Chapter 597

Wang Chen leaned lazily on the sofa.

After hearing Hemera's words, his eyes flickered slightly, pointed to the sofa and said to Hemera: "Sit by yourself, as for you, the guardian of the sky garden... you can leave, don't worry, I A little bit of integrity is still a little bit, as long as Hemera doesn't do anything to me, I won't do anything to her."

The westerner didn't pay attention to Wang Chen's words, but looked at Hemera who had already sat down.

Hemera turned her head to the balcony and nodded slightly.

Seeing Hemera nodded, the Westerner jumped off the balcony without any hesitation.

After the Westerner left, Hemera said to Wang Chen: "Your Highness, is it alright for her to be here? Because our next conversation will lead to future changes."

"You, who didn't open your eyes, are so rampant now. When you open your eyes, you'll be fine. Don't worry, she has a strict mouth and won't talk nonsense. Moreover, she won't believe what you say."

Wang Chen crossed his legs and said unhurriedly, but his eyes were full of dignity.

This woman is so confident now, it seems that she has thoroughly understood the generation of gods passed down from generation to generation in Sky Garden, and now she only needs the jade pendant of the gods to open her eyes.

That is to say, when this woman gets the jade pendant of the gods and opens her eyes, there are probably few people in the world who can stop this woman's sharpness.

Thinking of this, Wang Chen said with both emotion and distress: "The Sky Garden is really amazing, a monster will appear in every generation."

"I take His Highness's words as your appreciation for my sky garden. I think the elders in the garden will be very happy."

Hemera's tone was still so calm, as if nothing could move her heart.

Wang Chen crossed his fingers together, and said to Hemera indifferently: "I got the jade pendant of the gods. After researching it for a while, I finally found that it is useless to me except for buying some money."

Wang Chen was a little displeased with Hemera's tone, no matter whether it was at the beginning or now, this woman always looks so cold.

Even if the jade pendant of the gods was robbed by him back then, this woman's expression has not changed.

I don't believe it myself, she who needs the jade pendant of the gods most now, she still has the same expression and tone when she hears this.

However, Wang Chen was doomed to be disappointed, Hemera said in a calm tone: "I believe His Highness will not do this, the jade of the gods is on you, we can do nothing to you, but the jade of the gods is on someone else, it is destined to Bring death, Your Highness, although you are indifferent, but you are a sentimental person, I could see this the moment I opened my eyes."

"Hemera, do you know that your tone of voice has made me unhappy for many years, you are like this, the same is true of the previous generation of saintesses in Sky Garden, and the same is true of that saintess in the Vatican... you saintesses in the West, really Makes me very upset."

The muscles on Wang Chen's face twitched, and finally he said impatiently: "Okay, the jade pendant of the gods is kept by me, you are waiting for a few days to find me, and I will give it to you when the time comes, it's just a tattered jade pendant, I'll still see it It's not eye-catching."

"Since you don't like it, why did you snatch it back then, Your Highness?"

Hemera's tone was flat, as if she was just talking about a trivial matter, but Xin Liu, who was sitting next to Wang Chen, felt great pressure.

Although the woman Hemera seemed to speak plainly, every sentence was full of sharpness, which gave people a lot of pressure.

Wang Chen snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "What do I care about a broken jade pendant? The Western skills in the jade pendant of the gods? Those things are of no use to me. What I really care about is the word gods. It's not that you kept the Sky Garden too strictly, I would have taken away the God-Punishing Monument at that time.

Gods... Zhushen... These two words have great motivation for people like me, because now the only standard that can verify one's own strength is Tushen. "

Hemera shook her head slightly, and said lightly to Wang Chen: "In this era, no matter whether it is our west or your east, there are no gods. In the eyes of today's people, we are very powerful, but if we live In the true age of the gods, we are just ants in the eyes of the gods."

"You misunderstood what I said."

The corner of Wang Chen's mouth curled up as he looked at Hemera with playfulness. In her eyes, the so-called gods were gods who could create the world and control the four seasons.

But this is also normal. After all, most people in the West, or even the vast majority, are theists, and they believe in the existence of God.

And the god I mentioned is the kind of person who has thoroughly understood things like the stele of killing the gods and the jade pendant of the gods. The strength of this kind of person has reached the pinnacle of the world.

It has reached a point where there is no promotion and no retreat.

At that time, it was not an exaggeration to describe them as gods, and those ranking lists were more convincing.

So I want to find such a person, fight against them, and see what kind of strength I have reached.

Is it worse than them, or better than them, or can only be tied...

Hemera was silent for a while, and then slowly said: "The end of power is that there is no end, but now... because of the different times, our pursuit of power now has an end, that is to say, we all have an end. A man in bondage.

I know that you are considered a half-atheist, and almost 90.00% of you Longguo people are atheists, but this does not mean that there was no god in the past. In the records of my sky garden, it is clearly stated that there used to be a god , Our sky garden... is the residence of a god, and the people in our sky garden are the descendants of gods. "

Xin Liu was taken aback by Hemera's words, but Wang Chen didn't buy it at all, he said with a sneer, "Okay, don't brainwash me, who knows what happened before, What I am pursuing is not the power of the past, nor is it to find out the history, what I said is that I am pursuing the power of the present."

"I can feel that your strength has reached a critical point."

Hemera opened her mouth quietly, although she could not open her eyes yet, she could feel the power contained in Wang Chen.

This force is not only ten times or a hundred times stronger than before, but it is so powerful that it is already indescribable.

If Wang Chen is described as a bottle, then Wang Chen's body is full of strength, now he only needs to pour a little more strength into it, and he can break through that critical point.

It's just... this critical point, Wang Chen is destined to never be able to break through it in his life, and it is impossible for anyone in the world to break through.

Because breaking means death.

Because it broke, it means that Wang Chen's power surpassed the current era.

This is not something that humans can allow, nor is it allowed by the current rules.

(End of this chapter)

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