The personal soldier king of the beautiful president

Chapter 396 Chen's High Technology

Chapter 396 Chen's High Technology
"Do it."

The four people looked at Chen who was in an attacking posture, said in unison, and rushed towards Chen to attack.

Judging from the strength and posture of their moves, they are obviously very powerful, even to the limit.

They are only half a grade behind Qier.

Four people attack together, maybe even someone like Qier is a bit difficult.

Just when they were within three meters of him, Chen's eyes flashed, and he suddenly squatted on the ground and stuck the dagger in his hand into the ground.

"Electricity and fire."

The moment the dagger was inserted into the ground, Chen slapped the handle of the dagger with his palm, and then jumped into the air.


The moment he flew into the air, three meters around where he was standing just now, suddenly a large electric arc burst out from the ground, and directly shocked the four people.

With the continuous electric shock of the huge electric arc, the hair of the four people stood upside down, their bodies became pitch black, and they were still twitching non-stop.

Of course, this was just the beginning. Just as they were retreating one after another, their speed became very slow because the arc hit their bodies and made their bodies numb.

At this time, a raging fire appeared within the three-meter range without any warning. The fire appeared and disappeared quickly, almost only appearing for a moment before disappearing.

But those four people fell to the ground before they could even yell out at that moment, without making any more sound.


Chen slowly landed on the ground, looking at the four people who had become scorched black, he grinned lightly, and murmured: "There are high-tech gadgets, how can I compete with you for strength, save time as much as possible. "

Although Wang Chen was far away, he still saw this scene clearly, his expression became dull, and the time when he and Luo Lengyue met for the second time appeared in his mind.

At that time, Luo Lengyue was holding a thing that could shoot lasers, and she was almost shot by that thing.


Swallowing a mouthful of saliva, Wang Chen stretched out his hand to wipe off the capillary sweat that appeared on his head, and murmured: "It seems that it was too simple before, such a powerful thing, it's worth it if you get hit."

In the past, he felt that bullets were not dangerous to him at all, because his speed was so fast that people ran away without aiming.

But now, he felt that he underestimated these things, especially Chen's methods.

You-sister, a dagger has such an effect, if someone who doesn't know it treats it as an ordinary dagger, the end will be the end of the four people in front of Chen now.

After finishing those four people, Chen trotted to Wang Chen's side, and asked with a smile, "Boss, what do you think?"

"I just want to know, what is that thing just now?"

Wang Chen now just wants to take out some good things from Chen's body, such as the dagger just now, that thing is used to intimidate people, it is simply a sharp weapon that has been tried and tested.

If you have those things in your hands and suddenly hit your opponent twice, no matter how many people come from the opponent, it will be useless to you.


Seeing Wang Chen's greedy look, Chen couldn't help laughing.

When they first set out on missions, it was because they suffered from high-tech gadgets that they tossed a few of them until they stepped into the gate of hell.

Although he didn't die in the end, he was separated for many years. Because of this, he not only strengthened his own strength, but also researched those high-tech gadgets at the same time.

For example, those things just now were researched by myself. Of course, it is impossible to complete it in a few years by myself alone. Fortunately, I have a talented team.

"Just tell me, how did you do that?"

Wang Chen asked urgently, if he doesn't figure out these things now, he feels that he can't sleep well, because this thing is too threatening.

"It took a lot of money to do it."

Chen rolled his eyes and said, and finally waved his hands, and said impatiently: "Come on, don't ask, telling you about these tricky things will only make you more confused. When I have time, I will take you to inspect it." Just watch and you'll know."

"Yeah, you're still fucking up."

Wang Chen laughed. Seeing that Chen didn't say anything, he didn't continue to ask. He looked at the road where the dark king left, and asked with a frown, "Why did the dark king want to do something to the king just now?"

"It's hard to put it into words. In layman's terms, it's a hero saving the beauty. In weird terms, it's a coincidence."

Chen smiled wryly, when Wang rescued the woman, he saw it himself, and asked Wang to save the woman, but he didn't expect to check carefully at the end, and found that the woman had such a powerful brother.

"Heroes save beauty?"

Wang Chen muttered, and finally said helplessly: "Okay, let's continue, it's getting late."

Chen nodded, then shook his head again, he raised his head to look at the twinkling stars in the sky, and said with a very nice smile on the corner of his mouth: "Let's find a place to chat, we don't need to do anything for now, just need Wait for the rest to do it."

Although Wang Chen didn't know what Chen's plan was, he still nodded and followed Chen aimlessly.

Since Chen Lai has already done what happened tonight, there is no need for him to intervene for the time being, and he has no chance to intervene.


Under a big tree, the dark king looked at the king with a complicated expression. After a long time, he said with a long sigh: "Tell me, what kind of ecstasy did you give my little sister?"

"Who is your little sister?"

The king looked at the dark king calmly, although he said that this guy was extremely powerful, but before the fight, he might lose or win, and he didn't think he would be weaker than the dark king.

"Who is my sister, you still don't know?"

The Dark King sneered, his sister was out of his mind every day, and ran to find Wang every now and then, and this guy is still pretending to be stupid and asking who his sister is.

That is to say, Wang Chen's words just now linger in his head, otherwise he will definitely smash Wang's face with a punch.

"Should I know?"

Wang asked calmly, with a slight push of his thumb, the long knife was unsheathed half an inch in an instant, and a very fierce aura slowly burst out from his body.

Glancing at the long knife in Wang's hand, An Wang slowly turned around, and said impatiently, "I tell you, it's best not to touch my sister, or I will make you regret your birth." to this world.


After the Dark King finished speaking, he suddenly touched the ground with his toes, and his body shifted half a meter to the left.

And where he was standing just now, a deep knife mark suddenly appeared, and the long knife in Wang's hand was already half out of its sheath.


Pushing the long knife into the scabbard, Wang said coldly to the An Wang, "I'm not interested in knowing who your sister is or which woman's brother you are. If you want to die, just say so, and I'll send you to salvation now."

(End of this chapter)

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