The personal soldier king of the beautiful president

Chapter 127 My hands are a little itchy

Chapter 127 My hands are a little itchy

"Shall I lay hands on him?"

Shen Rumei's expression turned dark when she heard this, and she felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

Zhou Mengying and Luo Lengyue looked at Wang Chen as if they were looking at a fool. This guy didn't know Shen Rumei's true identity so he dared to speak like that, and he was not afraid that Shen Rumei would slap him in the face later.

"Don't look at me with such eyes, I'm telling the truth, you two probably can only help him."

Wang Chen took out a cigarette, lit it and smoked it, feeling that it was necessary for him to educate the three girls.

He exhaled smoke, pointed a finger at the three girls and said, "Among the three of you, Luo Lennyue and Zhou Mengying are about the same age, and Shen Rumei is a bit older than you, so you probably know more about the past than them."

"Yes, I do know more secrets than the two of them."

Although Shen Rumei was somewhat reluctant to respond to Wang Chen's address to herself, she didn't care much about these small details, she nodded to Wang Chen and said.

Seeing Shen Rumei nodding, Wang Chen said lazily: "Then do you know about the Tiangou Stock Trading Team, the Hand of Darkness, and Juedian Palace?"

Zhou Mengying and Luo Lengyu felt a little confused by the words Wang Chen uttered, but Shen Rumei's expression instantly became ugly, as if recalling something from the past.

Slowly her expression returned to normal, Shen Rumei subconsciously reached out to brush her hair by her ears, Zhou Mengying and Luo Lengyu suddenly noticed that her hands were trembling slightly.

Shen Rumei glanced at the second floor, and then asked Wang Chen, "Is he from one of the teams?"

"No, but he is no worse than anyone in those teams."

Wang Chen shook his head and said, of course, he said these words in a small way, for fear of frightening Shen Rumei by telling the truth.

The real fact is that Fan Shiguang used to fool those teams to nowhere by himself, and even tricked those teams with empty gloves and white wolves.

These things are all seen by Wang Chen from the materials, but the things described in those materials are [-]% true, and may even be far from being as simple as they say.

This is why Wang Chen asked Yan Daying to look at Fan Shiguang a little bit, because Fan Shiguang is not just a person, none of his companions have been exposed, even if that guy disappeared from under his nose inexplicably tonight, Wang Chen will not A little surprised, because that guy has so many things...

"It's a good thing he's not, otherwise I'd find someone to kill him right away."

Shen Rumei sighed for a long time, she was often deceived by the gangs that Wang Chen mentioned.

Those teams were completely cheating. A large group of people were cheated at that time, and even now there are still victims who have not recovered.

Wang Chen laughed, waved his hands to the three girls and said, "Okay, you three should go too."

"Is that why you don't want to see me?"

Shen Rumei looked at Wang Chen resentfully, as if Wang Chen had done something wrong to her.

Suddenly, Shen Rumei's cell phone rang, and Luo Lengyue's and Zhou Mengying's cell phones rang at the same time.

The three women were startled, raised their heads and looked at each other for a few moments before answering the phone.

They answered the phone at the same time, and hung up the phone almost at the same time. They threw the phone aside casually, with ugly expressions.

Wang Chen, who was about to go upstairs, stopped, looked at the three girls with ugly faces and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, by the way, my grandpa asked me to tell you, thank you for taking care of me during this time, if you have time to go to Kyoto, my grandpa will treat you to tea."

Luo Lengyue said something to Wang Chen, picked up her phone, bag and went outside.

Zhou Mengying didn't speak, picked up her own things and followed them out. Shen Rumei was the last to go out, but she couldn't help but uttered a dirty word when she went out.

"My mother's plan is all ready, this is great, I don't have meat, I don't even have soup."

Wang Chen watched the three girls walk out of the villa, and at this moment his mobile phone rang.

Glancing at the caller ID, Wang Chen connected and asked directly: "What's going on?"

Lan Hai on the other side of the phone said with a wry smile: "After receiving the notice from above, we immediately killed them. Now the businesses of the Li family and the Chen family have been sealed up, and many members of the Li family and the Chen family have also been taken to the police station."

When Wang Chen heard this, his expression turned cold, and he roared in a low voice: "Are you kidding? The plan is changing. What about the people in the shadows and the people in hell? They haven't completely disappeared in Minghai City yet. ah."

"Don't worry, the Yanhuang people have made a move. The shadow people and hell people must leave Minghai City now, or die the next day."

Lan Hai's voice on the other side of the phone said in a somewhat uneasy voice. In fact, he was also caught off guard by this sudden order, and he couldn't figure out why the higher-ups did this.

After all, doing so can lose a lot of things.

"Forget it, since I have nothing to do, go and book me a plane ticket. I'm going home to retire."

Wang Chen cut off the phone with a snap, scratched his head and muttered, "Who on earth is so courageous, actually forcibly suppressed everything."

Wang Chen suddenly remembered what the Dragon King said on the phone just now, finally shook his head and walked upstairs.

Who cares, it's too late for me to be happy when the matter in Minghai City is resolved by others, but the only regret is that I didn't eradicate the shadow and hell.

Just as he walked upstairs, Wang Chen looked at Yan Daying standing in the corridor, his eyelids twitched twice and asked, "Where's the scammer?"


Yan Daying looked at Wang Chen with a wry smile. It was time for him to go to the bathroom, and Fan Shiguang was gone in less than 20 seconds.

"That bastard."

Wang Chen yelled and cursed with a gloomy expression, walked up to Yan Daying in big strides, and without saying a word, directly punched Yan Daying in the stomach.


Yan Daying spat out a mouthful of blood, and in that mouthful of blood, there was a very small chip that glowed faintly under the light.

Wang Chen crushed the chip with one foot, waved his hand to Yan Daying and said, "You can go too, the matter in Minghai City is basically over, and there is no need for you to do anything."

"Just let me go?"

Yan Daying looked at Wang Chen in disbelief, he couldn't believe that Wang Chen would let him go.

"I know everything about you. Everyone has their own bitterness. My condolences."

Wang Chen patted Yan Daying on the shoulder, and walked straight into his room, leaving only Yan Daying standing on the corridor in a daze.

And on a highway not far from the Crystal Palace, an ordinary car was driving. Fan Guangguang sat in the back seat with his legs crossed, and said to the young man driving: "Eleven, later transfer [-] million yuan to the warden." In the past, I was very sorry to see him live so hard."

The young man named Eleven nodded, glanced at the rearview mirror and asked, "Brother, where are we going now?"

"I'm going to Shanghai, my hands are a little itchy. I'll use the Qin family and Ling family to find out how to feel it. It's good to join in the fun. After all, I can't beat them. I haven't been afraid of shopping malls."

Fan Shiguang laughed loudly, and then spat lightly, a transparent chip was spat out, and he threw it out of the car casually.

(End of this chapter)

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