Chapter 716 Six and Two

In the evening, Wang Chen returned to Baihua Wanzhong.

Walking into Villa No. [-], a deserted atmosphere came over us.

Wang Chen glanced around in the villa, and he was sure that in the past few days, Jun Yue did not come back, neither did Themis, and Duanmu Ruoshui should still be doing her work.

Sitting down on the sofa, he rubbed his fingers lightly on the table, seeing that it was spotless, Wang Chen's eyes were slightly surprised.

After a while, Wang Chen turned his head to look towards the stairs, and said lightly, "How is your physical condition?"


Jiang Xiner's voice came down from upstairs, and Jiang Xiner came down from upstairs after a while.

Today's Jiang Xiner is wearing a light black plain dress, with her long hair hanging behind her back, giving people an indescribable feeling.

If you insist on describing it, it is the perfect blend of youth and vicissitudes.

Wang Chen looked Jiang Xiner up and down, and after pondering for a while, he said slowly: "I can't see you clearly."

"If you can see clearly, it's okay."

Jiang Xiner responded lightly, picked up a coffee cup, made herself a cup of coffee, and sat on a small sofa.

Wang Chen withdrew his gaze, leaned on the sofa, tapped his fingers unconsciously, and asked casually, "Since you've recovered, why are you here if you don't go back to your own home?"

"We are best friends with Ruoshui, it's as simple as that."

Jiang Xiner frowned imperceptibly as she drank her coffee, and ignored Wang Chen after saying a word.

Before, I hadn't seen Wang Chen's terror.

But this time, she really felt how terrifying Wang Chen was.

She felt that there was no flaw in Wang Chen's whole body, just like a perfect humanoid weapon.

This feeling makes my heart palpitate!


The corner of Wang Chen's mouth twitched slightly, he stood up and walked upstairs, waved to Jiang Xin'er and said, "Sometimes, I think the word girlfriend is a bit harsh."

Jiang Xin'er looked at Wang Chen's leaving back, raised her eyebrows, and there was a hint of doubt in her eyes.

She didn't quite understand what Wang Chen's words meant.

Does it mean that the friendship between himself and Duanmu Ruoshui cannot withstand scrutiny?

Or do you mean that your intentions for Duanmu Ruoshui are not pure?

After going up to the second floor, Wang Chen came to the balcony, lying on the fence of the balcony, took out a cigarette from his pocket and smoked it, with a hint of haze in his eyes.

What Wang said to himself in the Rock Group just now was not careless at all.

If it is really as Wang said, then the purpose of those people is terrifying.

Before he knew it, a cigarette was smoked, and Wang Chen looked up at the night sky, as if struggling with some decision.


A few minutes later, the phone in Wang Chen's trouser pocket vibrated.

Taking out his mobile phone, he glanced at the caller ID, Wang Chen answered the phone and asked, "What's the matter?"

"Well, the people below told me just now that nine people sneaked into the Dragon Kingdom, and each of them is... only half weaker than me."

On the other side of the phone, a heavy voice sounded.

Wang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and a ray of murderous intent burst out of his eyes and said: "Yanhuang, since you called me, it means that this matter has something to do with me. Just tell me, what did you find out?"

"Those people are after your confidante."

Yanhuang on the other side of the phone said calmly, with a hint of murderous intent in his tone, and then continued: "I called you just to remind you, because I'm afraid I won't be able to kill them all."

When Wang Chen heard this, he was a little stunned. Although he hadn't had much contact with the person on the phone, Wang Chen knew that this guy would never do anything more sensible.

He actually wanted to make a move this time, which made Wang Chen think of a possibility. He pursed his lips and asked, "Could it be that those men of yours were murdered?"

"Well, what really pissed me off was that they pushed our boundaries this time."

Yan Huang on the phone hung up the phone after saying a word, obviously, he was about to make a move.

Wang Chen looked at the mobile phone in his hand, dazed in a daze, after a long time, he touched his somewhat pale face, and whispered: "Are you trying to trick the people around me..."


Jiang Xin'er walked to the balcony slowly, she looked at Wang Chen who looked a bit gloomy, and said with a faint smile, "Would you like me to help you?"

Wang Chen glanced sideways at Jiang Xiner, didn't speak, but put the phone in his trouser pocket, and walked downstairs in a leisurely manner.


Not far from Kyoto, a small car was driving fast on the highway.

The driver was a 27-year-old Caucasian man, and the passenger seated in the passenger seat was a nearly 30-year-old Oriental man.

The oriental man was smoking a foreign cigarette, lazily leaning on the seat, and said dissatisfied to the white man driving: "Six, you shouldn't do anything to Yanhuang people, our purpose this time , mainly those women."

The white man named Liu grinned, looking a little ferocious, and said coldly, "Why don't you do it? I'm not used to running away."

The oriental man raised his eyebrows and looked at Liu, and said with a cold snort: "You have to think clearly, only the two of us entered the capital of the Dragon Kingdom this time. Regardless of whether you catch the target, whether you will die or not is a question."

Liu took out his watch from his pocket to check the time, and said with a sneer: "Although we are the only ones who entered the capital of Dragon Kingdom this time, I believe that we are the fastest to complete the task. That woman named Luo Lengyue, It's just an ordinary businessman, it's easy for us to knock him unconscious and take him away, maybe we can even have fun with her."

The oriental man covered his face helplessly, and said a little dumbfounded: "With you as my partner, I think I'm not far from death."

Liu Haha laughed twice, patted the Dongfang man on the shoulder and said, "Second, don't worry, our strength can enter the top [-] in the organization. It is very easy to capture a woman alive."

The corner of Er's mouth twitched slightly, he turned his head and looked out the window, ignoring the white man, but began to think about the escape route in his heart.

He is not as conceited as this white man. Indeed, his strength is indeed one of the most powerful people in the organization, but he is far from strong enough to be able to run wild in the Dragon Kingdom.

As the capital of the Dragon Kingdom, the capital is even more powerful, and that Luo Lengyue is not only a simple businessman, but also the most outstanding child of a big family.

It is basically impossible to take her away without any effort.

(End of this chapter)

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