The personal soldier king of the beautiful president

Chapter 579 Another engagement, breaking news

Chapter 579 Another engagement, breaking news

"You have a third way."

Duanmu Ruoshui knew that what Wang Chen said was true, because the person behind her also said the same thing after seeing Jiang Xiner's situation.

So instead of using hypnosis to hypnotize Jiang Xiner, he went abroad to borrow a few high-tech equipment and came back to solve Jiang Xiner's matter by developing his brain.

Although this method is also very dangerous, it is better than the first method.

But for some reason, she vaguely felt that if Wang Chen really wanted to help Jiang Xiner, then he would be able to help Jiang Xiner.

Although there was no reason for this feeling, she still believed it.

The corner of Wang Chen's mouth twitched, he put the empty bottle in his hand on the ground casually, raised his head to look at the bright moon in the sky, shook his head and said: "It's really not that I don't want to help her, it's just that I really can't help her. Yes, but it takes half of my strength, which is a conservative estimate.

Half of the power, this is not something that can be recovered after taking a break before, but the real loss of that half of the power, if you want to practice again, you probably have no chance in your life.

So you think, I'm going to use up my normal strength to help her? "

Seeing what Wang Chen said, Duanmu Ruoshui's expression changed wildly, and finally she couldn't help but smiled wryly: "No wonder, no wonder this way of inheriting power will be called an evil inheritance by the ancient martial arts world.

If this method of inheritance has no disadvantages, it is estimated that the ancient martial arts world can be pushed to the top, and even surpass the ancient martial arts, where all the people practice martial arts. "

Duanmu Ruoshui's words made Wang Chen sneer. He pointed to the sky and asked Duanmu Ruoshui: "Do you think that in this era, all people can practice martial arts? If it weren't for the years of hard work in the ancient martial arts world, I guess 34 years ago, there were no ancient warriors in this society and the world, only so-called martial arts performances."

Duanmu Ruoshui's expression flickered, and he asked, "Is this the end of the martial arts era that the ancient martial arts circle said?"

Wang Chen nodded his head lightly. This era can indeed be regarded as the end of martial arts era, but not completely. It should take another 100 years before it can be regarded as the real end of martial arts era. At that time, the whole world will really be looking for it. There is less than one person who practiced ancient martial arts.

Of course, Wang Chen doesn't know what impact it will have if technology evolves to break out of the universe in the future.

After all, I can't live to that time.

"Could it be that the things of the ancestors can't be kept..."

Seeing Wang Chen nodding, Duanmu Ruoshui's eyes were full of loneliness and sadness.

The Duanmu family is an ancient martial arts family, and most of the members of the family practice ancient martial arts. Duanmu Ruoshui, as the direct line of the Duanmu family, naturally feels sad.

After all, it is undoubtedly very painful for people like them if even the things left by their ancestors cannot be passed on.

Although Wang Chen also felt a little lost, but he didn't have the sadness of Duanmu Ruoshui.

Although there is some internal strength in his body, he is not from the ancient martial arts world after all. He follows the style of physical arts and develops the limits of his body, rather than focusing on the cultivation of ancient martial arts internal strength.

After a long time, Duanmu Ruoshui suppressed the sadness, slowly took out a Zou Baba paper, and handed it to Wang Chen.

After Wang Chen wanted to pick up the piece of paper, Duanmu Ruoshui seemed to have thought of something, he quickly withdrew his hand, took out another ring, and then handed the ring and the piece of paper to Wang Chen.

There was doubt in Wang Chen's eyes. He took that very beautiful and expensive ring and looked at it. After seeing nothing, he put the ring aside and opened the Zou Baba's paper to look at it.

"Fuck, what on earth does the old man want to do?"

When the paper was opened and looking at the content on it, Wang Chen was shocked.Because the content on this paper is basically exactly the same as the one in Duan Yide's hand, the difference is that the name is different.

This is also a marriage contract.

Moreover, there are several fingerprints on the paper, six in total, four of which are relatively large, and the other ones are small, like those of a baby.

Wang Chen guessed that three of the finger prints belonged to Duanmu Ruoshui's parents and grandpa or grandma, the other three, one of them should belong to his old man, and the two small ones probably belonged to himself and Duanmu Ruoshui.

After all, those two little finger prints were all printed on the name.

But looking at it like that, his name should have just been added.

"I heard from my grandfather that the old man of your family relied on the old to sell the old, and relied on his seniority to get you several marriages. I'm just one of them."

Duanmu Ruoshui explained calmly. After seeing Wang Chen's face turn black, she continued: "By the way, my grandfather found out that your old man has made another move. It is estimated that all the women you have come into contact with this year have run away." No, they will all receive a marriage contract."


Wang Chen's face was instantly white, and he fell to the ground.

My old man, how wicked is he? Even if he relies on his seniority, he can't do this. Even if he wants to do this, he has to tell himself.

Moreover, what did the old guy think of himself, how many copies?Nima has made another move recently?When you are iron?Even if I am hardened, I can't stand it.

Looking at Wang Chen's expression, Duanmu Ruoshui couldn't help feeling amused, and felt very helpless towards the old man of Wang Chen's family.

However, she still had to explain to Wang Chen: "Actually, this is not only the reason why your old man relies on his old man to sell his old man, but the most important reason is that your old man has owed a debt of love since he didn't know when." , but in the end he was still single and failed those women, and now she is making up for it."

"What? He failed others, let me make up for it?"

Wang Chen came back to his senses in an instant, and a violent aura shot up from his body, making Duanmu Ruoshui's eyelids twitch wildly.

Wang Chen stood up and kept walking back and forth on the balcony, cursing in his mouth: "Pit, that old guy is a pit, I understand now, why did he put his feet on the ground? I was dragged back after stepping into the gate of hell, because I want to use me to repay his love debts.

That old thing is too wicked, a wicked thing, he is taking advantage of my feelings for him, this old guy, is so heartless, I wish I could give him my heart and soul, is that how he treats me? "

Duanmu Ruoshui looked at the unscrupulous Wang Chen, couldn't help covering his mouth and chuckled, and asked softly: "Others wish for three thousand in the harem, such a good thing is dreamed of, why are you so afraid?"

"You think Lao Tzu is made of iron?"

Wang Chen kept rolling his eyes, feeling like he was dying.

Duanmu Ruoshui, why did she tell herself this, she would rather not know.

Got it, let me be scared, now I can't wait to pack up and leave, and quietly find a place to spend the rest of my life.

(End of this chapter)

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