when she heard Rong Yu crying, she was out of breath. She hurried back home first.

Rong Yu told her that Lin Junyao disappeared, he left, didn't go to school for several days, didn't call her for several days, and she couldn't find him wherever she went.

While Rong Yan comforted Rong Yu, she went to find someone by herself.

She has always known that Lin Junyao is not an absolutely good person, but in front of Rong Yu, he dare not bring up those dark sides.

That's right, children from such a family will always have a few playboy friends who are unlearned and incompetent in the social circle, commonly known as "hun friends and dog friends".

She knew one of them, so she rushed to ask if she could find Lin Junyao.

They told Rongyan that Lin Junyao hadn't shown up for several days, but he just came out suddenly tonight and went to Meishi with some friends.

It was an underground bar, known by its appearance, and it opened in that noisy corner of Yeshi Street.

Without hesitation, she went straight to her.

She took a taxi to Yeshi Street. The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the sky gradually lost its color. It was pitch black. She held her umbrella and stepped into the puddles under her feet.

It was also the first time for her to go to a bar. Listening to the deafening music and looking at those frantic people, she could hardly distinguish their faces, but she must be able to recognize Lin Junyao at a glance. She has always thought so .

But after looking around inside, she couldn't find Lin Junyao's shadow.

She didn't go over until she saw a friend of Lin Junyao she had met, and asked the man who was shaking his head and wondering if he had taken medicine, "Where is Lin Junyao?"

The man looked at his face and kept his head in tune with the music. Even when he was talking, he kept asking, "Are you looking for Junyao? Are you his wife?"

Rong Yan hated the title Ma Zi, she spit out two words, "No."

He said, "Then why did you find him?"

"Where is he?" She didn't want to continue entanglement with this kind of person.

"Hey, I know you. Are you the woman who has been running behind Yunyao and his horse? Hey, do you have a crush on Yunyao? I know, you have a crush on him."

Looking at the man who was already drunk, she thought, Lin Junyao is really stupid, even a drunk can tell it, but he hasn't understood it for so long.

She bowed her head and said, "Where is Lin Junyao..."

He finally stretched out his wobbly fingers and pointed to the location by the door.

She hurried to go there, which was the direction of the boys' toilet. She stood at the door and dared not go in, thinking that he might be going to the toilet, but after waiting for a while, she heard the sound of fighting coming from inside. She wasn't meddling in the first place But halfway through, she suddenly heard a muffled groan, it was Lin Junyao's voice, she was sure.

She immediately rushed directly into the boys toilet.

Sure enough, the inside was already in a mess. Lin Junyao, who was drunk like mud, was pushed to the ground and stepped on it hard. Lin Junyao had no intuition at all, otherwise, how could he let these people kick and beat him? .

The face saw that he was lying on the ground, the white T-shirt on his body was very dirty, the man who looked fierce was smoking a cigarette, and walked over with a cigarette in his mouth, "Hmph, grab a woman from me, don't look Look at your body." As he spoke, he picked up the cigarette butt and was about to press it down on Lin Junyao's face.

And Lin Junyao was still in a coma, not knowing why.

She rushed over and yelled, "Stop!" and threw herself on Lin Junyao.

Those people didn't expect that someone would rush up suddenly, so they were taken aback for a short time. After seeing that it was just a little girl, several people laughed, looking at these people, and looking down at Lin Junyao, He seemed to have fainted, or just fell asleep. He frowned, looking very uncomfortable. She reached out and hugged his head, put it on her lap, and patted his cheek, "Lin Jun Yao, wake up..."

Lin Junyao just moved his mouth, and seemed to murmur, "Mom...Mom, Dad..."

(End of this chapter)

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