Chapter 290 I Envy You

Standing where he was, letting Jun Yue hug him, Wang Chen didn't speak.

After more than ten minutes passed like this, Jun Yue reluctantly let go of Wang Chen.

She tidied up her messy hair, and walked forward with dim eyes.

She really hoped that when he hugged Wang Chen just now, he would say a few words to her, even if it was to reject her, but he didn't say anything.

Bending down to pick up Jun Yue's coat, Wang Chen followed Jun Yue, still not speaking.

Jun Yue took her coat and put it on her body, with her hands behind her back, she looked up at the sky and walked.

Slowly, the two walked onto the avenue. There were many pedestrians and cars on the road, but no taxis passed by.

After another while, a taxi appeared in front of the two of them. Jun Yue waved and the taxi stopped in front of them.

Jun Yue got into the taxi, and seeing that Wang Chen didn't get in, she gestured to the taxi driver, and the taxi immediately turned around and left.

Seeing the taxi disappearing from his sight, Wang Chen continued to walk forward in small steps.

But within a minute of his walking, a small black car stopped beside him.

The door of the passenger seat opened, and Li Huan, who was sitting in the driver's seat, smiled at Wang Chen and said, "Get in the car, I think we should have a good talk."

Wang Chen nodded and sat in the passenger seat, took the cigarette handed over by Li Huan and smoked, and said calmly, "What about Xiaoyue?"

"I'll take you to a place first."

Li Huan didn't admit it, nor denied it. He increased the speed of the car to the fastest speed and galloped away in one direction.

Wang Chen leaned on the seat, exhaled a thick puff of smoke, and his thoughts began to wander.

The roads I and Li Huan are taking are different now, and the only people and things I can talk about with him are Jun Yue.

It's just that what Wang Chen couldn't guess was whether Li Huan wanted to talk about Junyue with him, whether he wanted to keep himself away from Junyue, or something else, he didn't know anything about it.

Li Huan said a word when Wang Chen got into the car, and then never said a word again.

After more than an hour, the car drove to a place that Wang Chen was familiar with but unfamiliar.

I am familiar because I have stayed here for a while, and I am unfamiliar because many streets and buildings in this place have changed.

A few minutes later, the car stopped outside an alley, and Li Huan opened the door and walked down.

Wang Chen was a little dazed looking at the entrance of that alley, he hesitated for a moment, but followed.

Walking to the innermost part of the alley was a wall, Li Huan leaned against the wall and asked Wang Chen, "Do you still remember this place?"


Wang Chen nodded, of course he remembered this place, because it was here that he and Xiaofei met Jun Yue and Li Huan for the first time.

It was also this alley that made my period of time more colorful, without the mechanization and meticulousness of the past.

Seeing Wang Chen nodding, Li Huan chuckled, but the smile was slightly bitter.

He squatted on the ground, took out a cigarette and smoked it, and said to Wang Chen depressedly: "Since the death of the concubine, and after you left, Xiaoyue often comes to this place, standing in front of this wall in a daze, It’s like thinking about something against a wall.”

Wang Chen didn't interrupt Li Huan, he leaned on the left side of the alley, looking at the moss-covered wall with some melancholy.

After one cigarette was finished, Li Huan smoked the second one. He grinned and continued to Wang Chen: "I really didn't know at the time that Xiaofei's death had nothing to do with her. Why is she living so depressed."

"Later I understood that Xiaoyue was not for herself, but for you. Have you ever thought that when you are in pain, there is such a woman who bears part of your pain for you? She is stupid, she is really too Silly!"

Wang Chen didn't speak, he patted the dust behind him, and came to that wall.

Stretching out his hand to slowly peel off the moss on the wall, Wang Chen's expression became more and more melancholy.

When most of the moss was peeled off, the mottled wall was revealed in the eyes of Wang Chen and Li Huan.

Wang Chen was facing the past, and there was an unclear pattern on his waist.

That pattern is like a mark made by a person punching it, but the fist mark is very small, as if it was hit by a child.

With his right hand clenched into a fist, Wang Chen stamped his fist on the mark. Compared with his own fist, the mark was only about three quarters of his own fist.

"The concubine is not dead, this wall should have collapsed."

Wang Chen sighed, this fist mark was made by the concubine at the beginning, and because of this fist mark, he and the concubine got acquainted with Jun Yue and the others.

I remember that when I passed by here with my concubine, I saw Jun Yue and Li Huan being attacked by a group of people, and they were even at the moment of death.

The little concubine at that time immediately made a move and sent a person flying with a punch, but she couldn't control the strength, and the rest of the punch left a mark on the wall.

After touching the fist mark, Wang Chen shook it slightly, as if he wanted to hold the original little hand through this fist mark.

Li Huan stood up and looked at Wang Chen, clenched his fists, and said to Wang Chen in a cold tone: "I brought you here today, not for you to recall the past."

"I know."

Wang Chen already knew what Li Fantasia was going to tell him, so he suddenly stretched out his hand and punched the wall.

boom -

With one punch, an explosive force burst out from Wang Chen's body, and the precarious wall collapsed with a bang.

Wiping off the dust on his hands, Wang Chen looked at the stunned Li Huan, and asked faintly: "Xiao Huan, don't you like Xiaoyue, what's the matter today..."

"It's because of love that I choose to give in. Otherwise, even if Xiaoyue has the slightest feeling for me, I won't give in."

Sadness appeared on Li Huan's face. After so long, of course he could feel that Jun Yue did love her, but her love for herself was the kind of love a sister has for a brother, not the love between a man and a woman.

Now that I understand it, no matter how much I feel reluctant to give up, I should quit, because she loves Wang Chen, and because she wants to be with Wang Chen.

Just like the saying that is circulating now, if you love her, you have to pay for her, even if she doesn't love yourself, you are willing to guard her behind.

"I envy you!"

Wang Chen sighed, reached out and patted Li Huan on the shoulder and walked out of the alley.

He can still pay for the person he likes, but he has no chance to pay for the person he likes.

Li Huan looked at Wang Chen's leaving back and didn't say anything else, he believed that Wang Chen already understood what he wanted to express.

As for what kind of decision he will make, it is not something he can intervene in, and that is all he can do for Grand Hyatt!
(End of this chapter)

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