Chapter 610
Inside the manor, the lights were shining, and pedestrians were walking around in the manor.

Linglong stood on a balcony somewhere in the manor, looking at the scenery of the capital in the distance, her eyes were slightly blurred.

Dao Wu didn't know when he came to the balcony and stood slightly behind Linglong.

After a while, Linglong felt Dao Wu's arrival, her eyes instantly became clear, and she smiled and said to Dao Wu: "Why, being bullied by sister-in-law and the others so much that you dare not sleep?"

Dao Wu shook his head with a smile, went to the balcony and lay down, looked at the buildings and vegetation in the manor, and said to Linglong with a smile: "Little sister, after you came back from the Huayin Sect, you were in a low mood, did you feel depressed again? Thinking of them."

"The person who killed them is not dead yet."

Linglong nodded slightly, with a sad breath on her body.

I know that the enemies who killed them are still alive, but I don't know where they are, and I don't know how to avenge them.

Dao Wu patted Linglong's head with some pity, and comforted him softly: "Don't worry, they will take revenge. They have recuperated for so many years, and they are about to emerge."

"It's easy for you to say."

Linglong laughed at herself and said, even if the enemy appeared and stood in front of her, she might not be able to kill them, and even said that there were only three possibilities for her to be able to kill them.

Back then, when facing them, people like me struggled so much. Even if they didn't make any progress now, people like me can at most draw with them.

Back then, people like me were able to live, and even win, what a fluke, how lucky.

As for luck, it is impossible to exist all the time, now... it can only rely on strength.

"Little sister, you think of me too weakly, and you think too little of yourself."

Dao Wu patted Linglong's head lovingly, raised his head to look at the sky, his white hair danced wildly in the air instantly.

He analyzed Linglong patiently: "Back then, we were very young, and we had no power of our own other than our friends. This was one of the reasons why we fell behind, but we still won.

But now, we have the 'Oriental World' and the Linglong Pavilion. We were able to maim them back then, but now... we can kill them. "

Linglong remained silent. She looked at the sky, folded her arms, and said helplessly, "These days, they often appear in my dreams."

Dao Wu didn't know what to say, he knew very well how important those two dead people were to Linglong.

Consolation or something is completely useless to her.


Several minutes passed, and suddenly there was the sound of footsteps.

Luoshen came to stand next to Linglong, she glanced at Dao Wu, and then looked at Linglong who seemed very helpless.

With a raised eyebrow, Luoshen said flatly: "You look so ugly."

"I know."

Linglong nodded, turned to look at Luoshen, with a very sad smile on her face, and said softly: "But I still can't help but want to immerse myself in the previous dream."

"This is the gap between you and my little brother."

Luoshen said flatly, turned around and left directly.

Dao Wu was a little speechless, his little sister was already like this, and this woman Luoshen wanted to choke her, did she still look like a sister-in-law?

And in the corridor, Luoshen was already walking side by side with a woman.

This woman is none other than the sister-in-law Wang Chen mentioned, and she is the only woman who can hold back Nuo Ming.

Her name is Mo Qingqing, a very common name, but her life is not an exaggeration to describe it as magnificent.

"I should have stopped Linglong if I knew that Linglong followed her to Huayinzong."

Mo Qingqing rubbed her temples, and said with a slightly worried look on her face.

Huayinzong is a very special place to Linglong, it is the place where she was happiest and also the place where she is saddest now.

If someone had told me that Linglong had also gone to Huayinzong, no matter what method I used, I would not have let her go.

Luoshen shook her head slightly and said to Mo Qingqing: "Elder Sister, you don't need to worry, and it's been so many years, if Linglong can't get over this hurdle, then even if she doesn't go to Huayinzong, she will be like this."

Mo Qingqing showed a hint of helplessness on her face, and finally she asked Luoshen strangely: "Why did you mention my younger brother just now?"

"I want her to understand that she is living in a dream and my brother is living in reality. If she doesn't take that step, she won't even have the chance to look up at my brother's back."

Luoshen's tone was very calm, Linglong always had a knot in her heart because of what happened back then, although she looked normal, she was always living in her own fictional dream.

As for Wang Chen, he has suffered no less than her, on the contrary, he has suffered more than her, but he still lives in the present, and still lives in reality.

The gap between the two of them cannot be described by a single star.

"Don't talk too much about my little brother. That little guy didn't visit us for several years because he was hit at the beginning."

Mo Qingqing rolled her eyes, and thought seriously, Wang Chen before was not as good as Linglong.

At least Linglong was still living in a dream, while he died immediately, leaving behind a heartless body. If it hadn't been for the improvement during this period, he would probably continue to live like a zombie.

"Sister, it's not that I made my little brother too evil, but the truth."

Luoshen said quietly, looked back, and said with a hint of distress in her eyes: "If Linglong continues like this, maybe she won't last long."

"But we can't help it, can we?"

Mo Qingqing sighed, stopped suddenly, and said to Luoshen seriously: "You know Linglong best, maybe you can help her."

"The only ones who can help her are the two people she cares about, besides herself."

Luoshen shook her head, perhaps, the person who understands Linglong best now is herself, but she can't help Linglong at all.

Apart from giving her a little guidance, I can't do other things, otherwise, it will not help Linglong, but will harm her.

After all... Now is an extraordinary moment, those people are about to jump out again, Linglong can easily lose her mind.

"Just look at the Tao."

Seeing what Luoshen said, Mo Qingqing murmured softly, and turned her head to look at the balcony in the distance.

Luoshen didn't stop, she continued to walk forward, and then walked down the attic through the stairs.

Came to a garden, Luoshen stopped, looked at Nuo Ming standing in the garden admiring the flowers, Luoshen said a little helplessly: "You have also noticed Linglong's abnormality."

Nuo Ming picked a flower casually, sniffed it lightly, raised her head to look at the sky, and said with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth: "She knows that if she passes this hurdle, she will see a different sky. , I would rather she live in a dream every day."

(End of this chapter)

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