Chapter 22 Shouldn't I be sad?

On the building opposite the Rock Group, the enchanting woman wearing a veil saw Wang Chen's every move.

Casually throwing the binoculars aside, she climbed up and looked at the environment and roads around the Rock Tower.

This is the first time she has come to the Rock Tower, but she remembers the surrounding roads and the surrounding environment clearly. The topographic map here has been buried in her mind for several years.

"Fix him first? Leave her alone?"

The woman murmured to herself, slowly raised her right hand, pointed at a certain floor of the Rock Tower, and made a gesture of a pistol.

She imitated the sound of a gun in her mouth, raised her hand slightly, and then aimed at the ridiculously small Wang Chen.

However, an accident happened at the next moment, when he was just compared to Wang Chen, Wang Chen who was smoking in the taxi turned his head and looked at the place where he was.

Although the two are far away, I can't see Wang Chen's facial expressions and eyes, but I can clearly feel that that guy... is looking at me.

"Damn it."

The woman frowned and murmured, bent down to pick up the binoculars on the ground to observe again, but when her hand touched the binoculars, she dismissed the idea.

The distance between himself and Wang Chen is so far, and he is still standing on a tall building, he may not be able to see himself, even if he can see himself, he must not be able to see himself clearly, if he observes with a telescope again, it may be self-defeating.

After all, he didn't have a telescope, so even if he knew he was looking at him, he must have thought he was unintentional.

On the contrary, if you look at him with a telescope, even if you are not really looking at him, it is easy to arouse suspicion.

She is undoubtedly a very smart woman. After thinking of this, she bent down and picked up the binoculars and left directly.

The self who should observe has already observed, and then it is time for him to prepare a grand feast for this person named Wang Chen.


In the taxi, Wang Chen murmured to himself. Just now, a sense of crisis suddenly appeared in his heart. Although it was very faint, it could not be ignored.

He stubbed out his cigarette, and scanned the outside with very dark eyes. After seeing no suspicious person, he locked his eyes on the building opposite the Rock Group.

Since I didn't see any suspicious people around, and I didn't see any guy with ancient martial arts skills, then the person who gave me a sense of crisis just now is very likely to be on this building. After all, the roof of that building is the most Easy to see where you are.

"Go to Tick Cafe on Jielong Road."

Just when Wang Chen was about to get out of the car to take a look at the building, the car door was opened, and a woman sat up directly.

She is the one who solved Huang Mao's matter just now - Fang Jieyu.

"No time, you can take another taxi."

Wang Chen's mind was not on driving a taxi at all at the moment, he didn't even look at Fang Jieyu, and said something lightly.

Fang Jieyu heard this, smiled coldly, picked up the document in his hand to look at it, and said to Wang Chen: "If you dare to refuse the load, I will dare to complain to you."

Wang Chen's head was stuck out of the car window at this moment, he heard Fang Jieyu said that he was going to complain about himself, and said disdainfully: "Lesbian, you probably don't know, the old driver is afraid of everything else, so he is not afraid of complaining. "

Fang Jieyu's expression froze. She didn't expect that she would actually meet an 'old driver' today, and drive after a disagreement. It's just too disgusting.

Taking two deep breaths to calm himself down, Fang Jieyu looked at Wang Chen and said, "You refused the ride, right? You are an old driver who is not afraid of complaints, right? Well, it's very good, I see you How can I drive around the Rock Group in the future."

After finishing speaking, Fang Jieyu was about to open the car door and get out of the car, but at this moment Wang Chen stuck his head back.

Originally, Wang Chen was very upset because of Fang Jieyu's words, but after seeing Fang Jieyu's face, his unhappiness disappeared immediately, and the other party quickly said with a smile: "Beauty, don't Jie, just now my wife called to say that my sister-in-law had a miscarriage, so I was in a bad mood, so don't mind."

Wang Chen didn't dare to offend Fang Jieyu. The Rock Group is the number one group in Minghai City, and seeing the respect and fear of Fang Jieyu from those security personnel just now, Fang Jieyu undoubtedly has real power in the Rock Group.

If she really made up her mind not to be able to drive a taxi in this area, she might not be able to drive a taxi. He didn't doubt Fang Jieyu's ability at all.

Of course, Wang Chen still has a second plan in mind, that is to find a way to be friends with Fang Jieyu, so that some of his own plans can be used.

When Fang Jieyu heard Wang Chen's words, his gloomy face became much calmer, and he didn't really open the door to get out of the car.

She brushed her hair on her forehead, nodded and said, "Every industry has its own rules. Since you are driving a taxi, you must do your duty. If you are in a bad mood, you can take a rest. This is good for yourself. Good for passengers, I accept your apology.

Besides, my tone of voice was not good just now, so don't mind me, this is just my habit. "

Wang Chen gave a wry smile, well, what kind of people are there in the Rock Group? The security personnel are mostly retired soldiers. Now that there are such strong and strong staff, Wang Chen feels that he will be under a lot of pressure in the future. .

After all, if I wanted to protect Luo Lengyue, I would have to deal with these people in the future.

Deeply suppressing the thoughts in his heart, he started the car, turned on the navigation, and drove towards the Jielong Ludike Cafe inside Fang Jieyuzui.

Fang Jieyu leaned on the seat, crossed his legs, and looked at the document carefully, but asked in his mouth: "By the way, your sister-in-law had a miscarriage, why are you sad?"

The corner of Wang Chen's mouth twitched. He didn't expect Fang Jieyu to ask about the excuse he made up just now, and after hearing this, he seemed to be still doubting something.

He coughed twice, and said with a look of grief on his face: "That is a human life, and it is also my future nephew and niece, who died before they were born, shouldn't I be sad?"

"Feel sorry."

Fang Jieyu showed a trace of apology on her face, and felt that it was wrong for her to ask this question, but in the end she couldn't help but said to Wang Chen: "If you didn't explain just now, I would really think that there is something wrong between you and your sister-in-law. What's the matter?"

Wang Chen thought about it carefully, and found that Fang Jieyu's words were quite right. Although his excuse was good and could dispel Fang Jieyu's anger, there were still many loopholes in it, and it was easy to make people suspect that he and that did not exist at all. My sister-in-law has some unclear relationship.

He wiped off the cold sweat from his head in a very subtle manner, and muttered in his heart: "In the future, you must find a good excuse for lying, otherwise accidents will easily occur."

(End of this chapter)

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