Chapter 410 Sulfuric acid rain

"Is there any way now, go in and confirm the number of people?"

Fenghuang looked sideways at Chen, and said with a slightly turbulent tone.

This guy was quite normal at the beginning, but he didn't expect that after he died once, he would do things without any regard for the consequences.

Fortunately, those old guys didn't know about today's matter, otherwise, if they knew, no matter what status Chen is now, he would probably suffer from it.

Of course, the most important thing now is to determine the number of people in the factory, whether it is the number of opponents or the number of people on your own side.

You have to check yourself, how many people have died, and how much combat power the opponent still has left.

Especially the opponent's main personnel, because if the opponent's main personnel are not damaged, then no matter how much they toss tonight, it will not have much effect.

"I'll try it."

Chen rubbed his nose, took out his phone and sent a text message.

All kinds of smoke in the factory are now fused together, permeating without dissipating. It must be difficult to accurately determine the personnel of both parties.

What's more important is that I don't know what effect the smoke has now. Perhaps after various fusions, this thing has mutated, and the protective clothing may not have any effect in the end.

There is a high possibility that my own people have already fallen under my own methods...

After Chen sent the text message, his eyes blinked slightly, as if thinking of something, he whispered to Wang Chen who was standing beside him adjusting his body: "Boss, it seems that the two women are still inside."

"Which two women?"

Wang Chen asked casually, but he didn't understand what Chen meant.

Chen grinned at Wang Chen, and finally lowered his head and said embarrassingly: "It's just Xiao..."

"The two of them?"

Before Chen finished speaking, Wang Chen shrank his pupils and interrupted Chen's words.

Seeing Chen nodding his head, Wang Chen rubbed his temples with some headaches, looking at the mist kneaded together in various colors, his heart was full of entanglements.

Stepping out with one foot a little, and then retracting it in an instant, Wang Chen said helplessly, "This factory should have an exhaust vent. Ask your people to open the exhaust vent to blow away the smoke inside."

"The exhaust vents don't do anything."

Chen shook his head. It is common sense that there are air vents in the factory, but the air vents can only discharge the smoke inside the factory building, not the smoke outside the factory building.

In other words, if the smoke inside the factory building is drawn out through the air outlet, then the smoke will accumulate outside the factory building, or even spread from the inside to the outside.

At that time, the horror will be in a mess, and this place probably won't be able to stay anymore.

"Don't worry about him so much, try it first and then talk."

Wang Chen's expression fluctuated, and the last slap was on Chen's forehead, and he said in a tone of gnashing his teeth.

If it wasn't for this guy's foolishness, how could this happen.

Still planning, this guy's plan is like a shit stick to me, messing everything up so thickly that it's hard to look at it directly.

Seeing what Wang Chen said, Chen sighed in his heart, took out his mobile phone and sent another text message.

If I had known that this kind of situation would happen when so many things were fused together, I would not have used this kind of soft method just now, and used a domineering method directly.

Fortunately, the domineering high-tech gadgets can't be used, and this kind of soft high-tech gadgets have become fatal things.

After Chen sent the text message, Wang Chen sat down on the ground, took out a cigarette from his pocket and smoked it in small puffs.

Waiting for the air vent in the factory building to open, Wang Chen squinted at Dongfang Miaoren and Dongfang Miaoyi, with surprise in his eyes.


After a while, whirring sounds came into Wang Chen's ears, and he saw the factory building in front of him, with smoke constantly rising into the air from the roof.

Wang Chen jumped onto a big tree and stood on a branch. He looked at the huge fans on the roof of those factory buildings with joy and horror.

He didn't expect that there was a company that designed the exhaust outlets of its own factory in this way, and designed all the exhaust outlets on the roof of the factory building, which made it easier for the smoke to rise into the air.

What is frightening is that after the smoke was discharged from the exhaust vent, it was not blown away, but condensed together to form a huge cloud of colors, which was very gorgeous, but still gave people a sense of shock.


Wang Chen swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked at the smoke lingering outside the factory building and began to rise into the air, a bad premonition rose in his heart, and said in a somewhat hoarse tone: "How do I feel, something seems to be going wrong."

"I also have this feeling."

Fenghuang nodded seriously to Wang Chen, she also felt a little bad.

Logically speaking, the smoke is almost weightless. Once it is vacated, it will be blown away by the wind, but now that the smoke is flying into the air, it is not blown away. Instead, it condenses together to form a gorgeous The cloud layer gives people the feeling of a prehistoric beast.

Suppressing the bad feeling in his heart, Fenghuang quickly rushed towards the inside of the factory building, and said to Wang Chen: "When the smoke is thin, immediately rescue the people inside, save your own people first, and let the opponent talk about it later."

Looking at the decisive phoenix, Wang Chen jumped down from the big tree with a jerk, and also rushed in quickly.

At the same time, he also had a doubt in his heart. Logically speaking, there should be more than just himself and many other masters.

But why, only a few of them ran out in the end, and the rest didn't show up.

Could it be that they were all recruited because of carelessness?Wang Chen felt that this idea was unrealistic. After all, the person who can lead this plan, whoever is not a thoughtful person, cannot just be tricked like this.

In ten minutes, under the rescue of Wang Chen, Fenghuang and others, forty or fifty people were rescued from the inside.

These people are considered to be their own people. Most of them were passed out by Chen's high-tech gadgets, and a small number of them were seriously injured and passed out when they were fighting with their opponents.

After confirming that all his people were rescued, Wang Chen didn't go in again, but sat cross-legged on the ground, looked up at the colorful clouds above the factory, swallowed his saliva and said, "Hey, hey, this thing can't be It's going to rain."


Wang Chen's words were just finished, and it was verified that the clouds above the factory building began to rain without warning, and the raindrops were not white, but black.

clap clap-

The raindrops fell on the factory building and the ground. The ground and the factory were corroded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and there was even a foul smell.


Everyone swallowed their saliva at the same time, this scene was so frightening to everyone! ! !

And Wang Chen was faintly worried, because he didn't find the empress and Hua Cai'er in it, and he didn't know what happened to them.

But when he thought of the characters of those two women, Wang Chen's worries dissipated in an instant.

According to their personalities, they shouldn't be damaged by the smoke.

(End of this chapter)

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