my wishful wolf

Chapter 10 Gu Minmin, if you fall in love, you will fall in love (1)

Chapter 10 Gu Minmin, if you fall in love, you will fall in love (1)
In the evening, she still returned to Lu Dongning's house, and as soon as she entered the door, she saw Lu Dongning going out.

Lu Dongning was still having a fever yesterday, but now it seems that he is not well. His face is pale, and there are bloodshot eyes.There is still purple on the lips.

He glanced at her, passed her and walked out. She turned her head and said in surprise, "What are you going to do? Are you still having a fever?"

He said, "You don't have to worry about it." He didn't even bother to turn his head, and then walked out.

It was Shao An who turned around and said, "I've been delayed for a few days. I haven't finished a big case recently. My brother is going to socialize."

She frowned, entertaining?Going to entertain like this?

Lu Dongning looked at him sideways, because of his talkativeness, there was scolding in his eyes.

Shao An shut up and said no more.

Gu Minmin said, "You don't have to do it yourself for the entertainment, just go with it like this... Are you going to kill yourself?"

He turned around, "Do I need you to take care of my affairs?"

"I..." Her words froze there, and she swallowed them forcefully.

She glared at him, raised her head, and said angrily, "Okay, you go, I wish you never return." After finishing speaking, she stepped on her high heels and entered the room.

He turned his head to look at her, because of the illness, the originally sharp upturned corners of his lips were now a little sunken, and he squeezed them tightly so that they didn't show up.

He was indeed helped in at night.

Gu Minmin didn't wait for him meanly, but habitually leaned against the head of the bed, thinking about the reception work for the next few days, but heard a sound of panic outside, she thought, it must be that they came back, stopped, She got out of bed anyway and walked outside.

He frowned tightly, his face was as pale as a piece of paper, and his black clothes made his body look narrower, and he looked so pitiful.

Shao An and Peng Qianzhu supported him, Shao An turned around and said, "Sister-in-law, I fainted on the way."

If he is still awake, she will decisively say that he deserves it.

However, seeing his current appearance, she could only sigh, walked over, and started to work together with them.

After changing his clothes and letting him lie down, he moved his fingers and slowly opened his eyes. His weak eyes were dimmed, as if he was still half asleep and half awake.He pushed away Gu Minmin's hand and turned his head away.

She took a deep breath and looked at him. Everyone was out, and she was wiping his arm with a wet towel.

Now being pushed by him like this, she became angry, "Hey, Lu Dongning, why are you losing your temper?"

He frowned and didn't open his eyes.

She said, "Did I offend you? Or what, Su Hui came yesterday and awakened your love. Now you are afraid that if you are so close to me, I will rely on you, right? Let me tell you, Lu Dongning, you Don't think that you are such a sweet pastry, I really didn't think about it, I just blocked the wine for you that day out of loyalty, and now I take care of you because you don't even have a caring person here, I think you are pitiful!" He His eyes moved, but they still didn't open after all.

She raised his hand to wipe it for him, but this time she didn't move it honestly. She wiped each finger carefully, and scolded him as she wiped, "Do you think you are good enough for a child? If you don't want to marry me Just say it directly. If you like others, you can go after them directly. You are still blaming others, thinking that it is the fault of others. In fact, which one is not you who gave up? You have a cold face with me all day long. Do you think you can torture me? Isn't it? Lu Dongning, let me tell you that frowning for a long time can shorten a person's life by three years, so if you frown, it won't affect me, it's your own life anyway..."

He withdrew his hand, "What are you talking about?"

He couldn't bear it anymore, and finally spoke.

She looked at him like that, but giggled, so that the two little canine teeth in her smile came out.

He rolled his eyes at her, she took his hand and continued to wipe him, her nagging voice became much lower, "Why are you working so hard, really..."

His dull voice was a little hoarse, "This is people like us. We all have the same fate. Outsiders only think that success is easy, and they are envious and hated, but they don't know. In order not to be laughed at as playboys and prodigal sons, We have to work harder."

She paused, then slightly raised her eyes to look at him, she could tell that he looked like he was on the wine table, in extreme pain, but still wanted to joke with others.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that he was really pitiful.

He said, "Everyone is giving, but the giving is different. No one has the right to hate and blame others."

She can understand what he said, because they are the same kind of people after all.

He had a fever repeatedly at night, she sat on the side and looked at him, he was dazed and sober for a while, and in the end, he couldn't tell when he was in a daze and when he was sober.

She heard him say repeatedly, Su Hui... Su Hui... Every sound seemed to be piercingly painful, pulling the quilt under her body, and even the needles stuck in her hands were torn off because of too much force up.

She pressed his hand and whispered softly in his ear, "It's okay, it's okay, go to sleep..." He slowly fell asleep again.

She didn't know what happened to them, just seeing him like this, imagining how profound the past was, she felt envious in her heart.

She should be envious of the love of those people, because in this family, she has long lost the opportunity to experience that kind of deep love.She sat there looking at him, watching him, and slowly fell asleep.

At this moment, he frowned tightly and fell into a nightmare again. He grabbed the air in front of him and cried out deeply, "Gu Minmin...Gu Minmin...Minmin..."

Then, he opened his eyes.

Gu Minmin lay on the bed and fell asleep.

Her long eyelashes are attached to her eyes, and she looks like she is asleep, like a porcelain doll. She is lying there, her posture is not very good, she will not look too comfortable, her long hair is scattered on one side, as soft as the best silk and satin .

He reached out and stroked her long hair gently.

He and her are like two curled up hedgehogs, as long as they get too close, they will hurt each other. However, if they are far away... Her hair is very good, he stroked it silently, and moved it slowly. on her cheeks...

She opened her eyes, he froze for a moment, and slapped her on the cheek.

She raised her head angrily, "Lu Dongning..."

He coughed dryly and said, "Seeing that the patient fell asleep by himself, go and pour me some water."

She gritted her teeth and looked at him, "Hey, I'm here to take care of you to see how pitiful you are. Don't treat me as a servant."

His lips were shriveled, his face was as white as a ghost, that’s all, he was still staring at her, his frowning eyebrows were like rolling hills, she sighed, forget it, forget it, it seems that he is really sick For serious sake...

She poured water and handed it to him to drink, he stretched out his hand, looking weak, she glared at him, stepped forward, helped him up, and fed him with a water glass, he drank a lot of water in one breath.

Putting down the water glass, she touched his forehead, it seemed much better, she put her hand on his forehead, raised her head, looked at the roof and considered what medicine should be given to him to strengthen, he looked at her serious eyes Eyes, a sudden heart move.

She only felt a pair of hot hands holding hers, and she was taken aback for a moment, then lowered her head, and saw the brilliance in his eyes, stained with different colors...

Her eyes widened, and she jumped for some reason...

The two looked at each other silently, as if time stopped at that moment...

It took him a long time to hold her tightly...

"Gu Minmin...don't fall in love with me, please, don't fall in love with me..."

The trembling heart just now stagnated again at that moment, her hand moved, she looked into his eyes, suddenly, she smiled, and she withdrew her hand, "What are you talking about, you are so stupid, aren't you? Falling in love You? You think you are RMB, and everyone will love you."

She turned around and cleaned up the water glasses on the table. He looked at her back, "Really?"

The next day his fever finally subsided, and his body slowly recovered. In order to prevent him from relapsing, several brothers took turns watching him every day to prevent him from showing off.

So she went on to work in Huangshi.

In the morning, she was about to be late, dragging her slippers and busily combing her hair, finding something to get stuck, Lu Dongjing sat there quietly eating breakfast, her comfortable appearance made her resentful, he looked up from the newspaper and saw her Standing in the porch wearing high heels, Shao An walked in, "Sister-in-law, you're going to be late, I'll drive to see you off."

She raised her head and looked at Shao An gratefully, "Thank you, Shao An, well, I will trouble you today." She turned her head and said, "Lu Dongning, remember to take your medicine." Then she followed Shao An out run away.

His brow furrowed slightly.

"Brother, sister-in-law is becoming more and more like a sister-in-law now." Ji Yan walked in from the inside while wiping his hair.

Lu Dongning turned his head to look at him, "Really?"

Ji Yan said, "Yeah, actually, my sister-in-law has the ability to make people like me. I used to think that she has nothing and is not good enough for big brother, but now I feel that she is really good with big brother. Tsk tsk, In addition to being too stubborn, she is really a good woman. The big brother's choice this time is really right. You see, she is also very caring and sincere to people. Although she is an official lady, she is not official at all. It’s really hard to get the habit of it.”

Ji Yan seldom praises others, and even said so many advantages in one breath.

He sat next to Lu Dongning, "And now she and the elder brother are getting more and more in tune. You see that the two of you speak very well now. The brothers have noticed it these two days."

In Lu Dongning's calm eyes, a winter-like coldness suddenly rose, and he looked at him, "Really?"

For some reason, Gu Minmin couldn't help but think of Lu Dongning when he was at work. He was sick at home and without her watching, he didn't know if he was obedient. Thinking about it, it seemed that he had gradually outlined his appearance in his mind.

"Oh, I can't think about it any more, a monster with a bad temper, why should I think about him."

After get off work, I wanted to go back directly, but suddenly changed my mind.

Thinking about that bastard all day, now you can't wait to go back after work?

Forget it, let's look back at home, see my father, see my sister, family is the closest thing, isn't it?
When she got home, she walked into the room. The aunt at home saw her and said kindly, "Second Miss is back."

She nodded, "Where's Dad?"

"Talk to your aunt upstairs."

She went straight upstairs, wanting to say hello to her father first, and went upstairs, but before she had time to say hello, she heard her aunt's voice, "Leave her alone, she's already married anyway, Yanyan is If you can't recover no matter what, just take it as she is Yanyan."

Gu Minmin could tell that they were talking about her.

She didn't want to eavesdrop, but she just wanted to put on a smile and go out when Gu Xiujie said, "But she's not Yanyan, I don't even know if she's my daughter!"

Gu Minmin's steps stopped again, and she stood there, feeling as if a big rock had been hung on her heart, making her feel uncomfortable.

Gu Xiujie said, "Back then, Qingwan was pregnant when she obviously didn't want to have any more children... At that time, I knew that she was entangled with her college classmate, but for the sake of our family's reputation, I didn't dare to say anything about it. Looking at it now... ..." He sighed, "There are so many children in the family, but her personality is a thousand miles away from mine. She doesn't have the personality of a lady like a big lady, and she is petty."

The aunt said, "Brother, forget it, now that Yanyan has become like this, it's useless to say anything, the Lu family has a good eye for our family, and thought that because of the Su family's affairs, he would definitely deal with us Family, now that the two families have become in-laws, it's not all thanks to Minmin that they live in peace, hey, even if we have raised her for so many years, we have given our family something in return."

The two continued to chatter, maybe they didn't expect her to come back suddenly, yes, today is Tuesday, if it wasn't for Lu Dongning, she would still be at work now.

She went down the stairs slowly, her steps becoming heavier each time. The words of her aunt and father echoed in her mind one by one, like thorns, piercing her heart, leaving her full of wounds and dripping with blood. .

So, Dad has always been indifferent to her since she was a child, and never joked with her like he did with Yanyan, and let her act like a baby?So, he gave Yanyan everything, but always forgot about her, even if her birthday was always past, he suddenly remembered that Minmin's birthday was just a few days before Yanyan...

But in her room, there is still the birthday present that her father has been replenishing for her. Every time, she keeps it as a treasure.

The aunt saw her coming down, and said strangely, "Why, isn't it up there?"

She covered her forehead and said, "No, my feet hurt, and it's hard to go upstairs. I can't do it after two steps. I'll go first." She smiled at the aunt, and the aunt said, "Hey, let's eat at home... "

But she was so dazed that she forgot to answer and just walked out.

She has always relied on the Gu family, which is different from Yanyan's financial dependence. She regards the Gu family as her home, and home is her safe haven after being injured. No matter how hard it is outside, she just needs to remember, it doesn't matter, if she really With nothing, she still has a home.

The eldest brother and the second brother always cause trouble, and the family can't help them settle it right away. Gu Yanyan is always self-willed, and the family can't help her deal with it soon, but she has always been very obedient. She used to think that her independent personality, It was because Gu Yanyan instructed her since she was a child, treating her as a follower, and trained for such a long time, but she never thought that maybe the follower is a different gene...

She walked there slowly, her feet were still other people's shoes that would never fit, she suddenly felt funny, she didn't like to hold other people's things so much, but she didn't want to, the house belonged to others, she was always occupied by others At home, enjoying the paternal love that does not belong to her, she smiled wryly, tears streaming down silently.

She never felt that she was a strong person, but every time she wanted to cry, she would tell herself that tears are a reward from God, and there are not many rewards. So she swallowed all the pain, but now she couldn't stop it, no matter what she said to herself, she still couldn't help it, the tears just fell like that...

She remembered her aunt's words, "Even if you have raised her for so many years, you can give our family something in return."

Lu Dongning's evil smile flashed across her eyes, funny, if she divorced Lu Dongning, would it be the Lu family who abandoned her, and not only the Lu family, but also the Gu family?

It was already midnight when Lu Dongning found out about this matter, and Gu Minmin didn't come back at night. Although he was anxious, he stubbornly refused to ask, until Gu's family called to ask if Minmin had gone back...

He heard that their voices seemed wrong, so he asked carefully, but they naturally wouldn't say anything, so he asked Shao An to investigate what happened and why Gu Minmin ran out.

Shao An walked into the room with a serious expression on his face.

"Brother, I'm back." He said.

Lu Dongning frowned, "Have you found out?"

He nodded and pursed his lips, as if it was difficult to speak.

Lu Dongning asked, "What happened?"

"It seems that Mr. Gu talked about sister-in-law's life experience with sister-in-law's aunt... Said that sister-in-law is probably not the real flesh and blood of the Gu family... Later I found out... Someone said that Gu Xiujie suspected that Gu Minmin was not his biological daughter, but It was the child born to my sister-in-law's mother with others..."

Lu Dongning was also very surprised, he stood up, turned his head, looked out of the window, the light hit his back, Shao An stood there, waiting for his next order.

With his hands behind his back, he was silent for a long time before saying, "Let someone find Gu Minmin."

Shao An listened to the order and withdrew.

Lu Dongning was still standing there, and Gu Minmin's smile came to mind. When she laughed, her cat-like eyes shone with brilliance. When she cried, the crystal tears in her eyes made people's hearts move. She always looked at him vigilantly, and if he got close, her whole body would become alert. That way, she also looked like a frightened cat.

He laughed, this cat-like woman...

It's slippery, and it's impossible to grasp it.

Gu Minmin sat by the river, looking at the river, the stone bench below was cold and hard, but she didn't seem to feel it, the sky was unexpectedly clear, the moonlight was exceptionally clear, sprinkled on people, as if they were covered with a layer of water The silver tulle is as beautiful as it is flowing.

The fireflies in summer are flying in the bushes, and it looks very beautiful from a distance.

However, she had no intention of admiring the scenery, just sitting there, looking hopelessly at the river in front of her...

After sitting like that for a long time, she didn't know whether it was minutes, hours, or centuries, she stood up slowly, feeling her feet were a little numb, and walked towards the river, the chaotic river was surging forward in the night with waves, I don't know the end.

She walked over slowly, her footsteps could be flimsy.

When Lu Dongning arrived, he saw her walking towards the edge of the water. He was startled and ran over in a hurry, pulling her back the moment she stepped into the water.

She was completely in a daze, looking blankly at the person in front of her, her eyes seemed to lose her soul.

He frowned, furiously, pulled her shoulders, and yelled at her, "Gu Minmin, what are you doing, what a big deal, you are here to seek life and death!"

Gu Minmin's head was shaken even more confused, the person in front of him roared, looking extremely angry.

She paused and said, "You...why are you here..."

He really wanted to strangle this woman to death, and after searching for most of the night, he finally found her. She actually ran to the riverside where he was drunk that day. Over there, the resort was already asleep in the middle of the night, and the quiet feeling was very suitable for tears.

He said, "I already know, Gu Minmin, it's just a suspicion, maybe it's not true..."

The corners of her eyebrows twitched, and it took a long time to understand what he was talking about, so tears flowed down again, she shook her head, "It has nothing to do with that, what makes me sad is his suspicion... He has already made up his mind, He didn't think of me as a daughter at all, but only as his tool..."

He wanted to persuade her, but found that there was no reason at all.

So he bit his lips and said, "That's it, you don't have to come here to live and die, do you? They will treat you as a daughter after you die?"

She blinked her teary eyes, "Who wants to die."

He pointed to the river on one side, the water had already overflowed his shoes, and he said, "Aren't you going in?"

She wiped her tears, "Whoever wants to go in, I'm just sleepy and want to wash my face..."

He stayed there, only to realize that he really lost his composure just now.

So he became angry from embarrassment, "Gu go to hell, why don't you jump into the river, go ahead, jump off quickly!"

He pushed her, she frowned and looked at him, "What are you doing, you want to murder while no one is around!"

He took a deep breath, rolled her eyes, and said, "Let's go, go back, it's almost dawn."

She shook her head, "I won't go back..."

He frowned, "What are you doing here?"

She said, "Leave me alone."

Pushing him away, she walked back slowly, and sat back on the original stone stool.

(End of this chapter)

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