The personal soldier king of the beautiful president

Chapter 639 I Can Give You a Surprise

Chapter 639 Can Give You a Surprise

As night fell, in a strange city, the neon lights of high-rise buildings flickered.

On an avenue, the surrounding big trees are tall and straight like sentinels, and the withered and yellow leaves give people an indescribable feeling.

There are very few vehicles on this road, and a sports car is driving very slowly on the road.

Sitting in the driver's seat, with a cigarette dangling from the corner of his mouth, Wang Chen looked at the scenery on the street with appreciative eyes.

Duanmu Ruoshui, who had already taken a nap, took the mobile phone and gently pressed it, and said to Wang Chen: "This road, according to the speed of my sports car, can be driven in 5 minutes at all." Go out, but you have been dawdling here for almost half an hour, this road is so beautiful?"

"Don't you think this road is very suitable for a tryst?"

Wang Chen rolled his eyes and said, the woman Duanmu Ruoshui is sometimes too understanding of style, but sometimes, she is too confused.

Didn't she see that although there were not many cars on this road, there were countless lovers walking in groups on both sides of the road?

"Okay, don't dawdle, drive, turn left on this road and drive for five or six minutes to an industrial area. I'm going to have a look there."

Duanmu Ruoshui gave Wang Chen a blank look, how could she not know what Wang Chen was thinking.

It's just that she feels that there is really no need to waste too much time here.

After all, Wang Chen has so many confidante friends that countless men are envious of. If he brings all his confidante friends with him, even an ordinary road can make him walk out of a flower.

Seeing what Duanmu Ruoshui said, Wang Chen yawned, accelerated the speed of the sports car, and asked Duanmu Ruoshui: "What are you going to do in that industrial zone?"

"One of my factories is here. In the early hours of this morning, several employees were seriously injured because of an explosion in the factory. I need to come and see it."

Duanmu said calmly, and finally saw Wang Chen looking at herself with strange eyes, she continued: "Of course, I will leave after staying here for a while, I have some things to deal with in other places, this is annual practice."

"Well, I can't figure you out."

Wang Chen shrugged, according to what Duanmu Ruoshui said, he drove a sports car to a huge industrial area soon.

There are many factories in this industrial zone. Look at the signs on the factories. Some are factories of top domestic company groups, and some are even foreign factories.

Under the guidance of Duanmu Ruoshui, Wang Chen drove the car outside a large factory.

Duanmu Ruoshui and Wang Chen didn't get out of the car, Wang Chen took out the cigarette in his pocket and threw it to the security guard who was on night shift.

As for Duanmu Ruoshui, he pulled his bag onto his lap, opened it, searched inside, and then took out an employee ID card.

She handed the employee card to Wang Chen, and Wang Chen handed it to the security guard.

The security guard took the employee ID card and looked at it. His expression changed slightly when he saw it, and he turned around and handed the employee ID card to another security guard in the security room through the window.

After the security guard in the security room checked his identity, he quickly walked out of the security room.

The two security guards came to the passenger seat and respectfully said to Duanmu Ruoshui: "The general manager is welcome to come and inspect."

Duanmu Ruoshui took the employee card returned by the security guard, did not get out of the car, but glanced at the inside of the factory, and asked the two security guards: "Tell me what happened to the equipment explosion today. Also, which hospital is the wounded at now?"

Hearing Duanmu Ruoshui's question, the two security guards scratched their heads a little. They were just security guards, the lowest-level personnel in the factory, and it was impossible for them to touch too many things.

Looking at their expressions, Wang Chen knew that Duanmu Ruoshui had asked the wrong person, just when Wang Chen was about to speak, Duanmu Ruoshui continued: "Don't worry, it doesn't matter if you say it, no one dares to trouble you, you Although it’s just a security guard, you should know about the rumors.”

When Duanmu Ruoshui said this, the two security guards seemed to know what they should say. The two security guards looked at each other, and one of them slowly said to Duanmu Ruoshui: "General Manager, there are two rumors circulating in the factory today. A rumor came out that the newly purchased batch of equipment was due to the negligence of the staff, and the temperature of the equipment was adjusted incorrectly, which caused a sudden explosion during debugging.

Another rumor is that the general manager was greedy for the money to buy equipment in the factory, and then bought a batch of inferior equipment, which is why this happened. "

At the end, the security guard lowered his voice, and finally he felt something was wrong, and explained: "It's not you, the general manager, but the general manager of this factory."

Duanmu Ruoshui nodded understandingly, and suddenly asked them: "The staff who debugged the equipment, are they the ones who were injured and entered the hospital because of the explosion of the equipment?"

At this time, another security guard who didn't speak just now shook his head and said: "No, because the equipment needs to be adjusted first, and then the work can be started, so the staff who adjust the equipment are fine, and the injured are ordinary employees."

"Okay, I understand now, thanks."

Duanmu Ruoshui smiled at the two of them, then took out his mobile phone and sent a text message.

While sending text messages, Duanmu Ruoshui turned his head and said to Wang Chen with a smile: "Perhaps, we may stay in this city for two days, and we may even give you a surprise."

"My mind is full of things in Kyoto now, can you surprise me?"

Wang Chen said angrily, she didn't think that just the explosion in a branch factory in Duanmu Ruoshui could have anything to do with things in Kyoto.

Duanmu Ruoshui shook her head and said nothing. She looked at a text message on her phone and said to Wang Chen, "Go to the First Hospital."

Wang Chen nodded, and after navigating the route, the sports car turned around and drove towards the No. [-] Hospital according to the route displayed by the navigation.

At this time, in a high-end residential area in this city.

A middle-aged man in his 30s quickly put on his clothes and said to his wife, "I'm going out for a while, I may not be back tonight."

His wife was in a drowsy sleep, and when she heard his voice, she hummed subconsciously.

Soon, the middle-aged man went out and took the elevator to the bottom of the building.

Finding his battery car, he put the car key in, and rode the battery car quickly towards the first hospital.

Fortunately, his home is not too far from the No. 10 Hospital. In less than [-] minutes, he drove the battery car to the No. [-] Hospital.

After parking the battery car, his eyes kept scanning the parking lot. After several minutes, he found the car he had seen several times in the huge parking lot.

(End of this chapter)

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