The personal soldier king of the beautiful president

Chapter 47 Three people on the list, meet Bao Qing again

Chapter 47 Three people on the list, meet Bao Qing again

Midnight Bar, one of the high-end bars in Minghai City.

Those who can come to this bar to spend money are basically high-level white-collar workers or the second-generation rich.

Because ordinary people simply can't afford to spend in this kind of place, one night is enough for an ordinary person's salary for two or three years.

This night, Wang Chen came to this bar.

But Wang Chen didn't go in, but leaned against a big tree not far from the bar.

In his hand, he was holding three photos. The people in the photos were all 27-year-old young people.

"Li Minghua, the sole heir of Minghua Real Estate, Gao Heng, the general manager of Minghua Real Estate, Gao Yuan, the mud-legged son of Chen Ruoyu of the Chen family."

Looking at the three photos, Wang Chen whispered softly, these three people are his goals for today, that is, three of the 23 people.

Luo Lengyue was kidnapped this time, and many people planned it, including Li Minghua and Gao Heng, because the place where Luo Lengyue was detained was the place where Minghua Real Estate was planning to transform it into a village in the city, and that place was Li Minghua and Gao Heng. Gao Heng selected it.

As for Gao Yuan, it was Gao Heng's twin brother, who acted as Li Minghua's and Chen Ruoyu's contact person, and was an indispensable person.

Remembering the appearance of these three people clearly, Wang Chen tore the photo into pieces, intentionally or unintentionally avoiding the camera, and walked towards the back of the bar.

Ten minutes later, Wang Chen easily entered the bar.

He stood in a very hidden place and scanned the bar.

Soon, Wang Chen found the target.

On the dance floor of the bar, the target three each hugged a coquettish woman and danced close together.

Wang Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and walked slowly towards the toilet.

Soon, Wang Chen changed his equipment and came out of the toilet. His face also looked normal, as if he had changed his face.

He lowered his head and walked towards the dance floor.

On the dance floor, Wang Chen danced around, as if he was infected by the dance floor, opened his mouth and shouted loudly, as if to vent the breath in his heart.

The body swayed, from time to time to this side, from time to time to the other side.

Among them, it is necessary to touch some women, Wang Chen's cheeks flushed, and his breath became a little heavy, but in the depths of his eyes, it revealed the coldness that penetrated to the bone.

Soon, the place above the dance floor was basically shaken by Wang Chen.

He seemed to be unable to bear the unrestrained and ambiguous atmosphere on the dance floor, so he quickly ran down the dance floor and walked towards the toilet.

After about ten minutes, Wang Chen walked out of the toilet wearing his original clothes again, regaining that handsome face.

He walked a little shaky, as if he was drunk, in fact... If someone ran to the monitoring room at this time, they would find that the monitoring did not capture Wang Chen's figure at all.

Because Wang Chen avoided the camera's exposure by relying on everyone's obstruction, and also avoided the narrow blind spot of the camera, Wang Chen walked out of the bar without a trace.

Just 10 minutes after Wang Chen walked out of the bar, several screams suddenly came from the bar, covering up the DJ's sound in the bar... All because three people died silently in the bar, and these three people Also very background.

One is the sole successor of Minghua Real Estate.

One is the general manager of Minghua Group.

There is another one, the youngest of the Chen family, the celebrity around Chen Ruoyu.

Wang Chen was sitting outside a supermarket not far from the bar at this time.

He crossed his legs, leaned on the seat, and ate a lollipop in his hand. There was no usual ruffian on his face, only a daunting indifference and aloofness.

"Three people, it seems that there are still too few, and there is plenty of time today."

Wang Chen murmured, chewed the lollipop, stood up and walked to the ATM not far away.

Taking out his only bank card from his empty wallet, Wang Chen took out 1000 yuan.

Don't ask why he still has money in his bank card, because it's all overdraft. To put it needs to be paid back in the future.

With money on his body again, Wang Chen went into the supermarket and bought a bottle of white wine in his hand, before hailing a taxi.

The moment he got into the taxi, his expression suddenly became weird.

"Hey, brother, where is your car?"

The driver of the taxi was Bao Qing. Originally, he had a bitter face, but when he saw Wang Chen getting into the car, he suddenly asked in surprise.

"My car is being repaired, Brother Bao, why are you driving a taxi here?"

"This is Red Dragon Avenue, my site, I can drive somewhere else."

Bao Qing subconsciously groaned, and finally said directly with a bitter face: "No, I was taught a lesson by the president just now, and now I'm chasing performance, brother, tell me, the president is too lenient. Well, a president with an annual salary of tens of millions, to manage the affairs of me, a low-level employee, although I am wrong, but also..."

Bao Qing is worthy of being a chatterbox, this chatter box is opened, and it can't be closed at all, making Wang Chen dumbfounded.

I never thought that I had such a relationship with Bao Qing, and met him again, but my ears are going to suffer.

"Brother Bao, take me to Mingui Garden."

Wang Chen interrupted Bao Qing and told him the address he was going to.

In fact, what I am going to is not some Mingui Garden, but in order not to make people doubt, I can only say so.

Bao Qing nodded, started the car and drove towards Mingui Garden, talking to Wang Chen non-stop.

Of course, most of the time, Bao Qing was talking and Wang Chen was listening.

Wang Chen was holding the wine bottle, taking a sip of wine from time to time, keeping his eyes on the outside, fearing that Bao Qing would overdrive again.

After about 10 minutes, Wang Chen had already seen Mingui Garden, and he said to Bao Qing: "Okay, just get off here."

Bao Qing closed his mouth, nodded and parked the car on the side of the road.

Wang Chen got out of the car, paid the fare, and finally looked at Bao Qing and said meaningfully: "You didn't pay the fare when you got on the bus, I will leave a phone number for you, next time you have something to call me. "

After finishing speaking, Wang Chen gave Bao Qing his business card, turned and left.

Bao Qing stuck his head out and shouted at Wang Chen: "Hey, hey, brother, wait, didn't you give the fare to our president? You don't owe me anything."

"One thing is one thing, why don't you go to your president to help me get the money back?"

Wang Chen joked without looking back, and disappeared from Bao Qing's sight not long after.


Bao Qing shook his head, and didn't think about it anymore. Seeing someone waving at him not far away, he hurriedly drove the car over.

I'm probably going to be exhausted this month.

(End of this chapter)

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