crazy farmer

Chapter 95

Chapter 95

---Recommendation tickets on Monday---

"Is it convenient for you? Yaoyao and I go there first and then talk slowly."

After Fan Mingwei confirmed it, he hung up the phone.

Wang Leshan scratched his head, it was not difficult to guess that Fan Mingwei's resignation was related to himself, and he didn't know if he had affected Fan Yao, so he could only ask later.

"What's the matter, seeing you frowning?"

Seeing that Wang Leshan frowned after making a phone call, the fat man asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing. Fan Yao is coming later."

"Then what's so frowning about it? Could it be that you and Miss Fan are having a fight?"

"I can't explain things to you all at once, but you will know when they come."

Wang Leshan knew that this matter must have a great impact, and it would definitely arouse Fatty Li's doubts, so he planned not to continue to hide it from him.

After a while, the point reward for harvesting vegetables this time arrived, 4 points. The amount of harvest this time is not much, and 4 points is not too small.

The existing points become 7.

It didn't take long before several restaurants in the town came, and they were all overjoyed. The new dishes from Wang Leshan Farm were more joyful to them than the New Year. Anyway, these days, they figured it out. It is produced by this farm, no matter what it is, no matter how much the price is, as long as you can get the goods, you will make a sure profit.

Hearing that Wang Leshan set a unified price of 12 yuan for all the vegetables, whether it was green vegetables or emperor vegetables, he registered the quantity they wanted without any hesitation, and then began to help weigh and load the vegetables. Among them, the good cigarettes are naturally scattered. For the people in the farms such as Hong Dehai and Wang Daxiang, they can't do without a word of thanks, thank you, and they are very polite.

After a while, the bosses of restaurants in the nearby towns also came. Twenty or so bosses gathered together like a market, and it was quite lively.

About forty minutes after the phone call, Fan Mingwei and Fan Yao came to the cabin.

"New arrivals?"

Fan Mingwei said hello to Wang Leshan in a hurry and started to hold the vegetables without letting go, saying good things and good things, his face was alternately happy and angry, and he often scolded the owner of the Sunshine Hotel for his lack of eyesight Jiner, such a good product, such a good supplier, suddenly held a meeting this morning and said no.

Naturally, Fan Mingwei also knew the reason behind what the owner of the Sunshine Hotel did. He must have been involved with the Shang family. He also knew something about what happened after Wang Leshan beat Shang Qiwen.However, even so, Fan Mingwei resigned on the spot.

After thinking about it, he called Fan Yao to Dakang Village.

Wang Leshan saw Fan Mingwei's obsession as if he was in love, so he smiled helplessly, and ignored him for the time being, and finished his work first.

And these restaurant owners suddenly saw a middle-aged man with a big head and thick neck and smiled knowingly. Most of these restaurant owners are also in charge of the restaurant, so they naturally understand Fan Mingwei's appearance very well. For what reason, Fan Mingwei was regarded as the owner or chef of a certain restaurant.

Of course, there were also those with sharp eyesight who recognized Fan Mingwei.I still feel a little unbelievable, but when I think about the people from the Sunshine Hotel who came to purchase before, I think it is more possible. I dared to ask, and it turned out to be Chef Fan, who is well-known in the Yangtze River Delta. Like a star popped up.

Every industry has its own idol, undoubtedly, this Fan Mingwei is the biggest idol of the chefs in Jiangnan Province and even in the Yangtze River Delta!

"Is it really Master Fan?"

All of a sudden, everyone present surrounded Fan Mingwei, addressing Master Fan respectfully as if on a pilgrimage.

Fan Mingwei exchanged pleasantries with these hotel owners, and said with a smile: "Everyone, go do your own work first. I can't cause any trouble to Brother Leshan as soon as I come here, haha. In the future, I will come here often. We have plenty of Opportunity to meet and communicate."

Regardless of whether it was a polite word or the truth, the bosses present were all very happy. After buying the dishes, they were a little reluctant to leave when they left. Later, some of them tried to ask Fan Mingwei for his contact information. Unexpectedly, Fan Mingwei gave it happily, which made them extremely surprised and pleasantly surprised.

Peng Youke from the Garden Hotel is here, not too far behind Fan Mingwei. This time, eight cars came. In addition to new vegetables, they also bought a lot of potatoes, taro, water chestnuts and yams. The goods worth 50 yuan are more than double the usual amount.

Peng Youke saw Fan Mingwei, but he didn't see the cars of the Sunshine Hotel and the other two hotels. He knew that the situation was the same as what he had heard.

Before he came, he was called into the office by the big boss of the Garden Hotel. This was the first time Peng Youke had been handpicked into the office by the big boss after working in the Garden Hotel for more than ten years, and he was a little nervous.The big boss told him that the Sunshine Hotel and the other two big hotels will not go to Wang Leshan to buy goods for some reason, but they will continue to buy more than usual, and the big boss didn’t say the reason. Peng Youke didn't dare to ask.He also repeatedly told him that he must establish a good relationship with Wang Leshan, no matter how high the price is, don't bargain.

The big boss didn't tell him that Fan Mingwei had resigned, but he had also heard that Fan Mingwei and Wang Leshan had a very close relationship, plus how much he had heard about Fan Mingwei's character, seeing that Fan Mingwei was here at this time, it was not difficult to guess that Fan Mingwei and Yang Guang There is a breakup in the big hotel, even if there is no breakup now, it will be a matter of time.

As a result, Peng Youke started to think about it, and prepared to go back and talk about this matter with the big boss.He had heard before that when Fan Mingwei first returned to Yunhai City, the big boss really hoped that Fan Mingwei would come to the garden to be a chef. Unfortunately, in the end Fan Mingwei went to Sunshine because of his friendship with Shen Yadong.As for whether the big boss can invite Fan Mingwei in the end, that is Peng Youke's concern.

Peng Youke is a very shrewd and intelligent person. Since he came here, he has never behaved differently from before. He is still polite and smiling. He has never mentioned the fact that he bought more goods this time, nor has he promised Wang Leshan What, he knows very well that sometimes actions are more convincing than words, and sometimes silence speaks louder.

Peng Youke knew that this time Wang Leshan had a much better impression of their garden.As for friendship, the future will last forever.

Sending off Peng Youke, today's supply is considered to be over. Although there are no three big hotels in the Sunshine, the new vegetables are not too much, just enough for these restaurants and the Garden Hotel. For the rest, Wang Leshan is going to let Fatty sent it to Dandi Restaurant in the afternoon.Now the farm personally delivers the goods, which is Dandi Restaurant.

"Brother Fan, I kept you waiting."

Wang Leshan and Fan Mingwei walked to a wooden platform extending from the fish pond, where there were built tables and chairs, sat down, and naturally talked about the matter of resignation, Fan Mingwei roughly explained the matter, and Wang Leshan Leshan's conjecture was slightly different.

"Originally, I was worried that you would have slow sales after the three hotels stopped buying. It seems that I was just thinking about it. With the vegetables you produce here, how could there be sales problems! Not everyone will listen to the sea. Not everyone in the Shang Group is stupid!"

Fan Mingwei smiled coldly again, and said: "The boss of this garden has a lot more vision than the boss of Sunshine. I have bought so many goods this time. I think it won't be long before many of Sunshine's customers will be taken away by the garden. By then , I really don’t know how Boss Sunshine will regret it, no matter how many benefits Haishang Group gives, it will definitely not make up for the loss of a large number of customers!”

Wang Leshan waved his hand, obviously he didn't care much about these things, but asked: "Then brother, besides resigning, this matter will not affect you in any other way? Also, will Fan Yao..."

"Don't worry about it." Fan Mingwei said with a smile: "No matter how big his Haishang Group is, I have nothing to do with them. He can't control me so much. As for Yaoyao, you don't have to worry, her magazine The boss behind the club is not a vegetarian either, so he won't be able to bear the influence of Haishang Group."

"I can rest assured that."

Fan Mingwei resigned for himself, no matter whether it would be affected or not, he was always on the opposite side of Haishang Group. This kind of friendship is not something that anyone can have. Wang Leshan was very moved.He laughed and said, "Since you have resigned, brother, then I have to hurry up and start the farmhouse, but I dare not really let you lose your job!"

"Oh? So you already have an idea?" Fan Mingwei's eyes lit up.

Wang Leshan nodded, pointed to the small wooden house and the open space at the foot of Dakang Mountain, and said, "I'm going to build up the farmhouse there first, then slowly build up the infrastructure in the village and on the mountain, and finally Expand the scope and build a resort."

(End of this chapter)

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