crazy farmer

Chapter 58 Beekeeping

Chapter 58 Beekeeping

【Full automatic irrigation system】

Grade: ordinary

Unlocking requirements: existing points reach 50
Redemption requirements: 50 points can be exchanged for a set of systems

Coverage size: 1000 mu (results converted from host cognitive units)

Work consumption: 1 point of energy increases the working time by 30 days

Function: Automatically take environmental parameters and plant life characteristic parameters, and automatically perform effective irrigation


Grade: ordinary

Unlocking requirements: Buzzing Bee is unlocked

Redemption requirements: 10 points can be exchanged for a beehive

Space size: up to 10 buzzing bees

Work consumption: 1 point of energy increases love for 30 days of work

Function: Automatically adjust temperature and humidity, automatically clean beehives, automatically collect bee products


When Hong Deguang and Hong Deguang went to buy the materials needed for the greenhouse, Hong Deguang also mentioned some things about the irrigation system to Wang Leshan.

There are many ways of irrigation, such as drip irrigation, sprinkler irrigation, micro-irrigation, ground irrigation, etc., many of which are suitable for greenhouse planting.

The irrigation system is divided into semi-automatic, fully automatic and intelligent control in terms of scientific content and advanced level.

Hong Deguang and Wang Leshan mentioned the intelligent irrigation control system, which is an extremely intelligent system integrating data collection, irrigation control, parameter setting, data display, data processing, obstacle alarm, communication and other functions.According to Hong Deguang, he has only seen this thing in the planting demonstration area of ​​Yunhai City, and it has a high technological content.Of course, the price of such a set must be ridiculously high. With that device, it is not a problem for one person to irrigate more than a few hundred acres a day. It is just a matter of moving fingers, which can save a lot of things.

Wang Leshan carefully read the manual after the function of this [Automatic Irrigation System]. Obviously, this system has all the functions mentioned by Hong Deguang, and it is more technologically intelligent, but the name is just a little more modest.

The most terrifying of them is probably the "automatic collection of plant life characteristic parameters". You have solved all the things that plants need water.

However, Wang Leshan has already negotiated with Hong Deguang to install the simplest sprinkler irrigation and drip pipe system in the greenhouse, and Wang Leshan has a Ling water pump. This [automatic irrigation system] is not something that needs to be exchanged, at least for now. In the case of tight points, it is not listed as a priority redemption target.

As for the beehives.

If the Buzzing Bee is exchanged, then this item must be exchanged.

Wang Leshan was worrying about not knowing how to keep bees. Having this beehive can save a lot of things, and this beehive can also collect bee products automatically, which undoubtedly increased Wang Leshan's idea of ​​exchanging humming bees.

After looking at the icons that came out first again, the humming bee and beehive were listed as the priority redemption targets, but whether to redeem or wait for the points to reach 100 upgrade space, this put Wang Leshan into a dilemma.

In the end, Wang Leshan made a decision, exchange!
Didn’t they spend so much energy on the development of Dali beans in the past because they wanted to increase the defense of the farm? With this buzzing bee, they can face some temporary concerns with more confidence.

Change, peace of mind is still the first!
Wang Leshan exchanged 50 points for a female bee, and the icon turned into a dot and entered the existing list. Wang Leshan moved his mind, and a golden yellow solid appeared in Wang Leshan's hands, which could be vaguely seen The figure of the female bee in the middle of the solid body is not clear, it is about the size of a child's fist, which is much bigger than any kind of bee Wang Leshan has ever seen!

Wang Leshan speculates that the solid that is wrapped around the mother bee is probably a kind of honey, which is used as nutrition for the pregnant mother bee to cultivate the first generation of drones and worker bees.

Now that the mother bee has been exchanged, the beehive must be exchanged naturally, and another 10 points have been spent, leaving only 7 points.The bee repelling technique must be exchanged, but the bee colony has not yet grown up, so it is not necessary immediately.

Following Wang Leshan's thoughts, the beehive also appeared in Wang Leshan's hand. After placing it on the ground, the miniature beehive grew in size in vain, about one cubic meter. The material is wood, probably from the Shennong star field Wood, anyway, Wang Leshan couldn't recognize what it was.

When Wang Leshan is concentrated, some function keys will appear in the beehive, and the internal structure of the beehive can be displayed directly in front of Wang Leshan, and the space inside seems to be far more than 1 cubic meter, which seems to be some kind of high space. Technology.

Of course, it's not too big, and it's still far behind the built-in space of the spirit water pump. One grade is extraordinary and the other is ordinary, so the difference is naturally huge.

Input a little energy, and the working time of the hive becomes 30 days.

According to the guidance of the displayed information, Wang Leshan placed the mother bee in a relatively special position in the beehive, which will be the position where the hive king station will be located in the future.

Not long after the mother bee was put into the beehive, Wang Leshan "saw" that the solid wrapped around the mother bee began to dissolve, slowly flowing down and merging into a small grid in front of the mother bee. After that, the mother bee also "lived" After coming over, the next step is to lay eggs directly.The whole body of the female bee is golden and jade, no matter how you look at it, it looks like gold inlaid with jade. Wang Leshan remembers that there is no bee like this on the earth. The whole body is full of a kind of... Can't find any other words to describe it.

Egg laying lasts for a long time, almost non-stop, and after a certain period of time, the mother bee continues to lay eggs while eating the melted honey.

The eggs produced will be separated directly by the mother bee. Wang Leshan has been checking the information during this process, guessing that this may be the direct separation of unfertilized eggs and fertilized eggs. The former will grow into male peaks, while the latter will It is a female bee that grows into a non-fertile bee, that is, a worker bee.

Honey bees are insects with complete metamorphosis. The three types of bees, namely mother bees, drones, and worker bees, need to go through four developmental stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. It takes about 21 to 24 days from egg to adult .

As for whether the buzzing bee will go through these four stages of development, as for the time it takes for it to grow into an adult, Wang Leshan doesn't know, so he can only wait quietly.

Wang Leshan shifted his attention from the beehive to the water pool. The koi and money turtles in the water pool have grown a lot, and the pearl oysters have reproduced a lot after this period of growth, and the number has reached about 300. .

Now there are only 7 points left in the points, and only 3 points of energy. The only thing that can get energy at the moment is to open clams. Besides, you can also get points through harvesting. You have to quickly reach 10 points so that you can exchange them for bee repelling.

When Wang Leshan went down to the pool, he touched a hundred largest pearl oysters.






When about [-] pearls were opened, a pearl with red filaments was finally opened, and the reminder sound came to mind.

"Ding! An energy body has been detected with a strength of 1, which can restore 2 points of energy and increase the upper limit of existing energy by 1 points."

In about an hour, Wang Leshan opened all the 1 pearl oysters, and got 2 pearls with energy. Compared with the last 7 pearls, 6 more pearls were opened, and one of them had a strength of [-]. Both have a strength of [-].It's just that the points reward obtained is less than last time. Last time, [-] points were rewarded with [-] points, but this time it was only [-] points.

It stands to reason that the quality of the pearl oyster should be higher this time, and the points should be more. Why are there fewer points?
Could it be that the points rewards obtained for the same things will become less and less?
This made Wang Leshan a little puzzled!
But if you don't understand it, you should be happy.

Without any hesitation, he directly extracted the energy body of the three pearls.

The energy strength of the three pearls is 1, 2, and 2, and they can restore energy with double the strength, each increasing the upper limit by 1 point.


【Crazy Farm】

Host: Wang Leshan (Milky Way, Earth, Human)

Energy: 13/15
Points: 13

Regarding the prompt sound of energy gain, among them "increase the existing energy online", Wang Leshan has always felt that the word "existing" has a great mystery. It is very likely that after the upper limit reaches a certain level, the low-intensity energy body will no longer increase. To go online, a higher-strength ability body is required. As for what kind of limit is it, Wang Leshan does not know for the time being.

Wang Leshan directly exchanged 10 points for the primary bee repelling technique, and the points became 3 in single digits.Some strange symbols appeared in my mind. I have never seen them before, but I can understand them at a glance and understand what they mean. The most amazing thing is that upon seeing these symbols, Wang Leshan directly mastered the primary bee repelling technique, just like a game learned a certain skill.

There is only one sentence for the explanation of this elementary bee repelling technique, which can drive all bees within sight for your own use!
As far as the eye can see, it is obviously the size of the range!
And only mentioning the word "bees" instead of humming bees undoubtedly means that all bees can be driven, no matter whether they are alien bees or original bees on the earth.

The power of this primary bee repelling technique is beyond Wang Leshan's imagination, but the exchange is only 10 points, Wang Leshan thinks it is not worth it!
Soaking in the spiritual water and reading a book, time passed by in a hurry. Wang Leshan calculated the time a little. More than 2 days had passed inside, and it was about to dawn outside, so he got out of the spiritual water and took a look at the beehive.

Originally there was only one single female bee hive, but now there are no less than [-] humming bees, most of them are in the larval stage, and about a quarter of them are in the pupal stage. It is an adult insect, and its growth rate is obviously much faster than that of bees on the earth.

Look again, the mother bee is still laying eggs!
And the lump of honey is only about a quarter of the original.

From this point of view, after the honey is consumed, it is probably when the first batch of humming bees break out of their pupae and become adults, and they just go out to collect honey to maintain the continued development of the entire bee colony.

Wang Leshan took another look at the vigorous beans planted in the space, and they were about to bloom. This happened just in time, and there was no need to put the beehives outside for the time being.

(End of this chapter)

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