crazy farmer

Chapter 93 Winter training 39, summer training 3 volts

Chapter 93 Winter practice three nines, summer practice three volts

From when Wang Leshan beat Shang Qiwen to when Shang Qiwen was imprisoned, for more than two days, the attitude of the Bai family has been very subtle.

The Bai family and the Shang family, or more directly the Yang family, have had a very close relationship over the past few years, whether it's human relations or interests.

From the insider's point of view, the marriage of these two younger generations is a sure thing, and it is true. Recently, they have been discussing the marriage between Shang Qiwen and the Bai family, but because of Bai Lu's attitude, they have been dragging on.

After this incident, the Bai family only let Bai Lanyu, who had no right to speak, come forward, and did not take any action other than that.

Logically speaking, no matter how you look at it, the attitude of the Bai family should not be like this.

While many people were guessing the reason for the Bai family's attitude, Shang Qiwen went to jail.

This naturally makes people have a lot of speculation and discussion.

Bai Lu is also very aware of how many entanglements his Bai family and Yang family have now. Speaking of which, he is a little surprised by the attitude of his family. His parents and the old man in the family have never asked about this matter from the beginning to the end, at least never. Have any conversations with yourself.

Bai Lu couldn't figure it out, but she more or less made a guess.

However, this is not important to Bai Lu. The important thing is that her family members at least do not stop her from interacting with Wang Leshan. Although she has the confidence to face their family members' obstruction, at least she saves a lot of energy in this way. .

As for Shang Qiwen being imprisoned like this, Bai Lu was also curious, but no matter what the reason was, she was more surprised.Although time has changed, things have changed, and everything he has to face has changed, but he is still the same, just like in high school, there is always a way.

Capable and responsible!

Called Wang Leshan, but he didn't call for so long. She knew he must be busy and had something to do, so although she had already asked Hu Yimeng for a call, she waited until Shang Qiwen was sure that he would be sentenced to indefinite term. After being imprisoned, Wang Leshan was beaten.

It's just that I didn't answer!
She couldn't help worrying, couldn't sleep, and couldn't read the book anymore. She kept walking up and down the room, with anxiety written on her face, and she couldn't see her usual indifference and calmness.

Lost in her mind, she didn't even realize that Bai Lanyu had entered the room, put down the washed fruit and stood in front of her until she blocked her way and bumped into her plump body.

"Hey, what's wrong with our little Yueying, she looks like she's lost her mind?" Bai Lanyu, who rarely sees Bailu like this, joked with a smile: "This appearance, can't it be some kind of lovesickness?"

Xiao Yueying gave Bai Lu a nickname in Bai Lan language, and she started calling her when she was very young.When Bai Lu was four or five years old and began to realize that she was ugly, Bai Lanyu took it for her. At the same time, she also told her the story about Huang Achou, telling her that a woman's talent is more important than her appearance, and the key You can also find a rich and handsome man like Zhuge Liang.

When Bai Lu was young, Bai Lan didn't speak much of this nickname. After all, no matter how talented and unparalleled, she still couldn't escape the word "ugly", and she only called it a few words when she was encouraged at the right time.On the contrary, after Bai Lu became more attractive, Bai Lanyu barked frequently, became a trick, whenever he got a chance, and used it to make fun of her.

Bai Lu gave her aunt a blank look, sat on the bed, and ignored her.

Bai Lanyu sat down next to Bai Lu, squeezed her body towards her, and said with a smile: "I didn't see it, your little lover is quite capable, but he actually got Shang Qiwen into jail just like that. In this way, it is naturally impossible for your monk Qiwen's marriage to continue. How about it, when will you bring your little lover to the house? I will raise my hands for the sincerity that your little lover showed you when he was in high school. Your feet support you together. To be honest, a man can treat a woman well when she is at her worst and most ugly, you have to take care of such a man. "

Bai Lu knew that her aunt remembered the bad things about being divorced again. At that time, the entire Bai family was the most difficult time. Everyone would think that the Bai family would collapse and completely decline. At that time, many friends and even relatives began to stay away from the Bai family. , and at that time, Bai Lanyu, who had already engaged in marriage, was annulled.And after the Bai family rose again, no matter how many suitors there were, Bai Lanyu never married again.

Bai Lu took Bai Lanyu's hand, and said, "Okay, you'd better worry about yourself."

"Hey, Xiao Yueying has dared to teach aunt a lesson!"

"It's as if you haven't been taught a lesson."

"See how I deal with you."

Bai Lanyu, who was under the "furious rage", tried his best to Bai Lu, and Bai Lu was completely defeated by Bai Lanyu within a few strokes. It is estimated that no one would have thought that the goddess of the iceberg was actually a super ticklish and sensitive soft girl.

Bai Lu felt a little better after being made a fuss by Bai Lanyu.

At this moment, the phone rang.

Bai Lanyu took the phone: "Hey, this note, Lord Stove, is it sour!"

Bai Lu snatched it away, and she stared at Bai Lanyu like she was limp and powerless just now, motioning for her to go away.

"Hey, I have a lover and forget my aunt. Okay, I'll go. If I see him next time, I have to tell him how sensitive my little Yueying is, and where is the most sensitive..."

Bai Lanyu hummed and left Bai Lu's room.

Bai Lu's face flushed suddenly, she bit her lip, took a deep breath and answered the phone.


After talking on the phone with Wang Leshan for more than an hour, Bai Lu hung up the phone reluctantly, and fell asleep with a smile on her face and sweetness in her heart.

When the two talked on the phone, they only talked about the general things of the years after the two separated, and they didn't mention anything about Shang Qiwen in a very tacit understanding.


After the call, Wang Leshan entered the space again around 1:[-] in the middle of the night.

Now the time ratio between reality and space is 1:20, now this point enters the space, after about 100 hours, that is, more than 4 days, the genius in the real world will light up.

Wang Leshan set the time well so as not to miss it.

Speaking of the time, Wang Leshan was also puzzled by the need to re-adjust the time on his phone every time he entered and exited. It seemed that he needed to buy another mobile phone to keep time in the space.

There are still 4 days left for what to do, can't all be used to sleep and read books?
After reading for a while while soaking in spiritual water, Wang Leshan began to ponder while sitting under the flat peach tree, which is now about 2 meters high.

Looking at the Dali beans planted in the space, Wang Leshan remembered one thing, that is, after taking Dali beans for a while, it seems that his body has reached a bottleneck, no matter how much he eats Dali beans, the effect becomes negligible .

Since it is a bottleneck, Wang Leshan also thought about finding a way to break it before.Whether it is from the perspective of self-protection or the martial arts dream that men naturally have, Wang Leshan hopes to become stronger and stronger.

"These days, I can say that I have improved my strength to the current level purely by relying on the vigorous beans. Now that eating vigorous beans is useless, how about exercising by myself?"

Wang Leshan thought about it, anyway, he had a lot of time, so he decided to exercise in this space.Even if it is really impossible to break through, there is no harm after training, at least you can use your strength more flexibly, and you can become more familiar with your existing strength.

How to exercise?

Naturally, Wang Leshan doesn't have any martial arts secrets, and he doesn't know any boxing skills. The only experience he has is that he was in the track and field team in high school, and he can only follow the most common training methods.

run first.

Wang Leshan started running around the edge of the space, jogging at first, and after fully moving his body, he began to accelerate, faster and faster.

As for the specific increase, Wang Leshan is not sure. He only knows that it is more than a few times faster than when he was in high school. Judging from the changing speed of the surrounding scenes almost equal to the shadow, the speed should be very fast.

Slowly, Wang Leshan changed from long-distance running to sprinting, and kept sprinting until he couldn't hold on anymore!
Take a break and continue sprinting.

Speed ​​and durability!
These are two abilities that all men seek.

Repeatedly, in this state of fully exerting all his strength, although Wang Leshan's current physical fitness is already very abnormal, but after tossing back and forth dozens of times, he is also exhausted.

Bubble water bath!

With the spirit water and Wang Leshan's original recovery ability, he quickly recovered to a state of vigor and vitality.

Then start push-ups, from two hands, one hand, ten fingers, two fingers, one finger to inverted hands, inverted one hand, inverted ten fingers, inverted two fingers, inverted one finger, Wang Leshan's terrifying strength and physical fitness and various abilities make him It does fancy push-ups that can only be seen in movies and even comics.

Then there are fancy sit-ups.

"Hey, that's right!"

Wang Leshan's eyes suddenly lit up, and he remembered a proverb.

Practice three nines in winter and three days in summer!
Ordinary training is already difficult to satisfy Wang Leshan, why not add some external harsh conditions?
Wang Leshan naturally looked at the weather function of the space stele!

(End of this chapter)

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