The personal soldier king of the beautiful president

Chapter 511 The Crisis of the Two Women!

Chapter 511 The Crisis of the Two Women!
"I told you, stay calm."

In the room, Bai Qingwu, who was sitting opposite the empress, felt the fluctuations in the empress's body, and frowned.

If the empress had kept her calm, then I was [-]% sure of awakening her forgotten and lost memories.

But if she can't keep calm, then even she can't say that she is [-]% sure, and she may even fold herself in.

When the empress heard Bai Qingwu's words, she forced herself to concentrate and calm down, and followed the guidance of Bai Qingwu's power to exercise the mental method she had memorized.

Sensing that the empress' aura had calmed down, Bai Qingwu heaved a sigh of relief in her heart, but said with a very serious face: "You have to be mentally prepared, your memory may be stimulated next, and your head may It hurts, and those recalled memories may make your mind unsteady, so no matter what, you must maintain a trace of clarity, otherwise, even if the gods and Buddhas descend to the earth, they will not be able to save you and me."

The empress's heart froze, and she also understood that the next action might lead to the death of herself and Bai Qingwu.

She didn't dare to be careless, and responded softly, her mind instantly became clear, and there was a trace of peaceful temperament on her body.

Seeing that the Empress was ready, Bai Qingwu slowly withdrew her left hand, and immediately tapped the index fingers of both hands on the temples on both sides of the Empress.

Her lips twitched slightly, as if she was thinking about something, and between her two fingers, the incomprehensible force slowly surged towards the empress's head.

At this moment, the capillaries of sweat emerged from her head.


As the power surged into her mind, the Empress suddenly let out a muffled snort, and even her body shook slightly.

She only felt that her head was about to explode now, as if something was about to fly out of her head.

She knew that this was caused by Bai Qingwu's power.

Bai Qingwu stimulated her brain through her power, allowing the lost memories in her brain to recover.

However, this method is very dangerous. First, it needs to test Bai Qingwu's ability to control power.

Otherwise, a little more or less of her strength would be enough to bring her to a point where she would never be able to recover.

Second, it is necessary to consider one's own ability to bear, if one cannot bear such pain, then one may die immediately, and the best end is to become an idiot.

The third, which is the most dangerous step, at the moment when his memory is awakened, if he can't persist, then both himself and Bai Qingwu will end up in a bad end.

Gradually, nearly 10 minutes passed.

During the past 10 minutes, Bai Qingwu and the Empress were sweating profusely on their faces, and the long skirts on both of them were tightly attached to their bodies, as if they had just rolled around in the water.

Of course, the most worrying thing is that the faces of the two women are full of pain, it seems that they are almost unable to hold on.


A few more minutes passed, and Bai Qingwu opened her eyes abruptly. In her eyes, there was a faint power that made one's heart tremble.


She yelled and cursed in a low voice, Bai Qingwu's face was full of unwillingness, she thought that according to her own strength, it would not be easy to wake up the memory of the empress, but it would not be so hard.

But now it seems that I have greatly underestimated myself, and I have also greatly underestimated the character of the emperor and empress.

How weak this woman must be to hide her memory so deeply that he has not guided her memory out until now.

"Fighting... oh..."

Looking at the empress with a face full of pain, Bai Qingwu sighed inwardly, bit her red lips forcefully, forcibly pulled up a bit of strength, closed her eyes and continued to deliver strength continuously.

Stop now, it's too late.

Because I stop now, there is an 80.00% chance that the Empress will die, and a 20.00% chance that she will become an idiot.

As for myself, it is estimated that there is a [-]% to [-]% chance of death.

After all, I don't have much strength now, and even my sanity is a little trance. If I let go at this time, the strength will definitely bite me back, and I will die properly at that time.

As for the empress, her expression was already in a trance.

On the one hand, it was because of the mental pain that almost broke her down.

On the other hand, it's because she feels hazy in her mind, everything is faintly visible, and it seems that she can see what they are after wiping her eyes, but for some reason, she can only be a bystander now.


In the past ten minutes or so, Bai Qingwu and the empress snorted at the same time, their faces became extremely pale, there was faint traces of blood flowing from the corners of their mouths, and the aura of both of them became pale. Very messy up.

"What the hell are those two women doing?"

Just when their breath was messy, Wang Chen who was above the corridor suddenly felt terrified.

The two women have been using their strength for almost an hour, and the strength has been continuous. According to common sense, they can no longer hold on.

Wang Chen also doesn't want to know how they persevere, he just wants to know what those two women are doing, they are about to go mad.

Moreover, judging from their messy aura, Wang Chen felt that the strength of these two women was about to be exhausted.

This is not a trivial matter, you must know that an ancient warrior would never be so stupid as to use up all his strength.

Because the power is completely exhausted, it means becoming a disabled person, and it means a dead person.

"Damn, you have to go in."

Wang Chen gritted his teeth secretly, and quickly came outside Hua Cai'er's room, and shouted through the door: "Cai'er, come outside the empress' room to protect me. Don't come in either."

After finishing speaking, Wang Chen quickly came to the empress' room, put Bai Qingwu's instructions to him behind his mind, opened the door silently, and walked in silently.

Because he knew very well that if he made some noise at this time, it would be easy for those two women who were about to go mad to step on the line of life and death in advance.

Silently, he came in front of the two girls, Wang Chen gritted his teeth and looked at them, scolding in his heart, his face was also full of worry and irritability.

He glanced sideways at the outside of the room, and when he saw Hua Caier sitting cross-legged outside the room holding the guqin, he took a soft breath, and then stretched out his hands.

With a flick of the finger, two silver needles shot out from between the two hands.

A silver needle was inserted a little below Bai Qingwu's heart, and the other silver needle was inserted on the empress' temple.

After the two silver needles were inserted into their bodies, Wang Chen stretched out his hands and placed them on the heads of the two girls.

(End of this chapter)

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