Chapter 319 A Faceless Painting
Miss Cai looked at Wang Chen in astonishment, because Wang Chen's sudden emotion was completely unexpected.

The empress also looked at Wang Chen with slightly raised eyebrows, and then looked at Miss Cai.

Miss Cai felt the empress' gaze, smiled wryly and shook her head, because she didn't know why Wang Chen behaved like this.

Soon, Wang Chen stretched out his hand and beat his chest vigorously, took a few deep breaths, wiped away his tears that were still falling down like needle thread, and said with an apologetic smile on his face, "Sorry, you look very similar to me. I'm a friend, and I can't hold back."

"It's okay, it's human nature."

The empress nodded understandingly to Wang Chen, pointed to a chair and motioned Wang Chen to sit down.

Wang Chen sat on the chair with his head down, he didn't dare to look at the empress, because he was afraid that he would be unable to bear it again when he saw the empress, because this woman looked too much like the concubine.

If the little concubine hadn't died, she would have looked like this when she grew up.

Although Fenghuang told him yesterday that the little concubine might not be dead, but Wang Chen knew that this was nothing more than self-deception.

Xiaofei was at the core of the explosion back then, let alone a single person at that time, even if a meteorite was there, it would still be blown to nothing.

The Empress didn't care much about Wang Chen's attitude, she picked up a piece of paper on the table and walked to Wang Chen, handed the piece of paper to Wang Chen and said: "Just promise to help me find this person, I will Just help you."

Wang Chen took the piece of paper and looked at it. There was a person drawn on that piece of paper, but the face was completely blank. He could only guess that it was a woman from the long hair.

Still not looking up, Wang Chen asked in a questioning voice: "Can you tell me, is this person a man or a woman?"

"I don't really know."

There was a trace of pain in the eyes of the empress. This painting was only drawn by myself. I didn't know whether the person in the painting was a man or a woman, or whether it was an old man or a young man.

"Don't you know?"

Wang Chen muttered to himself, and felt a little headache. There are really few clues, and it can even be said that there are no clues at all.

The earth is so big, it is simply too difficult to find a person, especially if I don't know whether the person in this painting is a man or a woman, a teenager or an old man.

It can also be said that it is impossible to find such a person in the vast crowd.

Although Wang Chen lowered his head so that he couldn't see his emotions clearly, the empress still said softly: "But I'm sure that this person is in the capital, definitely in the capital."

"Kyoto has a large population."

Wang Chen sighed, but he still took the faceless painting seriously, and said to the empress: "I dare not say that I can find it, I can only say that I will try my best to help you find it."

"Your words are enough."

The empress nodded slightly, glanced at Miss Cai and said to Wang Chen: "If you have anything to do, you can go to Cai'er, Cai'er can represent me."

Wang Chen didn't speak, he stood up, took the painting and walked outside.

But when he walked to the door, Wang Chen still couldn't help the feeling in his heart, and turned his head to look at the empress.

The simple glance still set off a storm in Wang Chen's heart, and made many past events come to mind clearly again.

With his eyes closed, Wang Chen calmed down for a while, then strode away, and said to Miss Cai behind him, "The tea money will be brought to you in two days."

Wang Chen now just wants to leave the Emperor's Residence as soon as possible, because this place is terrible to him.

It's not the place that's scary, or the people, it's the past that's in my mind that's scary.

Because when I think of the face of the empress, the face of a little girl will appear in my mind, and the tragedy of the past will appear.

Seeing Wang Chen staggering away, the Empress reached out and touched her cheek, looked at Miss Cai and asked, "Cai'er, do I look so scary?"

"Maybe he's thinking of some bad memories."

Miss Cai pondered and said, the Wang Chen just now is completely different from the Wang Chen she was talking to, as if she was a completely different person.

And the expression Wang Chen showed just now was so real, so she didn't feel that Wang Chen was lying just now, it was completely sincere.

Or really, as he said, in his heart, there is a person who looks very similar to the empress, and that person may have a deep relationship or relationship with him, but they are separated for various reasons.

"That's great, at least I have a memory."

The empress sat in front of the desk, she propped her chin with both hands and looked out the window, whispering, feeling a little envious of Wang Chen in her heart.

Maybe those memories in Wang Chen's heart are very painful, but at least there is still a memory.

And I don't even have a memory, I live like a walking dead, like a person circling in a dark place, I don't know what I should do, I don't know what I am alive... What is it for?

Miss Cai stood behind the empress, she gently stroked the empress' cheeks with her hands, and said comfortingly: "Are you confused again, it's okay, I believe you can remember the past."

"Don't comfort me, I understand, maybe I won't remember it in this lifetime."

The empress shook her head, she was very clear about her physical condition, and knew how difficult it was to remember the past, it would not be an exaggeration to describe it as a fairy tale.

Just when Miss Cai continued to comfort the Empress, the Empress quietly changed the subject and asked, "Tell me, am I being selfish, in order to find someone, I might pay for the sisters in the Emperor's Residence. "

Miss Cai bent down slightly, knocked her chin on the empress's shoulder, put her mouth close to her ear and murmured softly: "You know, sisters just want to make you happy, life is to us... As long as you're happy, that's enough."

The empress closed her eyes, twisted the corners of her skirt with her hands a little uneasy, and said with a firm look on her delicate cheeks: "No, this is still too dangerous, Cai'er, if you really encounter something that you can't avoid Tell me about the big things you have opened, and I will solve them."

"Don't worry, he shouldn't let us do too difficult things until he finds the person you're looking for."

Miss Cai smiled softly, stretched out her hand to rub the empress's hair, and said in a very low voice: "Besides, even if our emperor's residence is involved in those things, for the sake of master, those family members are not What will happen to us."

A figure appeared in the empress's mind, nodding her head silently, her expression became very tender again, and her eyes gradually became very confused.

The person I'm looking for... Where is it?

The person I'm looking for... who is it!

(End of this chapter)

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