my wishful wolf

Chapter 29 Face, your world is impenetrable (1)

Chapter 29 Face, your world is impenetrable (1)
When Rong Yan woke up, she felt her world spinning, before she saw where she was, she saw the person standing in front of her.

It was Rong Qing, he was wearing glasses, on his gentle face, a pair of dark glasses were staring at her eyes, she couldn't be mistaken.

"You..." Rong Yan thought for a while, but couldn't remember how she came here.

Rong Qing said, "I was passing by the hospital on business, and I heard that you fainted, what's going on."

She was not used to acting too sickly in front of people, so she looked back, finally found her coat, and was about to put it on when she got up.

Rong Qing held her down first, "The doctor said that you are mentally weak and cannot do strenuous exercise for the time being, so don't move."

But Yanyan avoided him without a trace, got off the bed, and quickly put on her clothes.

"Thank you cousin for reminding me, but getting out of bed and taking two steps is not strenuous exercise, I'm not that weak yet."

Although Rongyan is very confident in her expression, she rarely shows any emotional flaws in front of others, but under Rong Qing's unfathomable gaze, Rongyan always feels like a clown without clothes, everything is being ostracized He sees everything, so every time he avoids cleverly and has to meet, he just ignores them.

She just doesn't want to expose her weakness to him, even though he is her cousin.

Seeing her like this, he was not angry, and came over and said, "Did he bully you?"

The "he" he said naturally refers to Lin Junyao, with his face turned away from him, he said, "I'm sorry for delaying my cousin's time, I have nothing to do, there is still a case to be held in court tomorrow, and I have to rush back. "

She was about to leave, but Rong Qing held her hand down, "How long will you be angry with me?"

The first time he spoke to her, there was anger in his voice.

Rongyan still wanted to break free, but he pulled her back in an instant. Rongyan just woke up, and her body's ability to respond has not fully recovered. She was pulled by him, and suddenly fell backwards. He hurriedly grabbed her, turned and pressed her down on the bed.

When Rong Yan came to his senses, Rong Qing's expressionless face was already close in front of his eyes.

Although he is her cousin, he always gives people the impression that he is a god-like existence, always making his face feel unapproachable, so the ambiguity at this moment makes his face feel particularly uncomfortable, and he is busy pushing Rong Qing, But Rong Yan was surprised to find that he was pressing her hand, staring at her firmly, holding Rong Yan's hand with great strength, she almost heard the creaking of her own bones, and her tightly pursed lips moved slightly , There was excitement in his eyes that he had never seen before.

Just when she thought he was about to say something important, a sneer suddenly came from behind her.

Rong Qing hurriedly let go of Rong Yan, but Rong Yan fell there for a long time without the strength to get up by himself, but raised his head and saw Lin Junyao standing at the door of the ward.

He had a thick smile on his face, yes, it was so thick that it seemed to drown people.

His eyes swept over the two people, and when he saw the face, he paused for a moment, and then fixed on Rong Qing.

"Mr. Rong, why are you here so free today?"

People like Rong Qing are also used to various occasions. People like them can turn faces faster than flip books, and have a stronger desire to perform than actors, so in just an instant, Rong Qing has returned to normal and returned to that scene. Elegant and unfathomable Rong Qing.

"My cousin fell ill, no matter how busy I am, I have to come and see her."

Lin Junyao laughed even more, and walked over slowly, "The two brothers and sisters are really affectionate."

Rong Qing didn't say much, just glanced at her face, and told her, "Don't work too hard, no matter what, you are still the eldest lady of the Rong family, even if you don't do anything, the Rong family can support you for the rest of your life. "

She bowed her head and let him talk, but there was no response.

He took a thoughtful look at his face for the last time, and strode out.

As soon as Rong Qing stepped out, Rong Yan heard Lin Junyao's angry voice, "Who is this warning, heh, who is eager to marry, Miss Rong?" Viciously, "Yes, Miss Rong's."

Her face was inexplicably involved in the anger of the two of them, she was very impatient, she closed her eyes, and looked at Lin Junyao, "I have nothing else to do, I have to go first."

She looked at Lin Junyao, but Lin Junyao ignored her at all, with one hand behind his back, with a very gentlemanly expression, but as cold as ice.

Rong Yan walked out with some heavy steps, wanting to get out of here earlier so that she didn't have to look at his hurtful expression.

But his sarcasm came from behind, "Yeah, I forgot who your face is, Xiaoqiang who can't be beaten to death, the most powerful woman in the Rong family, how can a person like you be knocked down by illness? millennium…"

Yan Yan didn't stop, didn't look back, just walked out.

The hand that was shrunk in the cuff, but involuntarily squeezed tightly.

Yes, a bad person like her has always tortured others, so how could she be tortured by something?

A bad person like her would only make others hurt, so how could she feel pain?

Lin Junyao saw that she really left just like that, the smile on her handsome and flawless face gradually became stronger, but her eyes were full of gloom, she looks good, she looks really good, her face is getting better and better after not seeing her for so many years .

At this time, the doctor outside came in and saw Lin Junyao standing by the bed alone, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said, "Hey, Mr. Lin, didn't you say that you want to apply ice compresses to the patient, why is the patient gone?"

Lin Junyao's expression returned to cold, and he stretched out his hand, which was holding an ice pack, and handed it to the doctor, saying, "She won't die, she won't need it anymore." After saying something coldly, he patted his cold hand , go outside.

When Rongyan returned to Lin's house, Chen Minzhi looked at Rongyan, was startled, grabbed her and asked, "Hey, why are you back, where is Yunyao, didn't you go to the hospital with you earlier?"

Rong Yan looked at Chen Minzhi, "With me? The hospital that Yun Yao took me to?"

Chen Min looked up and down at the seemingly healthy face, complaining somewhat, "If you are well, you are sick, don't spread it to the Rong family, thinking that we have treated you badly, we are all well, you are the one who caused the illness, and let us Jun Yao was taken aback, and hurriedly hugged you to the hospital that he personally sent you to."

Looking forward silently, the retro quartz clock showed that it was early in the morning. It had been a few hours since she had a conversation with Lin Junyao in the room. How many hours has he been there?
Didn't he hate her enough? Didn't he mean that she couldn't die anyway?
Dazed for a moment, she bowed her head and said to Chen Minzhi, "Then I'll go back to my room first."

When walking in, I vaguely heard the unabashed conversation between Chen Minzhi and the nanny: "It doesn't look like I'm sick."

"It's not pretending to be sick."

In their impression, she is a bad person, so no matter what she does, she is a bad person.

This night, he slept surprisingly well, but he had some disturbing dream, which kept haunting him in a trance. After being woken up by the sound of the phone, no matter how clear the dream was, he was so disturbed that he couldn't remember it anymore.

She picked up the phone a little irritably, and said, "Xu Yinglu, please...Are you trying to kill me..."

"Rongyan, you are still sleeping, wake me up!"

"Just ordered?"

"What time is it? It's already nine o'clock."

Rong Yan opened her eyes, and she saw that it was already dawn. She only slept on half of the big bed, and the other half was still cold. She reached out and touched it, thinking, I'm afraid it will be like this for the rest of her life.

Turning over, she said to Xu Yinglu on the phone, "I've been sleeping for a long time."

Xu Yinglu immediately said sharply, "Now, come to the office immediately! Don't you know something happened?"

The face froze.

After putting down the phone, Rong Yan tidied herself up as quickly as possible, and rushed to the office immediately.

The office is composed of seven or eight brothers, plus other various employees, it is usually very busy.

Rongyan walked in quickly, saw Xu Yinglu coming to greet her, and said when she saw Rongyan, "My ancestor, I told you not to take any case at will, and everything you did after you went to court yesterday was photographed." , Now that the case has become big, the Internet is full of condemnation for the two children, the scolding is very fierce, the boss just drove away a group of reporters in the morning, and the boss wants to see you for a talk later, you are really going to die."

Yan Yan didn't take it seriously, "I just performed my duties as a lawyer and spoke for my client, and I didn't violate the lawyer's rules."

Xu Yinglu clapped her hands, "Return the lawyer's rules. When you get into trouble, whoever tells you the lawyer's rules will say that you are inhumane and speak up for the villains. Yesterday you didn't see the story and you were all on CCTV."

Xu Yinglu took out a screenshot from her phone, and Weibo was spreading rumors about those two pairs of immature eyes, "Now is the era when public opinion is fiercer than tigers, look at you being scolded..."

Yan Yan could see that most of the hundreds of retweets were curses on her.

Yan Yan didn't care about this, and advanced into the partner's room of the firm.

After a while, she came out.

Xu Yinglu hurried over again, "How's it going?"

She spread her hands on her face and said, "It's time for a vacation."

Xu Yinglu opened her mouth wide, "What? Why are you on vacation..."

There was no expression on her face, and as she walked, she said indifferently, "Don't make such an expression, we have gone through in-depth discussions, very rigorous discussions, and finally decided for the future development of the entire firm and its influence in the industry. It's better to wait for the limelight to pass, this matter probably won't last long."

Xu Yinglu cut his voice, "Does it mean that you can't afford to be provoked and can hide? It's too uninteresting. Doesn't it mean the same as abandoning you?"

Rong Yan said, "I know you want to say abandon the pawns and bail the car, right?"

Rong Yan went into her office and tidied up the desktop. She had just obtained her lawyer qualification certificate for two years, and she was considered a junior in the industry, so she shared the same office with Xu Yinglu and a secretary assistant. When it's over, say to Xu Yinglu, "Be more honest when I'm not around, now I'm too busy to take care of myself, and I can't help you if something happens to you."

Xu Ying was so angry, "Don't act like a farewell, it's something bigger."

Rong Yan said, "It's good that you know it's a serious matter, don't curse, especially in front of the boss, don't get emotional, he also thinks of everyone."

"Yes, yes, as long as you are righteous, look at it, people will think of you, and will beat the dog in the water."

"Look at your mouth, whose dog are you talking about?"

Xu Yinglu hurriedly patted her mouth, "I'll keep my mouth shut..."

In fact, what Xu Yinglu said was correct, when Rong Yan went to the tea restaurant to pack her tea sets, she heard them discussing inside: "I take all kinds of wicked cases for the sake of making money, I already knew it would not end well."

"This time, she was innocently implicated. In fact, she is not that bad usually."

"You didn't read what she said in the report. It's really cold-blooded. I wonder if she is a woman."

"But what she said is also true. Don't we speak for our clients, but also for each other?"

"So to be a lawyer, you have to look at your own conscience, and don't accept any immoral cases. It's not her own fault. This time, the disaster happened, and the entire law firm was scolded, saying that we as lawyers have no sense of public morality. "

Standing at the door, Rong Yan saw Xu Yinglu looking at her from behind, she smiled, but she still didn't open the door to go in, she took her back quietly, and said, "Put away those tea sets for me first."

Xu Yinglu was aggrieved for her, "Usually they think you, a newcomer, earn more than them, and they are blatantly jealous."

Rong Yan said, "They're right. I didn't see any conscience when I took the case. They have a choice, but I don't have a choice. So I went home and ate myself today, which was also caused by me."

Xu Yinglu said, "But they don't want to think about who is making money for the firm. If they are as upright as they are, and only accept cases from good people...the firm will not be able to continue, really..."

Rongyan finally packed up her files and put them together in a box, and then accompanied by Xu Yinglu, she left the office.

In the past few days, the TV has been tracking and reporting on that case, and her appearance really became popular overnight. Every day, I can see bad comments on her on TV, and I also use her as a template to discuss deeply about the conscience of lawyers. .

On the contrary, some people analyzed it objectively, and felt that lawyers should be like this, and their appearance completely followed the lawyer's standards, and they did nothing wrong.

So there are two factions on the Internet and on TV, one is called Conscience Denunciation Group, and the other is called Unconscientious Lawyers Group. Naturally, appearance is regarded as a typical example of unconscientious lawyers, and they are criticized almost every day.

Rong Yan is now glad that her marriage into the Lin family has not been made public, otherwise these comments will bring up the national topic of the gap between the rich and the poor that leads to damage to the conscience.

It's just that these are disgusting for Chen Minzhi.

At the dinner table, when Rong Yan was eating with her head down, the news about the case was being broadcast on TV again, Rong Yan raised her head to look, but she was just pitiful, those two children cried several times a day, gradually changed from innocent children , became a tool of that poor family.

She shook her head helplessly, but she saw Chen Minzhi holding the chopsticks, picking up the vegetables, and glancing at her.

Rong Yan lowered her head again.

In a blink of an eye, Chen Minzhi snorted, and said deliberately in a dark voice, "Look at those two poor children..."

Zhang's mother on the side also echoed, "Ah, people who have never been a mother can't understand it. Seeing those tears makes my heart break. How come there are such cruel people in this world who don't know."

The two looked at Rongyan, who lowered her head and put down her chopsticks, got up, smiled and said to the two of them, "Eat slowly, I'm done, I'm going back to my room first."

Seeing her walking towards the stairs, Mama Zhang spat loudly.

The next day, Chen Minzhi told Rongyan that she was idle at home anyway, and she should fulfill her duties as a daughter-in-law and do more things.

Rongyan took Mama Zhang's hand and went to the laundry room. He listened to Chen Minzhi's order, lifted up the stalls, and cleaned everything underneath.

After working for a whole day, Yanyan finally wiped every corner of the room clean in the afternoon, and when she went downstairs to eat, she saw Chen Minzhi sitting at the dining table, and there were only leftovers left on the table.

Seeing her coming down, Chen Minzhi intentionally showed surprise on his face, and said, "I forgot you haven't eaten yet, you're going to eat it up, hey, Mama Zhang, I just said to take the rest to your big yellow dog, now She's here, so you don't need to take it."

Zhang Ma on the side responded with a smile, "That's right, young mistress, it's a coincidence, come and eat."

Standing on a flight of stairs, Rongyan smiled and said, "You guys eat, I'm not hungry." Then she turned and walked upstairs to return to the room. It was still cold, and Rongyan sat on the chair in the study, bowing her head. I picked up the case on the file to look at it, but I didn't look at it for a long time.

After watching for a while, Rongyan picked up the phone and called Xu Yinglu.

"Sister, I have been very leisurely these few days. Your sister and I are so busy. You don't know that you are not here. Our office is like a pig's nest. I just realized now that you are an indispensable part of our office." Member, your status in my heart is becoming more and more like a god..."

Rong Yan ignored her nonsense and just said, "Hey, there are some things that I don't feel comfortable coming out to. Do me a favor and check things."

Xu Yinglu laughed, "Why, can't help but want to reverse the case for myself?"

Rong Yan said, "It's been a week, and such a shitty thing is still being reported, don't you think it's a bit of a problem?"

Xu Yinglu said, "That's what you said, okay, just tell me if you have anything to do."

The next day, when Rong Yan went out, Chen Minzhi watched her put on her shoes, hugged her Persian cat, lowered her head and teased her, and let out a piercing laugh, "Don't you dare to go out, aren't you afraid everyone will shout and beat you?"

Yan Yan was wearing the uniform she usually wears when she goes to court, she lowered her head and stepped on five centimeter high heels, "I'm going out."

It was a beautiful sunny day, and after she went out to meet Xu Yinglu, Xu Yinglu said quickly as she walked, "It's the same as what you said, I heard from friends that such reports are usually not reported unless they attract special attention. It will be reported continuously for a week. I investigated it. Your case has been reported dozens of times in a week. Among them, the city’s legal channel has reported the most and said the most vicious words. It is not at all to see that comment. Objectively, it must be deliberately blacking you."

The two got into the car, and her face told her to continue, "The Internet is also all caused by trolls. You should be less readable and attractive than a celebrity, but for no reason, there are hundreds of thousands of reposts and comments every day. , so it didn’t fall off the topic list for a week.”

After hearing this, Rong Yan laughed, "It really took a lot of money to mess with me, shouldn't I feel honored? A fledgling lawyer is treated like this."

Xu Yinglu didn't know what to say, "You still laugh, you didn't ask for it yourself, you don't usually look at it, you take any wicked lawsuits, I checked your records by the way yesterday, what kind of murderer, Rapist, our firm let you pick up all of them by yourself, you can see that the senior brother is much smarter than you, if you have nothing to do, just pick up economic disputes, that saves trouble and a lot of money, most of them know privately that they don’t even need to go to court, they get to know each other They are all rich and powerful, recently I see that he often goes out and about in the upper class, even the way he walks looks like a capitalist."

Xu Yinglu didn't forget to stare at her as she spoke, "Look at you again, you have been an assistant for three years and a lawyer for two years, who do you know?"

His face was raised and his eyebrows were raised. Looking back, he was the one who didn't realize what could help him.

First of all, she has never been picky, and has always picked up the leftovers that others don't want in the office, so she must be honest. Most of the people she knows in business are struggling for a second life in prison, and second, she is not good at communication. , so occasionally I can receive one or two good cases. Usually when the case is over, others will come to a thank-you banquet, but Yan Yan waved his hand and declined without saying a word.

Rong Yan looked at the form in her hand, "This is the itinerary of the reporter surnamed Xu who reported it?"

"Well, it's just a coincidence that my mother's cousin's aunt's daughter-in-law's natal relatives work in a TV station, so I got them here."

Yan Yan glanced at her, too lazy to joke with her, just looked at the other party's whereabouts on the itinerary, and made a plan.

Xu Yinglu said, "But what did you ask him for? You didn't want to kneel down and beg for mercy to let him let you go and stop reporting."

Rong Yan said, "He's just a reporter, what can he know, I just want to know who the one behind me is playing with me."

Xu Yinglu said, "Hey, there are so many people reporting on your matter, how do you know that this person knows who is behind it?"

(End of this chapter)

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