Chapter 953

After eleven o'clock in the evening.

a certain area.

A mountain is completely surrounded by clouds and mist, and there is a palace on the top of the mountain.

There is a tall chair in the palace, and a man in white robe sits on it.

ka ka ka-

In the palace, there was silence, but in the man's ears, there were crackling sounds that kept ringing out.

"What a guts—"

After a few minutes, the sound of clicking sounded from time to time, and became continuous. The man raised his eyebrows, and his face became a little ugly.

Slowly standing up from the seat, his long steamed bun hair moved without wind, and an indescribable force appeared on his body, leaving countless traces in the hall in an instant.

He raised his feet, walked down the steps step by step, and then walked out of the palace.

He looked in a certain direction and walked slowly.


ka ka ka-

On Kunlun Mountain, from Wang Chen's thatched hut, there was a very clear cracking sound, and at the same time, the surrounding clouds were also rolling, and invisible forces rushed towards Wang Chen's thatched hut.

Xiao Gao and the others stopped building the attic. They all sat cross-legged outside the hut, as if they were practicing.

As for Tian Zijin and Pluto, they were pointing Lin Xijian and Su Ziming, two people who didn't understand anything.


After about half an hour passed like this, there was a sudden bang sound in the hut, and at the same time, the aura around the hut became more intense.

The Wang Chen on the cliff propped his cheek with one hand, lying on the cliff, his eyes were getting darker and darker, but at that time a ray of light flickered from time to time, indicating that he was still alive.

Tian Zijin turned his head to look at Wang Chen, and said to Pluto with a wry smile: "This guy, I don't know what he is thinking, the Jue Ming body has begun to crack, and he is slowly recovering into the innate Tao body.

At this time, he came here to practice for 1 minute, which is equivalent to half a year of normal practice, and the purity of this spiritual energy is not comparable to that of ordinary spiritual energy. "

"Who knows."

Pluto shrugged, and suddenly looked in a certain direction, her expression gradually became serious.

Tian Zijin knew why Pluto's expression became serious, but she didn't show it.

Glancing towards Su Ziming, Tian Zijin was silent for a while, and suddenly said to Pluto: "Call Xiao Gao, the three of us find a place to hide, I want to see what expression that guy will have when he comes later." .

If the three of us are here, it is estimated that he is pretending to be non-human. "

"I didn't expect our goddess to be bad enough, giggling."

Pluto giggled, came to Xiao Gao's side, and whispered a few words to him.

Xiao Gao was a little unhappy at first, but when he heard what Pluto said, he nodded instantly, stood up quickly, and walked in one direction.

Wang Chen who was sitting motionless on the cliff suddenly turned his head, glanced at the three of Tianzijin, then smiled silently, remembering to wait.

I...have been brewing for several hours, that probably coming soon.

bang bang bang-

When Wang Chen was thinking this way, the sound of bang bang bang in the hut became more and more continuous, while the clicking sound just now disappeared completely.

It was as if the cracking sound just now was the sound of the chain breaking, but now the bang bang bang was the sound of the chain breaking completely and falling to the ground.

Closing his eyes and then opening them again, Wang Chen's eyes instantly turned one black and one silver.

With the transformation of his eyes, some things that he couldn't see normally appeared in Wang Chen's sight.

At this moment, in his line of sight, countless auras of heaven and earth surged from the surroundings to the mountain, and then rushed towards the thatched hut.

Half of them stayed outside and were absorbed by Emperor Yu and the others, and the remaining half entered the hut.


Wang Chen let out a breath, and in an instant, a small hole appeared not far away, as if it was pierced by Wang Chen's breath just now.

Looking at the small hole, Wang Chen's eyes recovered instantly.

The power that I have been brewing for several hours has been brewed to the extreme, and I can no longer brew it.

Taking out his mobile phone, he took a few selfies for himself. Taking advantage of the luck of the mobile phone, Wang Chen quickly sent those photos to his circle of friends on the contract software.

After putting away the mobile phone, Wang Chen began to wait again.

boom -

Around twelve o'clock, there was a booming sound in the hut, and then a wave of air radiated from the hut.

Although Lin Xijian and Su Ziming obtained exercises under the teachings of Tian Zijin and Pluto, and absorbed some spiritual energy, and had a little strength in their bodies, the usefulness of the air waves almost caused them both to be blown away.

However, Chen and Emperor Yu were fast enough to sit cross-legged in front of the two of them in an instant, helping them offset the air waves emanating from the hut.

Sensing the aura emanating from the hut, Wang Chen's eyes that had become somewhat dull lit up slightly, and his fingers moved.

"Calculate the time, it's almost here."

Wang Chen knew that he wouldn't be able to wait for long, because the jueming body was almost cracked, and he was about to completely transform back to the innate dao body.

On Kunlun Mountain, countless white clouds are surging, as if auspiciousness is coming.

At the same time, an invisible pressure began to shroud Kunlun Mountain, making everyone's mood inexplicably heavy.

Feeling the relaxing atmosphere, everyone knew that the Jueming Body was almost finished cracking.

And the inexplicable heavy breath, everyone also understood that this should be the trouble caused by cracking the Jueming body.

In the thatched hut, the rumbling sounds became more and more intense, and the extremely heavy breath became more and more heavy, causing sweat to appear on the foreheads of Su Ziming and Lin Xijian.

Especially Su Ziming, he felt a threat of death, as if he was going to die soon.

But when he held the wooden sign tightly in his hand, he felt that feeling disappeared again...

Looking at the wooden sign in his hand, Su Ziming had a very strange expression on his face.


When it was almost one o'clock in the morning, a particularly loud sound came out from the hut. At the same time, the thunderclouds in the sky surged and disappeared instantly, which looked particularly shocking.

The moment the thunder cloud disappeared, the aura in Kunlun surged towards the hut endlessly.


At the same moment, there was an inexplicable sound of footsteps, as if stepping on a person's heart, which made everyone feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Sill is dead."

A man appeared on top of the hut without warning. He looked down at the hut, as if he saw the hut, said indifferently, and pointed a finger under the hut.

"Wait for you for a long time."

At the same time as the man's voice fell, Wang Chen's voice sounded. He still maintained a reclining posture, but the surrounding grass burst out infinite sword energy, and at the same time, the clouds and mist in the cliff gathered into a cloud and mist long sword. The cliff is the sheath, and the white cloud is the sword.

The long sword slowly emerged from the scabbard, which was extraordinarily gorgeous.

(End of this chapter)

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