The personal soldier king of the beautiful president

Chapter 923 Organizing the Second Round of Attack

Chapter 923 Organizing the Second Round of Attack


Emperor Yu was silent for a long time, and finally gave a wry smile.

Now she finally understood why Old Monster Zhou always said that Wang Chen's destructive power was the best.

Because the way Wang Chen walked was simply too terrifying, to actually directly tear a crack in the space, how terrifying it is.


Zan Xunhua muttered in a daze, Wang Chen's big move just now really shocked him.

I have only seen this kind of trick once in my life, and it was this time.

This is no longer a power that humans can control, it is simply terrible.

Emperor Yu didn't know what was going on in Zan Xunhua's mind, she kept blinking her beautiful eyes, and asked very curiously: "Junior Brother, I feel that your move just now combined many tricks, can you explain it to Senior Sister carefully?" one time?"

"of course can."

Wang Chen nodded, took out a cigarette from his pocket and smoked it, and said slowly: "First, such a trick requires a powerful and terrifying body, otherwise it can't bear such a load, because it's nothing Ordinary power, but the power of space.

Second, when I shot just now, the moment I opened my hands, I controlled the surrounding power and at the same time used the killing technique, otherwise, it would be impossible to tear open the space.

How should I put it, as what you said just now, senior sister, at this level, it doesn't matter if you use big moves or not. Now we are walking the right way and talking about the truth. "

The funeral painting was very confused by Wang Chen's words, but Emperor Yu's eyes became brighter and brighter. She touched her chin, pondered for a while, and asked: "What's the matter with those fragments?"

"Space debris."

Wang Chen patiently explained to Emperor Yu, but he didn't explain too much, because he believed that Emperor Yu could understand.

Because he and Yudi are both people of the same level, Yudi can definitely understand.

"So it is."

Yudi murmured in a low voice, Wang Chen's move just now was based on space, that is to say, the premise of this move must be able to break the space and make the surrounding space unstable.

As the space became unstable, many space debris would emerge, and Wang Chen manipulated those forces to kill the enemy.

However, she reckoned that no one else could use this move except Wang Chen, because the prerequisite for this move was to have enough control over the space and enough confidence in the body.

The most important thing is that there must be enough strength to tear apart the space and then restore the space, otherwise, it will definitely cause catastrophe.

Suddenly, Emperor Yu patted his forehead, and said helplessly to Wang Chen: "You just gestured to tell me that you only used [-]% of your strength, but you should be more than [-]% of your strength."

"It's really only [-]%."

Wang Chen shrugged his shoulders. What he displayed just now was indeed only [-]% of his strength. Otherwise, how could he have killed those twelve people so slowly? If he shot with all his strength, they would be killed if they couldn't react.

The reason why Emperor Yu felt more than [-]% of his strength was probably related to the commotion just now.

After all, even he was a little shocked by the movement made by that move just now.

Because I never thought that [-]% power could produce such a shocking effect.

Emperor Yu was completely speechless, but in the end he patted Wang Chen's shoulder very happily, and said with a smile: "Junior Brother, if Senior Sister is in a bad mood in the future, you can use this trick to make Senior Sister happy, don't tell me , Your move just now is like a miniature version of the Milky Way, it’s so beautiful.”

"Yeah, I want to see it too."

Zan Xun Hua Miao turned into a little girl and nodded fiercely. Although the conversation between Wang Chen and Emperor Yu made him more and more unclear, but Emperor Yu's words were said in his heart.

When those fragments were gathered together, or scattered around, they were really beautiful, just like the Milky Way in the sky, making people want to be silent in it.

The words "beautiful and beautiful" were used to describe the scenery just now, but now she felt a little unworthy.

Because of that scene, the words beautiful and beautiful cannot be fully described.

"You think I'm a juggler!"

Wang Chen rolled his eyes, the magic mirrors of these two women are too big, they still want to see them.

"Don't be so stingy, junior brother."

Emperor Yu said with a smile, and finally looked around, and said with some confusion: "If the demon sees the big move you made just now, I don't know if he will dare to come out."

"A big move?"

Wang Chen murmured twice, lowered his head and looked at his hands, but at this sight, Wang Chen became confused.

Where did the two lines on the palms of my hands go...

"Let's go, I guess the Heavenly Demon will personally take action in the second half of the night."

Emperor Yu didn't notice the expression on Wang Chen's face, he searched for a trick on those cars, saw that there was nothing suspicious, came to the side of the car, said something to Wang Chen, and got on the car car.

Wang Chen sat on the passenger seat, scratching his head and said, "What about these cars?"

"So be it."

Yudi shrugged his shoulders, waited for Zang Xunhua to get back after disposing of the exploded car, and then drove away quickly.


The car drove away for about 10 minutes, and a middle-aged man came here.

He glanced at the exploded car and frowned when he saw that there was no one inside.

Looking at the other cars, the middle-aged man's brows became deeper and deeper.

Here, there is no trace of fighting at all, and the bombs on those people have not exploded, what is going on here.

"It's all rubbish."

The middle-aged man cursed in a low voice, took out his mobile phone, found a phone number and dialed it.

After the call was connected, the middle-aged man said directly: "It failed, and our people disappeared. I don't know if they were captured alive or what happened."

"Impossible to catch alive."

During the phone call, Heavenly Demon's voice came over, and finally he changed his tone and continued: "Forget it, you continue to stare and organize the second round of attacks. It doesn't matter where those wastes go."


The middle-aged man hung up the phone, returned to his car, and said to an old man sitting in the driver's seat, "Uncle You, let's go."

The old man driving the car nodded invisibly and drove away.

After the car drove more than 100 meters out of this section of the road, the old man's expression relaxed a little.

The speed of the car accelerated, and the old man said to the middle-aged man, "Do you feel that there is a feeling of dying in that place?"

"No, what's wrong?"

The middle-aged man was slightly taken aback, and gave the old man a strange look.

The old man shook his head slightly, looked back through the rearview mirror, and wondered if this was his illusion?

Or is it that the older you get, the less courageous you become?
(End of this chapter)

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