crazy farmer

Chapter 89

Chapter 89
With wings on your back, fly in the sky!

It looks like a god, falling from the sky!

Although Wang Qingsong and the others were all injured, they really saw this scene completely in their eyes, and they were stunned!
Compared to such a miraculous and unreal scene, Wang Leshan's punch that smashed Ma Chuanyi, who is a master of Xingyiquan, into the ground, seemed much more ordinary.

Wang Qingsong had heard Wang Leshan say that he knew how to repel bees, and he had also seen the scene where a swarm of bees swept like a hurricane just now, but he was still deeply shocked by this scene.

No wonder, no wonder!

No wonder Wang Leshan was so calm from the beginning to the end, it turned out that he had such a trump card.

Bee repelling, what a miraculous bee repelling technique!
Also, the punch just now is enough to show that Wang Leshan's own strength is far superior to his own.

I am still running to protect him!
Wang Qingsong smiled wryly, at first he felt that he could not see through Wang Leshan, but now it is so miraculous that it has become a mystery!

As for his two friends, they just stayed there, their minds seemed to be frozen, it was difficult to think!
And at this moment, Ma Chuanyi, who was dying half of his body into the ground, couldn't figure it out, everything was clearly under his control, why did it become like this?

There are a total of 25 people before and after, fully armed and loaded with live ammunition. They are completely elite. In terms of combat effectiveness, all of them are retired special forces. They are sharp knives that can tear any opening.

I thought everything was under control, and even felt that dispatching so many people was completely useless.

But here, a remote small village unexpectedly failed. It was wiped out almost instantly, and it was wiped out in an extremely strange way.

He couldn't figure it out, he couldn't figure it out anyway, what kind of place was there!
As for himself, he had the absolute strength to crush Wang Qingsong and the three of them. Seeing that he was going to kill Wang Qingsong and the three of them, he would go in and kill the kid alone.

Unexpectedly, this kid's punch, yes, defeated him with one punch.

My generation of majestic Xingyiquan masters actually lost, and the defeat was so straightforward and embarrassing.

How can a person's power be so great, so great that it seems to be overwhelming the top of Mount Tai.

He couldn't figure it out, he couldn't figure it out, what kind of existence this kid was!
Also, why can he fall from the sky with wings on his back?

This is what Ma Chuanyi couldn't figure out the most!

Is he a monster?

Perhaps, apart from this possibility, there is no other explanation!

Wang Leshan was relieved to see that the little old man had finally been smashed into the ground. He saw the fight here from a distance, and he was somewhat surprised. He didn't expect the little old man to look so skinny, and he almost killed Wang Qingsong by himself. three people.

And along the way, he could see clearly who these people were, and he couldn't help but feel a little bit moved. The strength of the Haishang Group actually sent out such a team.If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, how could you believe that such a scene would actually happen in reality.

However, no matter how powerful the Haishang Group is, Wang Leshan still has the confidence to deal with it. He has a host of advanced civilization inheritance in his hand, and he can even be bullied by a consortium!
As soon as he stretched out his hand, Wang Leshan pinched Ma Chuanyi's mouth, squeezed all his teeth out with a little force, lest he really committed suicide by biting his tongue like those dead men in the movie, and poured him a mouthful of spiritual water.Others can die, this one must live, there are still many questions to ask!
Then he walked over quickly, applied spiritual water to all three of Wang Leshan's wounds, took out a few bottles again, and poured them into each of them.

These three people can't do anything.

Although Wang Qingsong was not injured externally, compared to the other two friends who were shot, the injuries were more serious. Ma Chuanyi's internal organs were rolling after several blows. Yes for sure.Not long after pouring the spirit water, Wang Qingsong felt much better and his internal injuries were temporarily stabilized.

The other two were both wounded by gunshot wounds. With the spiritual water, the wounds stabilized and the pain decreased. They just need to wait for the surgery to take out the bullets and then recover for a while to recover.As for this miracle, they naturally feel more and more incredible.

At this time, Buzzing Bee divided into several batches and entrusted all the people who fell in the field and were stung unconscious to this side, and You Tiao and Wang Xingren also dealt with the ten people in Group C who were there It was dragged over.

Lined up together, more than [-] people, either beyond recognition, or missing arms and legs, are horrible, and they don't know whether they are alive or dead.

Wang Leshan took a quick look and found that only three of the thirty or so people died, two of them probably couldn't bear the poison of the buzzing bee and died, and the other was a bit miserable, half of his neck was bitten off.

They each poured a few sips of spiritual water, and splashed some spiritual water on some of the wounds that were screamed by the fried dough sticks.

Those who have died are fine, and those who have not died, Wang Leshan didn't really have the heart to kill them all. Living is more useful than dead, not to mention that if more than [-] people died in one fell swoop, it would not be a very good thing.

Seeing this scene, the three of Wang Qingsong couldn't help shivering, and the chill came up from the back of their spines with a groaning sound.

From the overturned Audi car, Wang Leshan pulled out the driver who was pretending to be dead after seeing all the scene in his eyes, patted his cheek, and said that if he died, he would dismember him immediately. After waking up, he kowtowed to Wang Leshan and begged for mercy. He completely regarded Wang Leshan as a monster, and almost called him Dawang!

"If you want to live, you should know how to do it yourself."

Wang Leshan said something to the driver indifferently, and the driver nodded desperately.

"Brother Wang, two big brothers, can you move around for the time being?"

Wang Leshan looked at Wang Qingsong and the three of them, nodded and said, "The next thing is up to you. I'm not good at interrogation."

The three of Wang Qingsong naturally understood what Wang Leshan said, the battle part of the matter before them had been resolved, and the next step was to deal with the aftermath, which might be even more difficult.

Seeing the three stand up reluctantly, the three-headed dog walked in front of them and got down slightly.The three of them were stunned for a moment when they saw this. After hearing the arrogant dog growl, they all climbed onto their bodies, either sitting or lying on their stomachs. The three dogs carried three dogs on their backs. People started the work of interrogation.

With Wang Leshan's terrifying majesty in front of him, the driver naturally answered whatever Wang Qingsong asked, and recorded some clues into his phone following his words.The other two people went to the places where the vehicles were hidden and dug out some evidence from the vehicles.

And the most important one, of course, belonged to Ma Chuanyi.

Ma Chuanyi has a tough temper and backbone.

However, after seeing Wang Leshan waving his hand, the bee swarm turned into a whirlwind and lifted him into the air and fell down violently. The already dying self was pulled out of the ghost gate by a few mouthfuls of water. After a few back and forth, it was Ma Chuanyi No matter how tough his temper was, he was tortured until he lost his temper.

Seeing that it was almost done, Wang Leshan said lightly: "If you want to die quickly, then tell the truth."

At this time, Ma Chuanyi didn't understand what happened today!
Shock, regret, fear!

His eyes flickered without any vitality, and he nodded in frustration.

With Ma Chuanyi's nod, the collection of evidence naturally went much smoother.The communication records of this operation, the contact records of the last purchase/murder, the remittance records, the ledgers for the extra expenditure of the "security brigade", the ledgers for the purchase of firearms, etc., Ma Chuanyi participated in all of them, and confessed everything .

These evidences are enough to prove that Shang Qiwen bought/murdered/killed/people last time, and this "large-scale armed force illegal operation" is even more certain!
Soon, Cheng Liren also arrived, bringing over a dozen vehicles, including an armed police force!
After these people got out of the car, they were all stunned for a long time when they saw the scene.

The buzzing bee colony, dogs, and squirrels have naturally left and returned to the cabin, otherwise, I'm afraid it will cause even greater commotion.

"This is……"

Cheng Liren was a little hard to imagine how such a scene was caused.

Wang Qingsong walked over and handed over the collected evidence and clues to Cheng Liren. Cheng Liren and the head of the armed police detachment became more and more frightened the more they looked at it.

"Okay! I'm going to verify these clues right now!!"

Cheng Liren took a deep breath, and before he had time to think about what happened here, he hurriedly said to the armed police detachment leader: "Old Wu, I will leave this place to you."


Captain Wu swallowed his saliva and nodded.


Three hours later, it was just dawn.

"Presumptuous, presumptuous!"

"Simply lawless!"

"Illegally holding a large number of guns, privately recruiting armed personnel, what are they trying to do?"

After reading the materials in his hand, the old man Ye Jianyong fell to the ground hard, his eyes full of anger.

This information is the clues and evidence confirmed one by one, and the evidence is as solid as a mountain!

(End of this chapter)

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