Chapter 636 Traveling?

"By the way, Xiaoyue and Themis went out again?"

When Duanmu Ruoshui washed the dishes and came out of the kitchen with a plate of grapes, Wang Chen turned his head and asked.

Duanmu Ruoshui put the washed grapes in front of Wang Chen, nodded gently and said, "Well, I left when you were about to get up."

"Those two women, why are they running outside every day?"

Wang Chen picked up a grape and threw it into his mouth, muttering in an indistinct tone.

It seems that, for Themis, she has nothing to do in the Dragon Kingdom, and even if she does, it can be known from the last conversation that she has something to do with Duanmu Ruoshui.

Not to mention Jun Yue, before she came back, she was still doing tasks in addition to doing tasks.

Now she is forced to stay in the capital by herself, and there is no task to do.

But he and Themis ran outside every three days, Wang Chen was getting more and more worried now.

It's not that he is worried that Jun Yue will be abducted by Themis, but he is really worried that Jun Yue will abduct Themis into a pirate ship and do something that will not end well.

"You don't have to worry about them."

Duanmu Ruoshui sat next to Wang Chen, she also picked a grape and ate it, and said to Wang Chen.

Leaving aside Themis' special identity, her strength alone is enough to deal with many things.

Moreover, the power that Jun Yue can use in the Dragon Kingdom is higher than Themis, and her strength is no worse than Themis, even if it is worse, it is not much worse.

When the two of them are together, nothing will happen.

The only thing that is more worrying is that the two of them will make some big disturbances in the end, which will make it difficult for them to retreat.


Spit the grape skins in his mouth into the trash can, Wang Chen threw two more grapes into his mouth, and said with emotion: "I'm not worried about them, I'm just worried about what they're going to do, you know, At this juncture, even the slightest disturbance is enough to ignite a prairie fire."

"I understand, you want to avoid some troubles, so try to avoid some troubles, right?"

Duanmu Ruoshui covered his mouth and giggled, it is reasonable for Wang Chen to have this idea now.

If I were Wang Chen, I probably would have this idea, and I would even use more radical methods.

Instead of just thinking about it here, he directly restricted the actions of Jun Yue and Themis, keeping them in his sight.

"No, although I hate trouble, I'm not afraid of trouble. What I'm really afraid of is that when the time comes, Fate-Ji will confront those foreigners. After the fuse is lit, everyone will be involved. If something happens, I will I'm afraid I won't be able to protect Xiaoyue."

Wang Chen shook his head, he has always maintained the mentality of hating trouble, but not afraid of trouble.

It is still the same state of mind.

What I am really afraid of is that when everything erupts like an active volcano, the scope of the impact will be wider. If something happens to Grand Hyatt, how will I have time to protect her?

You must understand that what that girl is doing now is unclear, and no one knows whether she will be involved in the end.

Duanmu Ruoshui picked up another grape, and Qianqian peeled the skin of the grape with delicate hands. After pondering for a moment, she said slowly to Wang Chen: "Her, I think you should rest assured that Xiaoyue is very powerful, and you Don't forget, this is in the capital, and if you want to deal with her, the young lady of the Jun family, in the capital, I think... no one has the ability, not even you."

"It is."

Wang Chen nodded without thinking, the energy of the Jun family is indeed astonishing, especially if he wants to attack Jun Yue in the capital, there are not many people in the world who can do it.

But Wang Chen is more worried now, Jun Yue is astonishingly courageous, if he is tricked out of the capital, it will be over.

Seeing the worried look on Wang Chen's face, Duanmu Ruoshui couldn't help but chuckle, picked up the peeled grape, and fed it into Wang Chen's mouth.

Watching Wang Chen eat the grape, Duanmu Ruoshui continued to peel the grape skin, and said to him unhurriedly: "Don't think so much, if you have time to worry about her, why not worry about yourself, after all Compared with Xiaoyue, your current situation is even worse."

"It's a matter of habit."

Wang Chen shrugged, the next thing is indeed a major event, compared to those things, no matter what Jun Yue will do next, it is hardly worth mentioning.

But with Wang Chen's temperament, the safety of the people around him is the most important thing, as for other things, no matter how big they are, it doesn't matter.

Duanmu Ruoshui crossed Wang Chen's eyes, then fed the peeled grapes into Wang Chen's mouth, then wiped his hands with a paper towel, stood up and walked upstairs.

A few minutes later, Duanmu Ruoshui came down from upstairs.

She changed out of the home clothes she was wearing just now, wearing a pair of ripped jeans and a pair of white sneakers on her feet.

He was wearing a sky blue shirt with a purple coat on his upper body, a pair of sunglasses in his hand, and a travel bag on his back.

"Are you going out?"

Looking at Duanmu Ruoshui who had already changed his equipment, Wang Chen asked in surprise.

He still remembered that the two days before he came back, it was the National Day, and Duanmu Ruoshui was also dressed in the same attire.

This kind of collocation, worn on Duanmu Ruoshui's body, almost made her lose her usual appearance, but instead had a very powerful queen aura.

Duanmu Ruoshui played with the sunglasses in his hand, nodded to Wang Chen and said: "I need to go out for two or three days to do something, how about it, do you want to go out with me to relax?"

Wang Chen was very moved by Duanmu Ruoshui's proposal, after all, he wanted to travel a long time ago.

But when he thought about what might happen in the capital, he shook his head bitterly and said, "Forget it, I plan to go out for a few days during the Chinese New Year. For now, I'd better keep an eye on this mess."

"Then I'll go."

Seeing Wang Chen's refusal, Duanmu Ruoshui raised her footsteps and walked outside. When she reached the door, she paused slightly and said analytically to Wang Chen: "I think it's better for you to go out with me for a stroll. Things, you have explained everything that should be explained, you don't need to do everything yourself, and, shouldn't you give others a chance?"

After speaking, Duanmu Ruoshui went out directly, and then walked towards the garage.

After a while, the roar of the sports car rang in Wang Chen's ears, Wang Chen was confused for a moment, stood up suddenly, ran out quickly, and shouted to Duanmu Ruoshui who was about to drive out: "Hey, wait. "

After yelling, Wang Chen turned around and ran upstairs regardless of whether Duanmu Ruoshui heard it or not.

I have to change my equipment myself, otherwise I won't have a change of clothes after I go out.

 Damn, the old book is blocked, and I mean that Shang relies on the only remaining subscriptions of the old book and the full attendance of this book as a source of income. Now because the old book is blocked... only cigarette money is left... Please bear with me Refers to the crying meeting.

  By the way, spoilers for the brothers in advance, the protagonist does not plan to confront the opponent this time, but goes around behind them and blows his ass, hahaha...

(End of this chapter)

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