Chapter 616
At noon, after having lunch in the canteen of the Rock Group, Wang Chen drove away.

He first went to find Chen, and threw the vial that Jun Yue gave him directly to Chen, letting him figure it out.

After handing the vial to Chen, Wang Chen went to look for Wang again. Looking at Li Lier who was following behind Wang, Wang Chen didn't stay with Wang for a long time, but whispered something to him before leaving.

After all, the young couple is sticky now, so it would be bad to stick them together and use them as light bulbs.

Even if Wang wanted to be his light bulb, he couldn't be him, so he had to give Li Li'er some chance.

From noon until five or six o'clock in the afternoon, Wang Chen finally ordered the things that should be ordered.

At this moment, he parked the car on the side of the road, and walked side by side with Fenghuang on a relatively quiet path.

Looking at Wang Chen who was smoking, Fenghuang smiled and said, "Tired?"

"A bit."

Wang Chen let out a sigh of relief, although he is not tired now, and he is not as exhausted as before, but for some reason, he always has a heavy feeling in his heart.

Also because of this feeling, I look a lot more tired than usual.

Fenghuang lightly flicked the hair beside his ears, smiled and said to Wang Chen: "In the past few days, nothing should happen, don't waste your energy."

"On the contrary, these few days are the most important thing to me."

Wang Chen shook his head, he was a little busy because he saw that there was relatively little time in the past few days.

Because in the past few days, it is easy for people to ignore it, and if you arrange everything well, although you can't make everything subtle, you can guarantee that in the next period of time, you will have the upper hand.

"What are you guarding against?"

Fenghuang stopped, stood in front of Wang Chen and asked.

Among the materials that Wang Chen asked for, there were those about Fate, the backers behind Fate, and those from foreign forces.

But she didn't think that what Wang Chen was guarding against was Ji Ming and those foreigners, or those old guys.

Because no matter how you look at it, it is impossible for Wang Chen to be so guarded against them.

For example, those foreigners, although their identities are not simple, but this is the Dragon Kingdom, Wang Chen has a natural advantage.

As for Fate, it is even more impossible. Although in Dragon Kingdom, it is not an exaggeration to describe Fate as being unique, but now it is not the time for conflict between Wang Chen and Fate.

And even if there was a conflict, no matter how many life-saving talismans there were, they couldn't stop Wang Chen.

As for the backers behind Ji Ming, it is even more impossible. Those old guys have not lived for a year or two, so there is no need for them to fight Wang Chen because of Ji Ming.

So she couldn't figure out who Wang Chen was guarding against, or what could actually make him start making those big battles in secret.

"I don't know who I am guarding against, but it is also necessary to prepare in advance."

Wang Chen threw away the cigarette butt, suddenly stretched out his hand to touch Fenghuang's small mouth, and said with a smile: "Why do I feel that you are becoming more and more attractive?"

"You want to, I don't want to."

Fenghuang knocked off Wang Chen's hand with a wave, covered his mouth and giggled twice.

Of course she knew what Wang Chen wanted to do, but she couldn't make Wang Chen happy.

Although it's been the first time, I still need to whet this guy's appetite for the second time.

"I didn't say I thought, I just really thought you were more attractive than ever."

Wang Chen rolled his eyes and said to Fenghuang, although he was a little addicted after the storm with Fenghuang last time, but his state of mind can perfectly control his desires and emotions.

She simply thought that Phoenix was more attractive than before.

I really don't have any idea...although there is still a little...

"A man can only believe one sentence out of ten."

Fenghuang was still giggling, and suddenly stretched out his hand, making circles on Wang Chen's chest in a very eerie manner, put his small mouth close to Wang Chen's ear, and breathed lightly into his ear, jokingly said: "If Really think, you can go to someone else, I think many people will not reject you."

Wang Chen reached out and squeezed Fenghuang's face, and said with emotion: "You woman, why are you so dirty."

"Don't you like it?"

Fenghuang blinked at Wang Chen twice, and finally ignored Wang Chen, and waved backhand at Wang Chen.

Watching Fenghuang leave, Wang Chen took out another cigarette and smoked, feeling very emotional.

Perhaps, the reason why Phoenix's charm is getting bigger and bigger is that I have a lot of credit for it.

After all, there is a saying that has been widely circulated, that women who are irrigated by men are more colorful.

"Everyone is gone, what are you looking at?"

Suddenly, a sneer sounded in Wang Chen's ear, and Wang Chen subconsciously turned his head to look.

Looking at Qian Wanze, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, Wang Chen rubbed his nose and said, "Why is your nose so good, you know I'm here."

"Don't you know that I live not far away during this time?"

Qian Wanze was wearing a sportswear, with a towel draped around her neck, and her hair was pulled up high. She had the charm of a young woman and the sunshine of a girl, making her look extraordinarily seductive.

"I really don't know."

Wang Chen shrugged, took two steps back suddenly, looked at Qian Wanze carefully, and said with emotion: "It's been a while since I saw you, your figure is getting better and better."

"I'm not in good shape, so there are not many people in Long Kingdom who are in good shape."

Qian Wanze said proudly that she has a mysterious confidence in her figure.

I run in the morning and trot for a while at noon, and in the afternoon, if I have enough time, I go for a run first, and then go to the gym to work out. Over time, my figure is getting better and better.

In her memory, it seems that she has not seen a few people surpass her figure.

No, no one can have a better figure than yourself.

"Praise you a few words, you're still on the fence."

Wang Chen stuffed his remaining half of the cigarettes directly into Qian Wanze's mouth, walked towards his car, waved to Qian Wanze and said, "Let's go, I'll drive you for a while, and we'll discuss it in an instant." Issues."

"Bah bah bah."

Qian Wanze threw the cigarette that Wang Chenqiang stuffed into her mouth on the ground, spit a few mouthfuls, then took out a pack of wet wipes to wipe her small mouth, and then followed slowly.

As soon as she sat in the passenger seat, Wang Chen couldn't help teasing: "Did your actions just disgust me or what happened? I'm not sick."

Qian Wanze snorted coldly, but did not speak.

This guy Wang Chen actually stuffed the cigarette he had smoked into his mouth, which was simply too frivolous for him.

He was calculating him before taking revenge on himself.

(End of this chapter)

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