Chapter 142 Domineering Sun Yunshu
"I'll pass it on."

Lan Hai didn't understand what Wang Chen meant by prying the corner of the wall, but he nodded in agreement.

After all, I conveyed these words to Wang Chen, so I have to convey Wang Chen's words to that crazy old man.

Wang Chen patted Lan Hai on the shoulder, sat down and continued to ask Lan Hai about other things, such as some things he didn't want to understand.

Because the task was completed, Lan Hai also knew everything, and he was not afraid of the existence of an outsider, Wu Xin.

Wu Xin listened quietly to the conversation between Lan Hai and Wang Chen, his expression was very calm, without even a little fluctuation.

He was not interested in what they said at all, he was only protecting Luo Lengyue, and this was just a deal between himself and Jiang Chenglong.

More than half an hour later, Wang Chen had already asked what he should ask, and Lan Hai also told him some concealed words about what he should not ask.

Lan Hai got up to say goodbye, Wang Chen crossed his legs and drank red wine in small sips.

After Lan Hai left, Wang Chen looked at Wu Xin with a malicious smile and asked, "That Wu Xin, are you still used to living here?"

"It's quite a habit to live in, what's wrong?"

Seeing Wang Chen's not bad intentions on his face, Wu Xin trembled in his heart, and asked with an unnatural expression.

In front of others, I can always be calm physically and mentally, but when facing Wang Chen, I always have a sense of fear in my heart, which comes from the first time I saw Wang Chen.

The injuries on his body show that he has experienced many, many super dangerous things, and the person who has experienced so many dangers without dying is undoubtedly one of the most dangerous people.

If I and Wang Chen were enemies, I would not be afraid, because in my eyes, no matter how strong the enemy was, they would be used to step on it, but Wang Chen was not my enemy, and even my comrade in arms, so I was very scared.

I was afraid that Wang Chen was the wolf grandma in Little Red Riding Hood, who would eat me suddenly at the moment when I was not prepared.

He is a person who can be cruel to his enemies, but not to his friends, so he is afraid that Wang Chen will speak to him in this tone, because he can't tell whether it is kind or malicious.

Seeing Wu Xin's expression, Wang Chen's eyes lit up, and finally he stroked his chin and began to think deeply, and asked Wu Xin, "What's your relationship with Jiang Chenglong?"

"I have nothing to do with Jiang Chenglong."

Seeing that Wang Chen asked this question, Wu Xin suddenly calmed down. He put his hands flat on his thighs, and looked at Wang Chen very quietly, and he didn't look away from Wang Chen's eyes.

He didn't feel the slightest malice from Wang Chen's tone, so he didn't need to make wild guesses.

Wang Chen withdrew his gaze, with a look of admiration on his face, from the series of changes in Wu Xin just now, he could judge the character of this person.

Undoubtedly, this kind of character is very appetizing to me.

"rest early."

Standing up, Wang Chen patted Wu Xin on the shoulder and went upstairs.

He just went upstairs and looked at Sun Yunshu who was changing into his home clothes and mopping the corridor with a mop. The corner of his mouth twitched and he said, "There is no dust in this villa, so there is no need to clean it."

"If there is no dust, don't clean it. If your clothes are not dirty, you can still wear them for a month or two. Don't change them."

Sun Yunshu rolled his eyes, and said to Wang Chen angrily, what kind of logic is this guy, does he not need to clean if there is no dust?No, the air in the room is very stale. Cleaning the air will make it fresher and better for the body.

"Then clean it slowly."

Wang Chen shrugged, went outside his room, opened the door and walked in. After a while, Wang Chen stuffed his nostrils with a tissue and walked out. Looking at Sun Yunshu, he said in a strange tone: "Are you a woman? Looking for trouble, you actually threw something in my room."

Sun Yunshu, who was still doing the cleaning work seriously, patted his forehead, turned his head to look at Wang Chen who had his nostrils stuffed, and was slightly taken aback, before finally giggling.

"It seems that you are very pure."

Jokingly, Sun Yunshu said to Wang Chen seriously: "Tell you, I live in this room now, and you live next door or downstairs, by the way, don't sneak into my room, I have precautions." Wolf spray."

"You just squeak."

Wang Chen gritted his teeth and walked into Sun Yunshu's room that belonged to him, and walked out of it not long after holding his clothes and trousers.

Coming to the next room, Wang Chen looked at the bed that had been made and the room was tidy, turned his head and glanced outside the door.

This woman, Sun Yunshu... seems to be the kind of woman who is suitable for living together.

Lying on the bed, Wang Chen crossed his legs and played with his mobile phone. Of course, he was looking for someone to help him collect information about Luo Lengyue and the Luo family.

Now he can see through what the old man wants him to do. Although it is a bit unreasonable to do so, Wang Chen still has to admire the old man. In order to save himself a short distance, he actually found a plane for himself. This plane is a bit difficult to board, but it shouldn't be too difficult for me.

For Luo Lengyue's plane, she has to sit on it even if she doesn't want to, since this is the case, she has to sit comfortably.

More than half an hour later, Wang Chen threw his phone aside, looked at the chandelier and said with a smirk, "Prying someone into a corner is like killing parents, even a crazy old man can figure it out, hehe!!"

"Are you still going to pry the corner of the wall? Let me see if you can pry it."

Sun Yunshu's voice suddenly rang in his ears, scaring Wang Chen to tremble. He looked at Sun Yunshu who was not far away, wiped his cold sweat and asked, "Why are you walking so silently? It's really scary."

"I walk silently? It's just that some people are too immersed in the fantasy world to hear."

Sun Yunshu smiled coldly, turned around and walked outside, leaving Wang Chen with a refreshing word.

"Pry the corner of the wall? Auntie gave you ten guts, go and try it. Believe it or not, Auntie gave you some sleeping pills to make you sleep forever."

"Crazy woman."

Wang Chen looked at the closed door, couldn't help but yelled and cursed with a wry smile, why did Sun Yunshu change so much, and was so tough, he had nothing to do with her? That's it, if something really happened, then Got it.

"Housekeeper, you really have become a housekeeper."

Shaking his head and smiling, Wang Chen closed his eyes and went to sleep. Sun Yunshu can't stop him from doing things, and this is what the old man told him. What is the attitude and character.

(End of this chapter)

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