Chapter 58 I want him to die

The entrance of the hospital building.

Wang Chen had just walked down the stairs when he saw a row of luxurious vehicles driving into the hospital.

Many bodyguards in suits and ties stepped out of the car.

Then the door of one of the bulletproof Mercedes-Benz was opened, and a middle-aged man came out, followed by a female secretary holding documents.

The middle-aged man's face was gloomy, with pain in his eyes, and he walked towards the hospital step by step.

"Look, that's Li Li."

"Who is Li Li? It's amazing looking at the scene."

"Li Li, he is the chairman of Minghua Real Estate."

"Oh, oh, it's him. I don't know what crime he did. His son died of a heart attack. It's really a white-haired man giving a black-haired man."

"Hey, it seems that you don't know yet. Not only his son died, but a general manager of his company also died. It seems that he died of cerebral congestion. Now Minghua Real Estate can bear it."

As soon as Li Li appeared on the stage, he immediately attracted the attention of many people, including patients, doctors and nurses.

Pointing around, miscellaneous voices sounded, making Li Li's expression more and more gloomy, and his pace couldn't help but speed up a lot.

Wang Chen also heard those voices and knew Li Li's identity. He stood there and watched Li Li walk into the building not far from him, his eyes became very deep.

"Looking at it, it is estimated that the younger one has been dealt with, and the old one is about to pop out."

Wang Chen murmured in a voice that only he could hear.

Li Minghua's death probably had a great impact on Li Li. This guy should soon target Luo Lengyue or himself.

"I just want you to be honest."

Wang Chen continued to mutter helplessly, but he also knew that it was impossible for this matter to end like this.

After all, what Li Li died was his son, not one or two pets in the family. How could he be indifferent? After all, it still needs to be done in the end.

Stretching out his hand to touch the pendant hanging on his neck, Wang Chen walked out of the hospital.

Taking a taxi, Wang Chen came outside a villa.

Looking at this villa, a smile appeared on the corner of Wang Chen's mouth.

In fact, I didn't plan to come here, but the plan can't keep up with the changes. Li Li's appearance let Wang Chen know that it's not just a matter of simply getting rid of 23 people. After all, some of these 23 people are still a little background.

If you want to completely solve this matter, you need to completely destroy the people behind those 23 people.

Walking outside the villa, Wang Chen could clearly feel many eyes scanning his body.

With those gazes, Wang Chen had a rough estimate of the defense in the villa, and after he rang the doorbell, he waited quietly.

Not long after, a young man in casual clothes opened the iron door, looked at Wang Chen standing outside, did not speak, but stepped aside directly.

Wang Chen stepped into the villa, the young man took a step back and closed the door with his backhand. This action seemed to completely cut off Wang Chen's retreat route.

Wang Chen also noticed this little move of the young man, he just smiled indifferently, and walked into the villa without the young man leading him.

Walk across the yard and go straight into the hall with the door open.

"Oh, you really dare to come to die."

Just as Wang Chen walked into the hall, a slightly mocking voice rang in his ears.

In the villa, Chen Ruoyu sat on the sofa with his legs crossed and a glass of red wine in his hand.

Standing behind him are two people, one is a middle-aged man with a strong figure, and the other is an old man who has reached his sixtieth age and is wearing a Chinese tunic suit.

Wang Chen glanced at the two people lightly. With his hands in his pockets, he walked slowly towards Chen Ruoyu, his eyes sized up the villa.

He stared at a bookshelf not far away, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Sitting directly opposite Chen Ruoyu, Wang Chen crossed his fingers and propped his chin, and said to Chen Ruoyu, "I never thought you would like to read books."

"Reading can increase my knowledge. Tell me, who gave you the courage to come to me."

Chen Ruoyu took a sip of the red wine, then put down the glass, picked up the thick black book on the table, and opened it to read.

"Can you understand this thick black book?"

Wang Chen still didn't answer Chen Ruoyu's question, he leaned slowly on the chair, staring at the thick black school in Chen Ruoyu's hand.

Chen Ruoyu's hand that was about to turn the page paused slightly, he snapped Hou Hei Xue closed, and looked at Wang Chen coldly.

Before Wang Chen reached his villa, he knew that Wang Chen was coming.

But he didn't feel scared at all, because now he has two masters beside him, plus a few bodyguards outside, it is simply easy to deal with Wang Chen, who has been a soldier.

But after Wang Chen entered the villa, he didn't ask about Luo Lengyue, and he didn't trouble himself immediately, which made him instantly feel that he didn't know how to proceed.

It also made him unable to guess whether Wang Chen came this time to trouble him or what he was doing.

Wang Chen raised his head and looked at the ceiling, and said softly to Chen Ruoyu: "There are too many philosophies in Houhei Xue, as long as you learn a little, you can eat it for a lifetime, but judging from Luo Lengyue's matter, you Don't say that you haven't learned superficially, you haven't even touched the side of thick black school."

Chen Ruoyu's eyes turned cold, and the sarcasm in Wang Chen's words was undisguised, which made him feel very angry.

Of course, even though he was angry, Chen Ruoyu was not angry at all, because it was too unworthy to be angry with a 'dead person'.

"If you don't speak, I'll take it as your default."

Seeing that Chen Ruoyu didn't speak, Wang Chen said lightly, one hand twitched on his calf, and he took the dagger tied to his leg.

Gently swipe his finger on the dagger, let the light reflect on the dagger from time to time, Wang Chen said casually: "I will give you a chance to make up for your mistakes, and get rid of all the people who kidnapped Luo Lengyue last time, so that you can live."


Chen Ruoyu's eyes turned cold, he raised his hand, then pressed it down, and said in an emotionless voice: "Uncle Zhen, I want his life to be worse than death."

"it is good."

The big man behind Chen Ruoyu responded in a loud voice, stepped forward, came directly from the back to the front, and punched Wang Chen's chest.

Looking at the fist that was already close at hand, Wang Chen didn't even move his butt, but moved his hand holding the dagger.

The next moment, the big man's fist stopped, and Wang Chen's dagger lay beside his wrist.

(End of this chapter)

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