Chapter 315 The Addicted Qian Wanze
On a road with a very good environment.

Qian Wanze stopped the car, and walked on the road side by side with Wang Chen.

Qian Wanze looked at the road ahead and the few people passing by from time to time, and said to Wang Chen beside him, "If you do it now, those old guys will definitely not be able to justify it. You should be very clear about what kind of scene those old guys need."

"You don't have to worry about that."

Wang Chen is very clear about what effect those old guys need to achieve, and also knows what kind of situation they need this matter to turn into. It is precisely because of this that he can't wait anymore.

"Since you have said so, then I have nothing to say."

Qian Wanze shrugged her shoulders lightly, put her hands behind her back, and said in a weak tone: "You are really capable of tossing around, with so many people and so many influences, I am really afraid that they will eat me. "

"Afraid? Then you can quit, and I won't stop you."

The corner of Wang Chen's mouth was full of amusement as he looked at Qian Wanze, although he didn't know what agreement she had reached with Luo Lengyue, but now Wang Chen was sure that he must be involved in it.

Perhaps only I was able to let the two of them sit together at the beginning, otherwise they would not be able to sit together and talk freely.

Qian Wanze remained silent. At this time, she wanted to get away, because the people Wang Chen had to deal with had far exceeded his budget. This was no longer just the Ling family and the Qin family, but the entire wealthy family in Kyoto. .

But I can only think about it. It is impossible to really quit. After all, I signed a contract with Luo Lengyue. If I quit now, it will be a breach of contract.

Liquidated damages and those additional terms cannot be compensated by themselves, and now they can only bite the bullet.

Looking at Qian Wanze who was not speaking, Wang Chen stopped and sat on the side of the road. He crossed his hands together and clenched into fists. He looked at Qian Wanze standing in front of him a little loosely and said, "Guess, now the capital is What situation?"

"What else can happen, don't you let Fan Shiguang do it?"

Qian Wanze rolled her eyes and sat next to Wang Chen. This guy had asked Fan Shiguang to do it, and she had already received the news that the Qin family and the Ling family were holding an emergency meeting.

Because of Fan Shiguang's move, it really touched the nerves of many people.

Moreover, Fan Guangguang's action created a chain reaction. The people who had dealt with the Qin and Ling families would attack again, and it was almost time for the enemies of the Qin and Ling families to attack now.

After all, this matter has been going on for almost a month, and now Fan Guangguang and the others still haven't let go, so they are treating the enemies of the Ling Qin family as a tranquilizer.

It must be very hard for the Ling Qin family who are being besieged from all sides. If I guessed right, the Ling family and the Qin family will probably show off their muscles at Qin Qingxin's wedding tomorrow.

Both feet stomped lightly on the ground, Wang Chen was smoking a cigarette, and suddenly said to Qian Wanze: "You don't need to move for now, and cooperate with Fan Shiguang in two days' time."

"I knew you cared about me."

When Qian Wanze heard this, a very happy smile appeared on his face, and he reached out and patted Wang Chen's shoulder, looking like a good buddy.

Now at this juncture, I really don't dare to do anything, because if I'm not careful, my Qian family will be involved.

But it would be different if it was delayed for two or three days. At that time, Fan Shiguang and the others were fighting like a raging fire. When he got involved, the Ling family and the Qin family might not be able to notice him.

"You know I care about you."

Wang Chen said to Qian Wanze with a smile, a hint of imperceptible playfulness quietly emerged from the corner of his mouth, this woman Qian Wanze only stood in the position of those old guys and thought, but forgot one thing.

That is, two or three days later, when those families and Fan Shiguang are fighting fiercely, if Qian Wanze steps in again, he will definitely step on the nerves of those families, and they will definitely notice Qian Wanze by then.

Let's take this as a little compensation for Qian Wanze's trap last time.

Suddenly, Wang Chen seemed to think of something, he grabbed Qian Wanze's wrist, and pulled it hard, Qian Wanze screamed coquettishly, and was pulled into Wang Chen's arms.

Wang Chen hugged Qian Wanze tightly with both hands, stroked her back lightly with both hands, and said with a sneer on his face: "You set me a trap last time, do you think I should punish you."

The reason why he did this, the reason why he said this, was because he didn't want Qian Wanze to guess his plan later, otherwise she would make a move in advance, or a few days later, and the situation he had arranged would be difficult to continue.

Being suddenly attacked by Wang Chen, Qian Wanze was very nervous at first, but after being hugged by Wang Chen, her breathing suddenly became short of breath.

Wang Chen has an extremely strong masculine aura, which may not be visible on the surface, but when he really gets in touch with this guy, the masculine aura on his body seems to melt him away.

Among all the people I know, Wang Chen may be the most masculine and masculine guy.

Feeling Wang Chen's aura now, Qian Wanze became a little confused, that aura almost melted her away.

With both hands unconsciously wrapped around Wang Chen's waist, Qian Wanze's body twisted on Wang Chen's body from time to time, she bit her lips tightly with her teeth, as if she was holding back something.

Seeing Qian Wanze's strange behavior, Wang Chen's eyelids twitched a few times, and just when he was about to let go of Qian Wanze, Qian Wanze returned to normal without any sign.

She still hugged Wang Chen tightly, pressed her chest against Wang Chen's body, raised her head to look at Wang Chen who was a little suspicious, took a deep breath, and said in a somewhat confused and sighing voice: "You Guy... is it poison?"

"My mother is still dichlorvos, do you believe it or not?"

Wang Chen was amused by Qian Wanze, he let go of his hands and let Qian Wanze hug him, his tone was full of teasing.

This woman didn't know what kind of trouble she had, but she actually said that she was poison. This metaphor was the most bizarre one to describe herself.

"I suddenly found that I fell in love with you."

Qian Wanze, who was originally full of wildness, arched her body vigorously towards Wang Chen, her legs were slightly bent, and the hand that was already hugging Wang Chen very forcefully tightened up again. She closed her eyes and acted like a kitten. The voice muttered to Wang Chen.

"Did you take the wrong medicine today?"

Wang Chen stretched out his hand and touched Qian Wanze's forehead. This woman probably took the wrong medicine today, and she didn't see eye to eye with him all the time, but now she actually said that she fell in love with him, and her tone was so gentle.

This is simply the sun coming out from the west!

(End of this chapter)

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