Chapter 603 Crow Mouth?
"What is a bit like."

Wang Chen said dissatisfiedly. Seeing that Dao Wu had already frowned, he directly stated his conjecture again: "According to my conjecture, someone took advantage of the fact that the big Western families were old and fearful of death, and coaxed them to go to the Dragon Kingdom. Come.

And there should be two reasons for them to come to Dragon Kingdom. First, Westerners are very greedy. The foundations of those big Western families have reached a bottleneck, so they want to open up the market of Dragon Kingdom, because the cake of Dragon Kingdom It's big enough, if they eat it, their family's business can rise to a higher level.

The second point is the most important point for those old guys in the West. The old guys in the West are basically afraid of death. In every era, there are people who are researching longevity medicines, hoping to live longer.

And my guess is that the black hands behind the scenes deceived those old guys in the west, saying that Ji Jia Dumiao had a finished longevity medicine or formula in their hands, so the children they sent to Longguo should be for the purpose of Ji Jia Dumiao. thing. "

Speaking of this, Wang Chen looked at Dao Wu, whose expression remained unchanged, and continued: "If there is really a black hand behind the scenes, then the purpose of the black hand behind the scenes must also be for the things in the hands of the Ji family.

If the black hand behind the scenes is the force you once disabled, then the thing in Ji Jia Dumiao's hands is likely to be something that can heal hundreds of injuries. Talk about your partner's injury. "

"That's right, what you said is right."

After Wang Chen finished speaking, Dao Wu praised him, and finally fell silent again.

The thoughts in his mind were spinning rapidly, the time when he disabled that force, the time when that force showed up for the last time, and the time when the Ji family was wiped out, etc.

After bowing his head and meditating for nearly 10 minutes, Dao Wu squinted his eyes and said to Wang Chen: "Little brother, if the earth is regarded as a chessboard, and the east and west are divided into the Chu River and the Han boundary, you say you are a chess piece or a chess player. ?”

"You are now a chess player."

Wang Chen didn't answer Dao Wu's question, but took a deep look at him, and said in a very meaningful tone.

After Dao Wu defeated that force, Dao Wu has jumped out of the chessboard and become a chess player.

Or from a fundamental point of view, from the very beginning, Dao Wu had never been a chess piece, he was a black hole that suddenly appeared on the chessboard, connected vertically and horizontally on the chessboard, swallowed all the chess pieces, and then disappeared on the chessboard among.

"Don't avoid my topic, be honest."

Dao Wuxiao scolded and patted the back of Wang Chen's head, squinting his eyes, there was an unsightly aura flashing.

"its me……"

Wang Chen sighed, picked up the half bottle of white wine left on the table, took a sip, and said with reminiscence: "Before I was 25, I was always a chess piece. As for now, I am neither a chess piece nor a chess piece." A chess player is just a beast floating above the chessboard, I will eat whatever is delicious."

"This description is quite appropriate."

Dao Wu laughed twice, and finally with a sullen face, he brought the topic back and said: "Your guess is probably correct, that power should really recover, they plan to wear down the strength of those big families, At the same time, it will also wear down the strength of our Dragon Kingdom family, and then take the opportunity to get what you want, and finally repeat the incident of the year, you... Be careful."

Dao Wu felt that he was involved in this matter, so it was necessary to remind Wang Chen.

Because Wang Chen has never been in contact with that force, he doesn't know how terrifying and powerful that force is.
When I faced that force back then, I was basically powerless. Many friends died at their hands.

If Wang Chen has the slightest carelessness, then his final result will definitely be very unhappy.

Wang Chen curled his lips, but his mood became more and more heavy.

Dao Wu has reminded himself like this, so obviously, that force is really terrifying to the extreme.

Perhaps, in that force, there will not be many people like him, but there will not be few.

There may even be someone stronger than himself among them.

Suddenly, Wang Chen thought of a possibility, he squinted his eyes and said to Dao Wu: "I thought of a possibility just now, do you think that force has united with other forces?"

"I don't know, but I know that if we really unite, you can run as far as you can, and maybe I will have to run when the time comes."

Dao Wu laughed twice, and his heart suddenly became very heavy.

In this world, among the people who are still alive, only my own "Eastern World" knows that power best, and that power is so powerful that it can be described as a mess...

If they really joined forces with the rest of the forces, then it means that the force they are joining forces with is not much worse than that force, and it is basically the same level of force at the end.

If Wang Chen's guess becomes true, he will be powerless to act when the time comes.

"Don't be idle, let your people move around, otherwise my guess will become true. My sisters-in-law are probably going to be widows, even though you beat them to death back then."

Wang Chen joked, popped a cigarette out of his pocket, lit it and smoked.

"You brat, you are becoming less and less cute."

Dao Wu laughed and cursed, turned his head and looked into the hall, waved to Duanmu Ruoshui who was sitting on the sofa and read a magazine, and shouted: "Ruoshui, bring me a bottle of drink, I'm a little thirsty."

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help complaining again: "Don't spoil this brat too much, the house is full of wine, and there are not many bottles of drinks, you spoil him too much."

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was intentional. When Dao Wu complained, Wang Chen narrowed his eyes for an instant, and turned his head to look at Duanmu Ruoshui in the living room.

It seems that as Dao Wu said, there are not many other things in the villa, but there is a lot of wine, and most of them are liquor.

Although I like to drink, I never like to buy wine at home... But every time I go home, I have wine to drink, and there is never a shortage of wine in the wine cabinet.

Apparently, this was all done by Duanmu Ruoshui.

Although Duanmu Ruoshui occasionally drank some red wine, she basically never drank white wine, so why did she buy so much white wine?
It seems that Dao Wu has really hit the mark. This woman, Duanmu Ruoshui, has been taking care of her daily necessities.

This carefulness is not something ordinary friends can do.

"Say I have a crow's mouth, you old boy is more crow's mouth than me."

Breathing out a mouthful of thick smoke, Wang Chen muttered to himself, and finally said to Dao Wu: "An old man can drink whatever drink, just drink."

"I want to live a few more years."

Dao Wu ignored Wang Chen's provocative method, took the drink handed over by Duanmu Ruoshui, and looked at him provocatively.

(End of this chapter)

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