Chapter 181 Did I let you go?

Not far from Wang Dao and others being surrounded, there was a person hiding on a big tree, without attracting anyone's attention.

That person couldn't see his face, his whole body was covered by a black robe, but judging from his body shape, he shouldn't be very tall.

And at a distance of only a few meters from the big tree, Wang Chen squatted in a large pile of jungle. He slightly raised his head to look at the big tree at that moment, holding a leaf in his hand, and sometimes made a gesture of swinging the leaf out .

After about half a minute passed like this, and the time before those people started their actions was getting less and less, Wang Chen suddenly ejected the leaves.

The moment the leaves were ejected, Wang Chen stepped on the toad under his feet, and the toad immediately croaked, covering the sound of the leaves ejected.

Puff - quack -

A puffing sound vaguely passed into Wang Chen's ears, and the toad under his feet also croaked.

Wang Chen didn't leave immediately, he looked at the big tree carefully, waited for more than ten seconds, and when he saw that there was no movement on it, he knew he had succeeded, and then slowly bent over and left.

This time Wang Chen did not continue to attack those hidden people, but returned to the place where he was hiding just now, looking at the masked person and the young man.

Closing his eyes, adjusting his breathing and controlling his heartbeat, Wang Chen tightly held the long knife in his hand.


For about a minute, the masked man looked at his watch and ordered to the people surrounding Wang Dao and others in the distance, and those people immediately attacked Wang Dao and others.

At this time, Wang Chen quickly rushed out from behind the big tree, mopping the ground with his long knife, and under the moonlight, a cold light bloomed faintly.

Seeing Wang Chen rushing towards them, the two of them were startled, but they didn't panic, but spread out to both sides, attacking Wang Chen at the same time.

"Be careful……"

Just as they were attacking Wang Chen, an anxious voice came from not far away, but at this moment Wang Chen had already collided with them.

He raised the long knife, and with a flash of the long knife, it left a scar on the young man's wrist, and then wiped it along the young man's hand to his neck.

After killing the young man with a single blow, Wang Chen dodged the masked man's fist with a slight movement of his body.

With another blow, Wang Chen eliminated the two of them in a devastating manner.

With a flick of the long knife, blood splattered out, and there was no blood left on the long knife. Wang Chen squinted at those who besieged Wang Dao and others.

Fighting with Wang Dao was a westerner with dry blood on his head, but every move and blow was very fierce, giving people a feeling that he hadn't fully exerted himself.

But Wang Dao was retreating steadily. It wasn't that he was weaker than the Westerner, but that he had already suffered serious injuries and his physical strength plummeted.

Shura fought against three with one, and those three didn't look weaker than Shura at all, so it was very difficult for Shura to deal with it.

Not only that, there are many people around to support those people and keep attacking Wang Dao and Shura Zhaocheng.

Apart from Shura and Wang Dao, there were many other people who attracted Wang Chen's attention, and every move and style of those people had strong bright or dark energy, which made Wang Chen look sideways.

"I didn't expect it to attract a big fish like you."

From the opposite direction of the encirclement, there was an old man from the West walking towards Wang Chen, he looked at the people who fell on both sides of Wang Chen, with heartache in his eyes.

These two are the best in the alliance. After waiting for more than ten years, they will definitely become very powerful figures and lead the alliance to a higher level, but they did not expect to die like this today.

Wang Chen didn't know this old man, he tilted his long knife, looked at the old man and said, "Let the other people come out, after finishing you off, I'm going to have a big meal, you can only be regarded as appetizers."

Wang Chen still remembers what the emperor said, there are about a dozen people here like him, that is to say, he has more than a dozen opponents of the same level, and he must be able to quickly kill a few, otherwise Shura and others People are really dangerous.

"Appetizers? Appetizers sometimes bloat."

The western old man snorted coldly, took out a pair of black exquisite gloves and put them on his hands, then whistled.


After a while, several Westerners appeared around Wang Chen. They were either black or white. Wang Chen also saw an islander.

They looked at Wang Chen with serious eyes, obviously they all knew Wang Chen's identity, which made Wang Chen very curious, when did so many people know his identity.

The neck twisted twice, and there was a crackling sound immediately, Wang Chen's eyes turned scarlet without any struggle, and his voice was as indifferent as a robot and said: "This city master has no time to chat with you."

Wang Chen's voice fell, and he appeared in front of the islander almost before those people recovered their senses. Before he could react, Wang Chen sent him to hell with a flash of the saber.

To get rid of the islander, Wang Chen didn't hesitate, but attacked the black man who was closest to the islander.

Everyone came back to their senses, and attacked Wang Chen in shock and arrogance. They didn't expect that Wang Chen's methods were so superb, and he could deal with his companions who were no weaker than them in seconds.

But they were even more angry. What made them angry was that so many people besieged Wang Chen, and he actually let him kill one of them, which made them feel ashamed.

Wang Chen's long knife revolved around his waist, making it impossible for those people to get close. He said bloodthirstyly: "Too weak, really too weak, as weak as a chicken, even the prisoners in my city can't compare superior."

After Wang Chen's words fell, those people were so angry that they were about to smoke, but the next moment, their whole bodies became cold and cold.

Wang Chen stretched out his hand to hold the handle of the knife, and the long knife flashed again, and the two fell to the ground without warning, with an extremely small knife mark appearing on their necks.


The face of the old man who jumped out first was full of horror. He had a few knife marks on his body that he didn't even know when he appeared. With a roar in his mouth, he quickly retreated towards the back.

"Am I letting you go?"

The scarlet color in Wang Chen's eyes became more and more intense. He stuck his long knife on the ground with his backhand, flicked his fingers on the handle of the knife, and immediately attacked those people one after another with the light of the knife visible to the naked eye. become slow.

"The old man's formula is not bad."

Wang Chen murmured, and the clothes on his upper body burst open with a puff, as if they couldn't bear the strength of Wang Chen.

The next moment, Wang Chen disappeared from the spot, and there seemed to be rows of phantoms appearing in the dark night, which shows how fast Wang Chen is.

Ten seconds later, Wang Chen returned to the long knife with traces of blood in his hands, he picked up the long knife and walked towards those people who were still entangled with Wang Dao Shura and others.

As for the people who besieged him just now, he had already sent him down to drink with Hades.

(End of this chapter)

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