my wishful wolf

Chapter 33 Face, the accident between me and you (1)

Chapter 33 Face, the accident between me and you (2)
Rong Yan was about to go out, but she didn't expect that Lin Junyao had already followed from behind again.

He grabbed her wrist. There were not many people outside the elevator. She turned her head and looked at him with a calm expression, "What advice does Mr. Lin have?"

Lin Junyao looked at her, and wanted to say something, but in fact, it was useless to say anything, he knew in his heart that with this woman, he couldn't be stubborn, couldn't bear her, and even now he couldn't say that she only spoke with her mouth Lawyer Rong.

He said, "Come on, I'll take you back."

She wondered, looking at him, the flattered expression was somewhat dazzling. As her husband, is it too much for him to give her a gift?

But he still suppressed his anger, looked at her pale face, and said, "Even if you want to do something, it's past nine o'clock and you can't do anything, you'd better go back."

She knew he was right, and he let her go and drove.

The car stopped in front of her, and she looked at the man sitting in the driver's seat. He didn't look at her, but looked ahead, and his expressions and movements were all natural.

She thought, she really shouldn't be too hypocritical, so she finally got into the car.

All the way without talking, the car drove across the sea-crossing bridge quietly. After passing the bridge, he arrived at the seaside. He suddenly said, "This is very close to a place."

She turned her head and looked at him puzzled.

He smiled, turned directly, and drove to another place.

She was surprised, and didn't know where he was going to take her, but, in fact, he was doing her a favor yesterday, and it was hard to say no to him just now. I really want to make a promise with my body so that I can repay him, and after that, won't I feel like I owe him something again?
So she let him drive the car and passed through several seaside villas. She knew that it seemed to be a newly developed geological park.The towering banyan trees and ten thousand green silk ribbons inside look very beautiful in the night.

The car continued to drive inward, and after turning a corner, Yan Yan suddenly saw countless fireflies swimming among the thousands of strands hanging down from the banyan tree, which made people feel as if they had entered a fairyland.

Yanyan's eyes lit up, he turned his head, looked at her and smiled, stopped the car, turned a corner, came to open her car, and pulled her down.

She just felt so surprised that there are so many fireflies here, flying around, interspersed with the stars all over the sky, it is so beautiful that it is almost suffocating.

"A lot of fireflies." She smiled and looked ahead, her eyes lit up.

All girls like beautiful things, right?

He took her in, "How about it, isn't it beautiful."

"En." She said sincerely, reaching out her hand to touch the little lantern flying over.

Fireflies are actually very stupid creatures. When they fly, they will fall and stop for a while before continuing to fly. Although they are holding lanterns, they seem to be unable to see what is in front of them. They bump around and look very cute.

Rong Yan has never seen so many fireflies together. Naturally, after so many years, she has never had the mood to enjoy the scenery.When I was young, because of my family background, later, because of my state of mind...

Lin Junyao watched from the side, watching her stretch out her hand, her pure and clear eyes were like the sun just born in spring, so beautiful.

It seems like I haven't seen her smile like this for a long time.

At this moment, she turned her head and asked him, "How did you find such a place?"

"I know the developer here. He recently made these new ones, but they haven't been officially opened yet. I just passed by and suddenly remembered."

It turned out to be like this, she didn't care about the reason, anyway, now she felt that it was really as beautiful as a fairy tale.

At this time, he said behind his back, "How is it, are you feeling better?"

She nodded and looked back at him.

Standing there, his long figure is still dazzling in this colorful world.

Faced with him for the first time, she no longer wanted to tease him, she should really thank him, no matter what it was for.

In fact, as they are now, it's not bad for them to get along as simply as friends.

At this time, a firefly bumped into her body, and she hurriedly grabbed it.

Opening up her palm, she saw the firefly, which looked no different from a normal beetle. She was so frightened that she hurriedly let go.

He looked over there and laughed.

Unwilling to be ridiculed, she raised her head and stared at him, "What are you laughing at?"

He came over and said, "Fireflies are ugly."

She curled her lips and said, "Yeah, it's better to look at it from a distance, it's beautiful." Sighing, she said, "It seems that there are some things, and I'm busy revealing the truth, so it's better to just look at it vaguely. So, why bother to expose such an ugly and dirty truth, right, looking at its beautiful surface like this, even if it has already been rotten to the extreme, so what?"

Lin Junyao said nothing, just stood beside her and looked into the distance.

Rong Yan said again, "It's better to look at it from a distance than to get close."

Then, she turned and walked away. The roots of the banyan tree were tangled on the ground, clinging to each other, entangled, looking very chaotic. She found a root and sat down.

He also came over slowly and sat beside her. The two of them looked up together, watching the fireflies flying all over the sky, and fell silent for a moment.

It seems to have returned to the tacit understanding many years ago. When he didn't want to talk, she just followed him quietly.

It's just that today the world seems to have changed roles. He looked at her and knew that she was enjoying this quiet moment, so he didn't move anymore.

After sitting for almost an hour, she suddenly said, "I'm tired, let's go back."

So he got up first and went to drive first.

That night, he personally sent her home, which surprised Chen Minzhi.

Seeing the two people enter the house one after the other, Chen Minzhi asked, "Do you want to stay at home tonight?"

Lin Junyao glanced at the face with his head bowed and silent, and said, "Well, I live at home."

Chen Minzhi was even more surprised, but he could only watch the two of them go upstairs one after the other.

Yan Yan had no objection, because she slept too much during the day anyway, and she didn't want to sleep anymore, so he could occupy the big bed in the bedroom as much as he wanted, while she would spend her night in the study.

After entering the room, she didn't care about Lin Junyao, but went straight into the bathroom to wash up.

She wanted to wash off the smell of alcohol on her body, but found that her clothes had been changed long ago, her coat had been dry-cleaned, and her underwear was no longer what she wore yesterday. She looked at herself in the mirror and looked up. She started to smell it, the fragrance of the cleanser on her body did not make her feel happy, but rather weird.

She washed it briefly, and when she went out, she saw Lin Junyao lying on the bed with one hand under her pillow and the other hand holding the remote control. The TV was on and a documentary was playing.

She looked at him and suddenly felt in a trance.

It seems that the last moment was still indifferent to each other, but at this moment, the harmony suddenly makes people want to cry.

Or, last second, they were still young girls and brats wandering around together, but this second, he is already her husband.

She was married, and when she saw him appearing in this room and on this bed, she leaned there naturally with a very indifferent expression, as if this was a scene that would happen in every family every day. At that moment, she Suddenly, I felt like I was married.

She stopped there, watching him, who was not undressed, just crossed his legs, watching the TV.

She suddenly remembered that the last time she looked at him calmly was about a few years ago.

Probably because she stood there for too long, he raised his eyes, glanced at her, and said, "What are you looking at, go to sleep."

She just came to her senses and walked outside, saying, "Go to sleep, I slept too much, don't sleep anymore, go read a book."

She went straight to the study, but didn't see that he was lying on the bed, his dark eyes were slowly getting cold.

He knew that it was just a dream to let his face rest for a while.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the study, he saw that she was sitting there flipping through pages one by one, typing on the keyboard, not knowing what she was writing.

He just leaned there and watched her write, and he was actually thinking bitterly in his heart, how long would she let him stand like this.

But time passed by every minute and every second, and she really looked at the computer and files seriously as if he didn't exist.

Her complexion is still not good, her face is waxy, yellow and white, a little swollen, her lips are dry and peeled, she sucks her nose from time to time, licks her dry lips, the movements of her hands and eyes, No delay.

He stood there for almost half an hour, and finally couldn't bear it anymore.

He walked over, put one hand in his pocket, and looked at her, "You're not sleeping, what are you doing?"

Then she raised her head and looked at him strangely, "You don't sleep, what are you doing here?"

He thought it was funny, but he was kind, and asked her back directly with his words.

He said, "Do you know what time it is?"

She looked at the lower right corner of the computer, but she dared to answer her seriously, "Ten past eleven."

He confirmed that in terms of endurance, he was somewhat higher than others, but he was always somewhat less than this woman.

As soon as he pulled her up, he pulled her out, "Stop looking, go to sleep."

The scrap of paper in her hand didn't come to remember to read it, and there were two pages scattered on the floor. She hurriedly said, "Hey, let go, my materials are scattered."

He saw her rushing to get the materials, but she still didn't look at him. He stood there, "Young Yan, let me ask you, your husband is more important, or your work!"

She raised her head, looked at him, and even smiled.

There was a bit of sarcasm in that smile. Although she smiled so beautifully, it made him feel uncomfortable.

She said, "For a bad woman like me, when making any choice, she will first compare the interests. In fact, from a long-term perspective, Mr. Lin as her husband should be more important, because Mr. Lin's net worth will definitely protect her. I have been prosperous all my life, but in the short term, as my husband, Mr. Lin has no feelings for me, and Mr. Lin's money has nothing to do with me, so I have a job, and it is more important not to starve to death." She took a few pieces of paper Pick it up and say, "For people like me, the last thing I believe in is the future. What I can grasp is the present, so forget about the long-term vision. I'd better do my job well first."

He laughed out of anger in his heart, looking at this woman, is she being too rational, or too stupid?
He said, "Hey, are you playing hard to get with me? Face, then I advise you to stop as soon as you see it. You are playing too much now. Go to bed with me, hurry up." He was forced by this woman , and unconsciously put on that haughty and invincible expression on his face.

She looked at his expression, "Really? Did you play too much? Well, I'm still learning in this area, and I still can't grasp the measure. Since the smart Mr. Lin saw it through so easily, forget it." , let's play hard to get, let's go, go to sleep."

He watched her talking, put down the documents in his hand, and walked out directly. He followed her into the bedroom, watched her take off her clothes generously, lay directly on the bed, and said, "Okay, what are you going to do? let's start."

It has to be said that such a self-defeating look irritated him even more, he looked at her angrily, "Young Yan, you really think I need a woman like you, don't you?"

She was still lying there with a blank expression on her face, "You misunderstood, you said that I would play hard to get, and I would not give up. Come directly, but you don't want to. Sure enough, that sentence is right. If you hate someone, she doesn't care what she does." Everything is wrong." She raised her eyebrows and looked at him, "So, tell me now, what should I do?"

His face flushed with anger, he took the clothes on the table, and pushed the door straight out.

She lay there, shaking her head helplessly, turned around and picked up the clothes, and put them on again.

Just like driving away her husband, she felt empty in her heart.

So she is such an annoying person, the atmosphere is good today, he wants to live here, she should make coffee, adjust the lights, and watch a movie with him, if the effect is good, he is in a good mood, maybe Just marry her in the bridal chamber, no matter what, it will be good for her if she really becomes a serious young mistress of the Lin family.

It's easy to say, but she finds it so difficult to do it.

So she went back to her study, and on the computer screen was the news that she was on the brink of her career. The General Administration above heard about this and decided to re-examine Rong Yan's lawyer qualification certificate.

She wondered who it was that was trying to get her cornered, but whoever it was, he was close to it, she thought.

That night, she didn't close her eyes in the study all night, but she didn't feel sleepy either.

The next day, she met Xu Yinglu outside and got into the car together. Xu Yinglu said, "You were fine yesterday. I tried my best to let you in and blocked the security guard. I almost sacrificed my appearance. Come back to you." There is no shadow, I thought what happened to you."

Rong Yan started the car and said, "Now that you see that I have no missing arms or legs, it means I'm fine."

Xu Yinglu said, "I care about you, just to see your virtue."

"I'm a manic person on the verge of unemployment, you have to be considerate." The car drove forward along the street, she said lightly.

Xu Yinglu snorted, "I really want to know what Lawyer Rong will look like when he becomes manic, but you have always been like a robot, always turning your head very fast, and your rationality seems to be non-human, you will make people doubt you Hey, the earth is actually quite dangerous, you should go back to Mars."

Rong Yan didn't bother to care about her. After driving for half an hour, the car stopped at the entrance of a restaurant.

Rong Yan went in, and said to Xu Yinglu, "President Wang of the Lawyer Qualification Review Committee is here today, I'll go in and say hello first."

"Are you sure it will be useful?" Xu Yinglu expressed doubts.

"Whether it works or not, I will try it first." She said, pushed open the door of the hotel, and walked in.

President Wang was eating in the private room, when Rong Yan knocked on the door and came in, he was stunned for a while, then smiled decently on his face, and said, "President Wang, although I know you are eating, I still disturb you."

He knows Yanyan. There are not many qualified lawyers in this city. It is natural for everyone to know each other well. He seemed to know that Yanyan would come. He sighed and put down his chopsticks.

President Wang is an elderly man over fifty years old, bald and slightly fat, which is the most common image of middle-aged people.

He looked at his face, sighed, and said, "I knew you were going to make trouble, but now that you don't listen to my advice, do you regret it?"

Rong Yan took a few steps forward, and said aggrievedly, "I always thought that as long as I act in accordance with the professional standards of lawyers, I have no shame in my heart, but I never expected that I would still be taken advantage of by someone with a heart, but President, I am not at all Regret, I don't think I did anything wrong, so even if I do it again, I will still do it. After all, we have chosen to be a lawyer, and we must abide by the fairness and justice of the law. When choosing a client, we should not have colored eyes .”

He sighed, this face is also well-known in the industry. At the beginning, he remembered that in the interview after the bar exam, he was the one who interviewed the face. This child was very restrained, not talkative, and his appearance was not as ostentatious as others, so he still liked it in his heart. Yes, but he is a bit stubborn, which makes people quite helpless.

He also persuaded her at a dinner in the industry before. Although he is a lawyer and defends others all his life, but if something happens to him, no one will defend you, so you should be careful when doing things.

But she still goes her own way.

He said, "Although you have not violated the code of practice of lawyers, don't forget that obtaining a lawyer's qualification certificate is not only about passing the exam and interview, but also an important element, that is, good conduct. Fame is not good for your future either."

Rong Yan said, "I only know that people's hearts can be seen over time. I don't want everyone to understand me now, but I believe that people are doing what the sky is watching. One day, people who have misunderstood me will know me. Be careful. I'm not sorry to anyone."

He knew he couldn't persuade her, so he just sighed and said, "But what's the use of you coming to me?"

She said, "I just want President Wang to help me. Regarding my matter, he can help me delay it for two days."

He said, "Two days? After so many days, there is still nothing to do. Can you do it in two days?"

"I hope President Wang can trust me. I have my own way. Two days are enough."

President Wang thought about it for a while and said, "Okay, I know that your appearance is not like other girls, and you will cry when something goes wrong. Your appearance is based on the impression you gave me in the past. I believe that no matter what happens, you can You have a way to carry it over, do it, I will help you carry it for two days."

Rong Yan smiled happily, "Thank you, President Wang."

Looking at the appearance, President Wang shook his head helplessly. He really likes a girl who has no background, no tricks, and has persisted for so many years without giving up. In fact, she is right. See you in a long time. People on the outside may not be able to understand people's hearts, but he has seen the world and after so many years of experience, he can know which person is really good and which person is fake and kind.

(End of this chapter)

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