Chapter 503 The road ahead
Soon, the car drove on the highway, and the speed of the car was not much slower than that of a sports car.

Because the car windows were lowered, the headwind blowing in from the outside made their hair flutter.

Especially Luoshen's long hair, slapping Wang Chen's cheeks from time to time, slapping his cheeks painfully.

Turning his head to look at Luoshen, seeing that she still hadn't changed much, and even her pretty face didn't turn red, Wang Chen suddenly felt a little helpless, and said bravely, "Sister-in-law, I think it's better to let Dao Wu take you to race next time, As far as the speed of my car is concerned, it won't affect you at all."

"No, actually sister-in-law is still very excited."

Luoshen closed the magazine in his hand, and said to Wang Chen, gently twirling the hair beside his ear.

Seeing Luoshen say this, Wang Chen didn't know what to say, so he had no choice but to increase the speed to the highest speed and drive all the way on the highway.

Luoshen leaned on the seat, turned his head to look at the scenery that kept receding outside, and said to Wang Chen seriously: "Little brother, shouldn't you think about your future? When Dao Wu was at your age, he was already Start thinking about his future."

"I am no different from Dao."

Wang Chen slightly exerted his hand holding the steering wheel, and finally shook his head and said softly.

Dao Wu thought about the future when he was his age because he still had many brothers and friends and many confidante around him.

But there is basically no one around me, women?Maybe there is indeed some ambiguity between myself and them, but that's all.

brother?Except for Wang and the others, he has no brothers anymore, and He Jing Chang'an, Fan Shiguang and others can only be regarded as better friends than ordinary friends.

Moreover, for some reason, I couldn't think about the future myself.

Because I can't think about my future, if I think about it, it is easy to think carefully and fear, which leads to an extreme state.

"Yes, you are different from Dao Wu, but... your path will eventually go on, even if the future is hopeless."

Luoshen spoke softly, her voice was so small that it was almost covered by the roar of the car, but her words still entered Wang Chen's ears very clearly, and even kept echoing in Wang Chen's mind .

"Sister-in-law, you should know that the more traces I leave now, the more people will be sad and even desperate in the future."

Wang Chen laughed at himself, he knew exactly what Luoshen wanted to say, but he couldn't do those things by himself.

If I leave too many footprints, if I leave or die in the future, how many people will be sad for me, and how many people's lives will be disrupted by me?

It's not that I don't have confidence in myself, but that there are some things I can't do, such as...showing my sharpness.

At this time, if you show your sharpness, you will break a certain balance.

"Do you really not listen to sister-in-law's persuasion? You should know that sister-in-law doesn't want you to go anywhere, but just hopes that you can bring some hope to us."

Luoshen's beautiful eyes looked at Wang Chen without blinking.

From Wang Chen's birth to the present, the traces left by him are basically very few.

Emperor?This is just a code name he used to have. When he disappears one day, the things he did with this code name will also be erased. At least no one will know that he used to have a code name called Huang, and he made many earth-shattering things. matter.

As for what happened some time ago, he didn't leave even the slightest trace. Those things were all caused by Luo Lengyue and Wang Chen, and he was always behind the scenes.

Thinking about it carefully, Wang Chen has lived for more than 20 years, but this world has never left too many traces of him.

She or they don't want Wang Chen to just hide like this, at least, this world should leave a huge footprint of Wang Chen.

"Sister-in-law, you understand that thinking about the future is not suitable for me."

Wang Chen didn't dare to look into Luoshen's eyes, he said in a vague tone.

There are some things, as long as I and Luoshen know, if I say it, it will be wrong.

"I understand."

Luoshen nodded, and there was a gleam of light in his eyes, as if he had made up his mind.

Wang Chen looked at an exit in front, he slowly lowered the speed of the car, and the car drove out from that exit.

Back on the road again, Wang Chen pursed a nice smile and said, "Sister-in-law, you should know that it's best for me to be restrained now, if I break free from the shackles all over my body, then... I will make a lot of people difficult imaginary things."

"Sister-in-law looks forward to the time when you break free from that shackle."

Luoshen stretched out her thin hands and rubbed her temples, and said in a soft tone.

Although Wang Chen is not there now, it does not mean that he is free of restraints, on the contrary, because of the many people around him, it is more inconvenient for him to move, and the restraints are getting stronger and stronger.

For example, many families used to target him, and even killed him. Although Wang Chen is now taking revenge, he can only do so in moderation.

But if he breaks free from the shackles and no longer restrains himself, those families are just clowns to Wang Chen, and he... can be wiped out.

I persuaded Wang Chen to think about the future because I wanted him to break free from the shackles.

Because only by breaking free from the shackles, Wang Chen will be truly free, and he will be able to marry, have children, and fall in love like ordinary people.

Because only in that way, Wang Chen is truly unscrupulous and unscrupulous.

"Sister-in-law, you still don't understand..."

Wang Chen sighed, perhaps, in Luoshen's heart, his shackles were similar to the shackles that Dao Wu once wore. As long as he untied the shackles, he would be truly free and be able to walk on the path he wanted to walk on. .

However, his situation is different from Dao Wu's. What he got out of the shackles was freedom.

And myself, after breaking free from the shackles, what I get is not freedom, but a demon will be released.

No one in this world can stop me from going berserk.

So, Wang Chen thinks this is pretty good.

"It's not that sister-in-law doesn't understand, but that the path your old man arranged for you is not suitable for you."

Luoshen's tone was unusually full of firmness. According to the path arranged for Wang Chen by the old man of Wang Chen's family, there is only one possibility for Wang Chen's future, and that is death.

And Wang Chen, as his younger brother, it is absolutely impossible for him to let Wang Chen go to a dead end.

His future doesn't need to be so dazzling, but he can't be so desperate.

Thinking of this, Luoshen's eyes were full of determination, and he said to Wang Chen in a tone that could not be opposed: "Go to Tianmeng Garden."

Wang Chen's pupils shrank when he heard the word Tianmengyuan, and he wanted to say something with a wry smile, but when he saw Luoshen's stare, he could only honestly drive towards the direction of Tianmengyuan.

(End of this chapter)

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