Chapter 669 An accident happened?

The turtle dragon wanted to vomit blood, he really wanted to know whether Wang Chen really had confidence, or was he inflated because of his strength.

The two of them together may not be able to beat each other, but he wants to do it alone.

Although five or six years have passed, I don't know his strength now, but he won't become so strong that he can go every second.

Seeing Guilong who opened his mouth to say something, Wang Chen shook his head and said, "We don't have much time."

Guilong shut up wisely, because the determination expressed in Wang Chen's words was too obvious, and it was impossible for him to dissuade him.

The inside of the car calmed down, and the car drove from a flat road to a bumpy road.

After half an hour, the car stopped.

Where they are now, there are many houses, but more farmland and land.

Some of the houses are densely packed together, while others are scattered in other places.

Wang Chen and Guilong got out of the car, took their belongings, walked for several minutes, and came to a very secret place.

This place is 40 meters higher than the rest. On the top, there is a large forest, and Wang Chen and Guilong are in the forest at the moment.

Wang Chen held a telescope in his hand and looked towards a place not far below.

Below, there are a total of twenty or thirty families, most of which are one-story bungalows, and there are only four two-story houses.

There are some distances between those houses. It usually takes about 1 minute for ordinary people to go from one house to another, and some even take 2 minutes, but for someone like Wang Chen, it only takes ten minutes. They can go from one house to another in a few seconds, so these distances are in front of them, not distances.

This is why Wang Chen and Guilong didn't dare to do anything on the first day they came here, because it was very difficult to take away the person they wanted to take away without making a sound. You may fall into a passive state and put yourself in it.

Looking at those houses, and then at the surrounding environment, Wang Chen said with emotion: "It's really a turtle shell, easy to defend but difficult to attack!"

Those houses, basically every house has a bunker, which is a good place that is easy to defend but difficult to attack. Wang Chen really wants to know how afraid of death that bullshit general manager is.

"it's getting dark."

At this moment, Guilong reminded Wang Chen in a low voice.

Wang Chen took out his mobile phone to check the time, and smiled wryly for a moment. It turned out that he spent more than half an hour observing the surrounding environment and those houses.

Now he realizes that time is so worthless!
Throwing the telescope in his hand to Guilong, Wang Chen squatted down slowly, leaning his back against the big tree, took out a lollipop from his pocket and ate it, and said distressedly: "Today's guard force is more than yesterday's." It’s doubled, so it can’t be delayed.”

Guilong ignored Wang Chen, he moved quickly in the woods, within ten seconds, he moved to the edge of the woods, leaning against a big tree, then picked up the binoculars and looked down slightly .

Looking at a middle-aged man lying in a jungle at 30 meters away, Guilong really wanted to kill him directly.

At this time, Wang Chen came to Guilong, he glanced at the man casually, shook his head at Guilong and said: "We can't kill this guy now, our current position is the safest position, but if we Go down and kill that guy, you will definitely be discovered."

After speaking, Wang Chen pointed in the opposite direction.

Guilong looked at the hill on the opposite side and sighed in his heart. The hill was not far from this place. Although there was no house there, he knew that someone was guarding that place. If he killed the guy below, the people on the opposite side You can definitely find yourself and Wang Chen.

This is also the reason why I and Wang Chen are absolutely afraid of death as the chief person in charge of the organization placed in Longguo.

First, this is just a rural area, and he actually arranged fifty or sixty experts here.

The second is that he actually installed surveillance cameras nearby, at least 200 meters around these twenty or thirty houses, the kind where there are no dead ends.

Third, no matter day or night, there are sentries here, and they are sentry on all sides. No matter which side you kill, the chance of being discovered is more than [-]%.

As for the fourth, it is even more terrifying, because there are many traps here, and it is almost impossible for people who are not them to get in and out of here safely.

"Let's do it in the middle of the night."

Slowly back to the place where he was just now, Wang Chen said softly to Guilong, and then stretched out his finger to point to the place where he was staying now.

Guilong understood what Wang Chen meant, he squinted his eyes and thought about it, and finally had to say: "Okay, old man, I'll wait for you here, but I only give you half an hour, and you have to come back in half an hour." Come here, or I'm leaving."

Guilong secretly figured out Wang Chen's strength. He felt that Wang Chen could last for 10 minutes at most under the attack of 10 or [-] people. Even if he tried his best, it would only last about [-] minutes.

So, after more than 10 minutes, if Wang Chen didn't succeed, if he wanted to attack by force, he would be looking for death.

My own words are to remind Wang Chen that if the solution cannot be resolved within half an hour, he will run away.

But if he wants to hold on, then he has to run away, because it is impossible for him to stay and be buried with Wang Chen.

"Have you ever seen the ultimate power?"

Wang Chen didn't answer Guilong's words, but asked Guilong inexplicably.

Not waiting for the turtle dragon who had already quietly frowned, Wang Chen slowly closed his eyes, and began to close his eyes to rest his mind.

Guilong thought for a while, but still couldn't figure out what Wang Chen said just now, and suddenly felt bored, and carefully monitored the surroundings.

Wang Chen will attack by force later, so now he needs to maintain a peaceful state of mind so that he can perform exceptionally later.

And I don't need to do anything, I just need to watch the person Wang Chen needs to arrest, so now I can only disrupt my schedule and act as an observer.

Time passed slowly, and soon after ten o'clock in the evening, the pupils of the turtle dragon who was observing with a telescope suddenly shrank slightly.

He called Wang Chen in a low voice, then threw the binoculars to Wang Chen, and said softly: "Look quickly."

Wang Chen opened his eyes reflexively, picked up the binoculars and looked down.

Because this telescope has the function of night vision, Wang Chen clearly saw the scene below.

I saw a two-story house outside, and I don't know when a van stopped. At this moment, there was a very ordinary middle-aged man standing outside the van.

The middle-aged man opened the back door of the van, and pulled out a child from inside.

(End of this chapter)

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