Chapter 108 Luo Lengyue's Fear
The young man squinted his eyes and looked at Wang Chen, his eyes flickered with astonishment.

Although Wang Chen's words did not clearly show that he knew, but he was not a fool, how could he not understand the meaning in Wang Chen's tone.

He looked at Wang Chen slightly differently.

There are very few people who know what this symbol represents, and even fewer people know the true meaning of this symbol. There are not many people in the whole world.

But Wang Chen knew that this was undoubtedly a threat to him.

Because I am still in hibernation, compared with other competitors, I am still relatively weak. If they know my existence, I guess I will not live long.

"What's your name?"

Wang Chen tore another lollipop, put it in a disposable cup, walked to the water dispenser, poured a glass of cold water, returned to the sofa, sat down and asked.

The young man was somewhat suspicious of Wang Chen's actions, but he didn't hide his name, and said directly, "Shen Bubai."

"Change it yourself."

Wang Chen couldn't help laughing twice when he heard the name Shen Bubai. It is estimated that few parents would give their children such a name.

And it can be seen from the expression on Shen Bubai's face when he said his name.

Shen Bubai didn't speak, his cheeks were slightly red, he looked at Wang Chen for a while and suddenly said: "I hope you don't reveal my identity."

"Why should I say that?"

Wang Chen shrugged, no matter what kind of identity Shen Bubai is, it doesn't matter to him.

I am not a big-mouthed person, nor will I spread it everywhere for no reason.

He even hoped that Shen Bubai could successfully break out of the siege and become one of the six emperors.

Because this competition of the Six Emperors has been going on for too long and has already consumed a lot of masters and seeds, no matter how you look at it, there are disadvantages but no benefits.

Seeing Wang Chen agreeing, Shen Bubai breathed a sigh of relief.

He sat next to Wang Chen, looked at Wang Chen carefully, and asked suspiciously: "There are very few people who know what this pattern represents. Since you know, you must not be an ordinary person, right?"

Shen Bubai was very curious about Wang Chen's identity, he could know what it represented without fully seeing the pattern on his neck, how could he be an ordinary person.

"Who in this world is not an ordinary person?"

Wang Chen took a deep look at Shen Bubai and said, is he not an ordinary person if his status is higher than others and his skills are better than others?

Wrong, everyone in this world is an ordinary person. What makes them extraordinary is that they are stronger, smarter, richer, etc. than others.

According to Shen Bubai's current state of mind to define a person, Wang Chen felt that if this guy didn't change, there was a very high possibility of a tragic death.

Shen Bubai was speechless by Wang Chen's inexplicable words, he fell silent, not knowing how to speak to Wang Chen.

Several minutes passed like this, and Shen Bubai felt that the atmosphere inside was getting more and more awkward, as if he didn't know where to put his butt.

Wang Chen squinted at Shen Bubai, then shook his head imperceptibly.

It seems that this guy didn't listen to what he said just now.

Taking out a cigarette from his pocket, Wang Chen handed one to Shen Bubai and asked, "Do you want to smoke?"

Shen Bubai shook his head, and said with some embarrassment: "No smoking, my sister said smoking is bad for your health."

Seeing that Shen Bubai didn't smoke, Wang Chen casually put the cigarette in the corner of his mouth, took out the lighter, lit it, took a deep breath, and asked calmly, "Drinking? Picking up girls? Gambling?"

Shen Bubai shook his head again, and said with a more embarrassing expression: "I have a wife, I don't pick up girls, drinking hurts my body, my sister won't let me drink, gambling is bad, my sister won't let me play."

Wang Chen became speechless, this kid is really cute and stupid, he listens to his sister in everything.

Men only have a few hobbies, don't smoke, don't drink, don't gamble, don't pick up girls, what's the point of living.

While Wang Chen and Shen Bubai were talking, Zhou Mengying and Luo Lengyue were steaming in a sauna in a big room.

The white mist billowed in the room, sweat flowed from the forehead to the chin, and then flowed down the deep milky white place.

Luo Lengyue's cheeks were flushed at this moment, she looked at Zhou Mengying opposite her with half-closed eyes, and asked calmly, "What are your Zhou family's plans?"

"It's not easy. The Li family and the Chen family seem to be in danger. They will fall to the ground in the next moment, but they seem to be supported by a bamboo pole. I don't know what to do now."

Zhou Mengying shook her head, the affairs of the Li family and the Chen family were difficult to handle, and the hidden forces were also difficult to handle, and the widow who was about to arrive in Minghai City was also difficult to handle.

It would not be an exaggeration to describe her as physically and mentally exhausted.

"What about you, what are you going to do?"

Zhou Mengying raised her hand and touched her cheek, then looked at Luo Lengyue and asked calmly.

This woman and that poisonous widow could be regarded as competitors, she couldn't believe that Luo Lengyue was not in a hurry now.

Luo Lengyue sighed softly, and said with a sneer: "The Chen and Li families are watched by your three major families. I'm not interested. As for the poisonous widow, I don't care about it now. I'm just acting as a bait now, and I will wait for you Get someone else to take the bait."


Zhou Mengying looked at Luo Lengyue in surprise. This woman can only serve as bait, so what kind of big fish does her family, or those other people want to catch?

Moreover, the old man of the Luo family dared to use Luo Lengyue as a bait, and he was not afraid that his precious granddaughter would encounter accidents if he was not careful.

Luo Lengyue nodded her head lightly, without too much explanation.

After the situation in Minghai City gradually became transparent, Luo Lengyue also understood more and more what role she played in it.

It seems that I don't want to do any of this, but on the contrary, I played a huge role in it.

As long as his Rock Group exists for a day, those who hide in the dark will 'never leave'.

Because they want their own Rock Group, because the influence of their own Rock Group is very strong in Longguo.

Similarly, those people are not only looking at their own Rock Group, it is estimated that many groups and even families in Longguo are being targeted by that force.

And I acted as a bait for Minghai City, completely lured those people out, and then my family and other people would eliminate them and solve the hidden dangers of Minghai City.

"What a powerful force it is."

Luo Lengyue murmured to herself, feeling afraid of the power that hadn't fully shown up yet.

How much power is needed to dare to stare at so many groups and families, and what is needed to make so many people afraid...

She couldn't imagine it, but she knew that the power must be huge.

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(End of this chapter)

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