Chapter 559 Two Graves

Huayinzong, the mountain behind the main hall.

At the back of the mountain, some places are more beautiful and amazing than the scenic spots, and some places are as desolate as if they haven't been opened up.

In a slightly desolate place, where weeds are everywhere, Linglong stands in front of two graves.

These two graves are next to each other, there is no tombstone, and weeds are overgrown on the tombs, making the two tombs look like small mounds.

Standing by the tomb for a few minutes, Linglong's lips squirmed slightly, with a hint of sadness in her eyes, she murmured: "It's been a long time since I was hit and hidden by that force, I haven't been here."

On the path behind Linglong, a woman walked slowly.

She was the woman who fought Nuo Ming just now.

She came to Linglong's side, took a look at the two graves, and asked Linglong indifferently, "It's better not to come, so as not to be sad."

"But, I still can't let go."

Linglong sighed, with a hint of self-mockery at the corner of her mouth.

Why didn't she know that it would be better if she didn't come here, but if she didn't come, she would always feel sorry in her heart, and she would always be nostalgic.

After all, the relationship between the people lying in these two graves and himself cannot be described in words.

The woman sat cross-legged on the ground slowly, looked at the moon in the sky, and said in a soft tone: "After all these years, have you still not let go?"

"I can't let it go, and I don't want to let it go."

Linglong shook her head, she squatted down, and gently stroked the two tombs, as if she was not touching the tombs, but the two people lying in the tombs.

The woman was silent, and she didn't know how to speak. Finally, she said in a slightly sad tone: "Don't make people feel sad for you."

Linglong didn't answer her question, but instead asked: "My brother should be here, aren't you going to see him?"

"How do you want me to see you?"

The woman laughed at herself, at this time, Nuo Ming should be beside Dao Wu, so she might as well not go to see him.

Otherwise, when she saw Nuo Ming, she was afraid that she couldn't help but start fighting with Nuo Ming again.

"The important thing to solve is not."

Linglong said calmly, the relationship between her and Dao Wu must be resolved after all.

After all, their relationship has been exposed, and the longer it drags on, it will be detrimental to anyone.

"By the way, what is the relationship between that person and you?"

The woman didn't continue to talk about her own affairs, Wang Chen's voice appeared in her mind, and she asked with flickering eyes.

"Our brother."

Linglong smiled lightly, and then slowly explained to the woman.

Although everyone around Dao Wu knew about Wang Chen's existence, she obviously didn't.

After all, she has been in the Huayin Sect for so many years, and she has never paid attention to outside affairs. In addition, Daowu, every time she comes here, she doesn't have much time except to teach the concubine, so it's normal not to tell her.

Hearing Linglong's explanation, the woman's eyes flickered slightly, and she murmured: "So, he is the person Dao Wuzui said."

After Linglong finished explaining, she stood up slowly, wiped off the dust on her body, looked at the grave in front of her again, and said to Linglong: "Let's go, the longer you stand here, the sadder you will be, and you should come here less. "

"You go first, I will stay for a while."

Linglong shook her head. The time she came here was very limited. Today is the first time she has come here in these years.

If you just leave like this, the next time you come, maybe it will be when.

The woman's lips twitched, and in the end she didn't know how to persuade Linglong, so she patted her on the shoulder comfortingly, then turned and left.

Linglong watched the woman leave, and when her back disappeared from her sight, Linglong suddenly slumped on the ground, with tears streaming out of her eyes.

Weeping silently, Linglong bit her lips tightly, her eyes full of stubbornness.

"That silly girl."

In the distance, Dao Wu was reclining on a pear tree, looking at Linglong who was sitting on the ground and crying in the distance, Dao Wu's eyes became very gentle.

The woman was standing under the pear tree, and she said with a hint of dissatisfaction in her voice: "Back then, if you had been more cautious, they would not have died, and Linglong would not have slept for ten years."

"Yeah, I wasn't careful enough."

Dao Wu laughed at himself, but both he and the woman understood that the situation at that time was not a matter of being cautious, but the reason for not being strong enough.

After all, although there were no opponents stronger than him at that time, there were nearly twenty people of the same level as him. No matter how cautious he was, he still had no time to rescue everyone.

The woman heard Dao Wu's self-deprecating voice, lowered her eyes, and asked in a very small voice: "Aren't you going to comfort her?"

"It's useless."

Dao Wu jumped down from the pear tree, he really wanted to comfort Linglong, but he knew Linglong's character, so going forward to comfort her at this time would be of no use at all.

It was also my own carelessness, if I had known that Linglong would not have come here today, this way it would not bring back Linglong's past.

Seeing that Dao Wu spoke so frankly, the woman frowned slightly, and finally raised her footsteps and walked towards the front mountain, and said to Dao Wu: "Let's go, take me to see your little brother, I'm going to apologize."

"Don't go, Nuo Ming is there now."

Dao Wu stretched out his hand to stop the woman, and said with some headaches.

At this time, Nuo Ming was by Wang Chen's side, if she went, the two of them would fight again, and he would have a headache to death.

The woman stopped tactfully, turned around and looked at Dao Wu seriously, and asked, "I can't figure out something."

"If you can't figure it out, don't think about it."

Dao Wu seemed to know what the woman wanted to ask, he looked at her deeply, and said softly.

Looking at Dao Wu, seeing that he was unwilling to speak, the woman also knew that even if she asked, he would not speak.

She left with small steps, and said quietly: "Have you found my little uncle?"

"I couldn't find it. She disappeared for nearly 20 years, and I don't know where she went."

Dao Wu followed closely behind the woman, with a hint of headache in his eyes.

He had some things to ask that woman, but that woman had disappeared for nearly 20 years, and even if he wanted to find her, he didn't know where to find her, which was really a headache.

The woman was not surprised at all. Although Dao Wu had a very terrifying intelligence network, it was impossible to find her little uncle.

My little uncle wants to hide it, so no matter who it is, it is impossible to find her.

If she wants to come out, she will come out even if you don't look for her.

Dao Wu quickly took two steps forward, he looked back again, smacked his mouth twice and said: "It's a pity, if your little uncle doesn't show up again, he probably won't be able to do something for the rest of his life."

(End of this chapter)

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