Chapter 738 Three months?
In the west, on a small island that looks like a primeval forest.

A middle-aged man with a shaggy beard was carrying a backpack, and he was shuttled across the island.

After an hour, a flat land appeared in his sight.

It is like a village, surrounded by wooden walls, with thorns all over the wooden walls.

The village has already become dilapidated, many buildings have been destroyed, and only a small half of the most complete houses remain.

As soon as the middle-aged man walked into the village, he immediately shivered. Although the weather was not bad at the moment, for some reason, he always felt that this place was gloomy and gave people a very bad feeling.

Looking at those buildings and looking at the dark red spots on the buildings, the middle-aged man secretly shook his head.

After walking to a big rock and sitting down, the middle-aged man put his backpack aside and called out in a moderate voice, "Why, an old friend is here, shouldn't you come out to meet him?"

The voice of the middle-aged man fell, and a cough sounded, and then a person came out slowly from behind a building not far away.

He was wearing tattered clothes and looked like he was in his fifties. His long hair almost reached his thighs. Although his body was a little dirty, he gave off a very detached feeling.

After the man came out, he looked at the middle-aged man and said with a faint smile, "It's you, so you're not dead yet."

"Of course I didn't die, because everyone who wants me to die is dead, and you are no exception."

The middle-aged man with a shaggy beard said indifferently, then glanced at the place where the man came out, raised his eyebrows and asked, "Why, there is an icon marking the next place?"

The man didn't answer the middle-aged man's question. He walked slowly not far from the middle-aged man, sat cross-legged on the ground, yawned, and said helplessly, "Didn't I just plot against you at the beginning, and let me Did you kill some people, do you need to chase after this shit?"

"Fuck, Uncle Ni, don't you know how many people there are? Your mother's conscience can't handle it."

When the middle-aged man heard that man's words, his eyes immediately turned red. Back then, under this man's scheming, he had caused a lot of murder in one breath. Until now, he still can't forget that scene at the beginning.

Now, I finally know who is plotting against me, and I have finally found the person plotting against me, how can I let him go.

Although it is said that killing evil has already been created, it is useless to the matter, but... no matter what, I am still alive, just to take revenge on this person who plotted against me.

The man looked at the middle-aged man, frowned slightly, and said calmly: "Those people are not good people. You should know that it is a village that sells organs. If you kill them, you will kill them. Why are you chasing after them?" .”

"It all depends on your mouth..."

"Besides, none of the other people I plotted against came to seek revenge on me, except you. Do you want to express your noble sentiments?"

Just when the middle-aged man was cursing with red eyes, the man directly interrupted the middle-aged man and said in a cold tone.

Those who achieve great things don't stick to small details, just kill a few people, and if they kill, they will be killed, which is nothing.

In my own eyes, the person in front of me has already fallen into the lower ranks.


"They didn't come to you because they didn't know you existed yet."

The man's voice fell, and there was the sound of a dead branch being trampled, and an old voice came from not far away.

The middle-aged man and the man turned their heads and saw from another direction, an old man with a crazy aura all over his body but a very peaceful face slowly approaching.

Looking at the old man, the middle-aged man had a look of shock in his eyes.

Judging from the old man's words, it was obvious that he had also been tricked by the man in front of him.

Although he knew for a long time that the person in front of him had schemed against several people, he never expected that this old man would be among them.

Because the origin of this old man is really amazing, and... his strength is much stronger than his own, even he has been calculated, he shudders when he thinks about it.

The man looked at the old man, frowned deeply, and said after a moment of silence: "I clearly remember that I killed you at that time."

The old man didn't answer his question. He came to sit next to the middle-aged man, and the aura of madness on his body suddenly dissipated, but his expression became extremely indifferent. His eyes were full of coldness and he said: "I know, we Two people together are not your opponent.

But the two of us working together can definitely hold you back, at least for half a month, and when those other people who you plotted against come here, it will be your death date. "

"With me alone, it should be able to hold him for about three months."

At this moment, a cough sounded, and a middle-aged black man appeared.

This middle-aged black man looks very thin, even frighteningly thin, but judging from his skeleton, he used to be strong, but for some unknown reason, he became like this.

The man's brows were already knit together, and he said coldly: "So you are not dead, but do you three really think that you can kill me in the end? You know, among the strong men I calculated, four of them are in the state It's been very bad."

The black middle-aged man was silent and did not speak. He sat down next to the old man and the middle-aged man, took a deep look at the man, and said to the two of them: "The three of us together should not be one plus one." It's that simple, at least it can hold him for three months, right?"

The middle-aged man and the old man didn't speak, but they both nodded firmly. Even if he died, he had to be held back for more than three months, and even if he died, he had to be prevented from leaving this place for three months. Half a step from the small island.

But that person ignored the three of them, and he murmured in a voice that only he could hear: "Among the people I plotted against, how many people are the strongest, I thought these three people were dead, The remaining six people were nothing to be afraid of, and it was unexpected that these three people were still alive.

But it's okay, the other four people are almost at their limit, at most they will cause me a little trouble, as for those two people... it's a bit not good. "

The figures of Wang Chen and Xia Qiu appeared in his mind, and the haze in that person's eyes could not dissipate for a long time.

Those two people are now estimated to be the two most powerful among the nine, so I can't underestimate them.

Although I calculated the two of them at the beginning, because of their age, I thought they were not very strong, so I didn't calculate them to kill wantonly, but I calculated them to kill several very important people.

As for the intention to kill him... Maybe Wang Chen and Xia Qiu are the ones who want to kill him the most.

It's just that I don't know how long I can keep the secret from them.

(End of this chapter)

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