Chapter 731 Sobbing
Within half an hour of Wang Chen's call, Dao Wu came to Baihua Wan in a hurry.

Linglong came with Daowu.

As soon as Dao Wu entered Villa No. [-], before Dao Wu opened her mouth, Linglong nervously looked at Wang Chen standing in front of her, and reprimanded her: "Little brother, why are you so thoughtless in doing things?" "


Wang Chen smiled at Linglong, stepped aside slightly, and let Dao Wu and Linglong walk in.

Linglong bit her alluring red lips, and stared fiercely at Wang Chen, this kid didn't take her words seriously at all.

Dao Wu sat on the sofa, with his hands crossed together, he didn't discuss the matter of Yue Organization with Wang Chen, but took a deep look at Wang Chen and said: "Your hair is not shorter than Linglong's."

"Really, I forgot to cut it off if I didn't pay attention."

Wang Chen brought two cups of tea and put them in front of Dao Wu and Linglong. After hearing Dao Wu's words, he was slightly taken aback, stroked his hair with his backhand, and finally gave a wry smile.

Dao Wu chuckled twice, raised his head to look at the second floor of the villa, and said with a slight frown, "Is anyone there?"

"No, I'm going out."

Wang Chen shrugged. After he came back just now, he guessed that Dao Wu would come to find him, so he found an excuse to trick Jiang Xiner and the woman pretending to be a loli out of the house.

Dao Wu nodded, picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, the cup of tea was quickly drunk by him, he smacked his mouth twice and said, "Really?"

"Well, after knowing their existence, I want to deal with them, face to face."

When he was about to finish speaking, Wang Chenyou added four words. Although he had fought against that month's organization indirectly many times, he had never publicly fought against that month's organization once.

So when the monthly organization is distributing news in the country this time, I also want to deal with the monthly organization.

The people of the Yue organization want to attack the heart, so I will give it a hard way.

Linglong sat beside Dao Wu, wanting to say something, but in the end she didn't speak, and looked at Wang Chen with resentful eyes.

She felt that this little brother of hers was too courageous, her older brother only went to the Moon Organization, and now Wang Chen was going too, if something happened to both of them, then her mentality would definitely collapse.

Dao Wu glanced at Linglong, then looked at Wang Chen, and said after a long time: "When you go, do you want to tell your sister-in-law Qiqi and the others?"

"elder brother!"

When Linglong heard this, her tone immediately raised several notes, and she looked at Dao Wu with a slightly pale face.

I hope that Daowu can persuade Wang Chen, even if he can't, then don't tell Wang Chenyue where the organization is.

At that time, no matter how powerful Wang Chen is, it is impossible to find the Yue organization.

But now, hearing his brother's tone, he actually wanted to tell Wang Chen how he could accept it.

Almost all the people closest to her died, and now there are only people who are close to her family, if one or two more die, she can't imagine what she will be like at all.

Dao Wu looked at Linglong helplessly, he was obviously concerned about this silly little sister, but he was chaotic.

Wang Chen's tone is so firm, is it useful to dissuade him?useless.

That being the case, it's better to tell Wang Chenyue the location of the organization directly, this can also make Wang Chen's mentality better, and it is more likely to come back alive by then.

Wang Chen took out a cigarette and smoked, and said unhurriedly: "You don't need to tell them, it's not a life-or-death parting, I'm just going to visit the monthly organization.

By the way, although I will make some arrangements for the next things while I am away, there is no guarantee that there will be any accidents. Please help me watch Chen and the others, at least not to let the things that happened back then happen. "

"Don't worry about that, and...for my life, I want to touch him too."

Dao Wu nodded, took out a folded piece of paper from his pocket, flicked the piece of paper to Wang Chen, and said with a serious face: "At least come back alive, if you don't If you have the energy, help me bring an old brother back."

There was surprise in Wang Chen's eyes, not only because Dao Wu wanted to plan his life, but also because Dao Wu's brother went to the Yue organization.

However, the surprise was subdued by him within minutes. He opened the piece of paper and looked at it. After remembering the location on it, Wang Chen nodded and said, "Send your brother's information to my mobile phone." , but I can't guarantee that you can bring him back safely."

Dao Wu nodded and said with a sigh: "Do your best..."


Before Dao Wu finished speaking, Linglong slapped the table suddenly, and the table collapsed instantly, and the cups and fruit bowls on the table shattered all of a sudden.

Dao Wu and Wang Chen looked at Wang Chen, and when they saw Linglong's red eyes, they both sighed in their hearts.

"Don't you two take me too seriously, little brother, I don't allow you to go, absolutely don't allow you to go."

Linglong clasped her hands, bit her red lips and growled to Wang Chen in a low voice, with grievance still in her eyes.

Wang Chen came in front of Linglong, gently touched Linglong's head, and said softly: "Sister Linglong, do you think I'm too flat?"

Linglong patted Wang Chen's hand off, looked at Wang Chen with bloodshot eyes, and said coldly: "Look at you? That's because you don't know the horror of that organization. The person I'm closest to , all died at the hands of that organization, right in front of me, but I can't do anything about it, do you still want me to experience that feeling of heartbreak?"

"That's right... the Moon Organization is very strong, right?"

Wang Chen raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, first he asked himself a question, and then he said very domineeringly: "How strong is it? I have been hovering on the death line since I was a child, but I have never died. Why?"

After finishing speaking, Wang Chen ignored Linglong, walked upstairs slowly, and at the same time said to Dao Wu: "Send your brother's information to my mobile phone later, I'm in a hurry."

Linglong looked at Wang Chen's back, and suddenly shouted: "You are such a bastard, why don't you know how to listen to my sister's persuasion."

Wang Chen kept walking, walking steadily upstairs.

Dao Wu, who was sitting on the sofa, shook his head and sighed. Is my silly sister getting more and more stupid...

At this time, shouldn't he cheer Wang Chen up?How can it be like parting from life and death?
Moreover, it would be good for Wang Chen to deal with the members of the Yue Organization in advance, at least in this way, he will have a better understanding of the Yue Organization in the future.

Otherwise, early death is the same as late death, because both will die.

Seeing that Wang Chen ignored her again, Linglong squatted on the ground, buried her head between her legs and sobbed softly.

She really wants to be an ordinary woman now, at least in this way... she won't worry about too many things, and don't have to worry about too many people.

(End of this chapter)

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