crazy farmer

Chapter 52

Chapter 52
"Whether it will cause any trouble to my cheap uncle, I don't know."

Fan Yao turned over the scarf and said with a smile: "However, this pair of starlings is probably going to be famous, oh yes, there is also the fat man in the mouth of the two starlings."

Xiao Jing nodded with a smile. She really posted it casually at first, but after she posted it, she thought it might attract some attention, but she didn't expect such a big response. The message is forwarded, and it is estimated that this momentum will continue.

Xiao Jing's scarf was certified as a photographer, and it was quite low-key without even adding a well-known and famous prefix.There are only a few hundred thousand fans, and most of them follow the beautiful pictures she uploaded. Only a small number of people know Xiao Jing's true identity, and the gold content in this small part is quite high.If you take a closer look, it is not difficult to find that there are nearly a hundred well-known and unknown celebrities following her, including big names like Zhao Wei.

Zhao Wei and Xiao Jing have some overlaps in work, and they have a pretty good personal relationship. The most important point is that they both have a common hobby, which is good wine.Both insiders and outsiders know that Zhao Wei spends a lot of money to buy foreign wineries. This is not only because of investment and financial management, but more importantly, it is related to the quality of wine.Xiao Jing is a frequent visitor to that winery. Of course, besides drinking there, Xiao Jing also brought back many good works.

When Zhao Wei saw Xiao Jing@自己, she clicked on it, and after reading it, she thought it was very fun, and she also liked this pair of starlings very much, so she just wrote a sentence and forwarded it: This bad thing has come out to be naughty again, hurry up I'm going to grab it (laughing emoji).

Zhao Wei has 7000 million fans, and an ordinary post can be reposted thousands of times, not to mention such an interesting video, it was immediately reposted in large numbers.

"You're so thick, the bad guy ran out of Shufangzhai!"

"2333333 I'm laughing to death. The bad thing has a brother called the good thing. The key is that the good thing is also a bad thing."

"What a cheap bird, it's been a long time!"

"The second from the right → → 233333" "The second from the right is too 66666." "Nonsense, they are birds themselves, how can they be eunuchs? No birds are eunuchs!" "This bird is too cheap!"

"This dubbing is perfect!"

"By the way, the dubbing is too funny, isn't it?"

"Isn't that a funny expression? Did you see the sharp eyes? The disgust and contempt are brought out to the fullest, amazing acting skills!"

"Why do I think this is not dubbing? Do you feel the same?"

"Is the right → → stupid? Why don't myna speak!" "Oh my God, why can birds talk? Is it a spirit? It is agreed that animals after the founding of the People's Republic of China cannot become spirits?"

"It caused 10000000 points of critical damage to Fatty!"

"It caused 10000000 points of crit damage to the flat chest photo!"

"Is this pair of bastards sent by the heavens to punish fat people and flat chesters? They are so good at complaining! This bird is super god!"

"Tucao's energy is full, you can zoom in and summon the mocking Archeopteryx!"

"Express the coordinates, Fatty Alliance, Flat-chested Alliance, prepare weapons, and burn this pair of bastards."

"Fat brother is too pitiful, suffering from combo and crit!"

"Actually, don't you think this fat guy is very flexible? Look at his skill in chasing and killing that pair of bastards, and accept my knee."

"Actually, don't you think this girl is very cute? It's my type (shy)."

"I also think this pair of bastards are very good-looking!"


In addition to these ordinary netizens, many celebrities also joined the ranks of retweeting, so the amount of retweeting increased and continued to rise.

After Xiao Jing looked at it, she left a message under the article forwarded by Zhao Wei: Next time you are free, I will definitely bring you here. It is definitely a good place. Besides such a pair of interesting guys, there are also delicious food. The key is that there are... You know!

Xiao Jing just didn't repost the comment, but the sharp-eyed netizens discovered their interaction, and quickly liked it and clicked on the homepage of the comment. Many people reposted this comment as a joke, "please take it", and they have more ideas about what the ellipsis is of.

Huang Jiaozhu, known as the second brother in the entertainment industry, also reposted this comment: I really want to smell something, and the things I quietly said are absolutely superb, so you must bring me.

Needless to say, the friendship between Huang Jiaozhu and Zhao Wei, there is a saying on the Internet that "there is a kind of friendship called Zhao Wei and Huang Xiaoming", but netizens did not expect to know the original po owner.After a random search, I immediately found that besides the two of them, there are many celebrities who follow Xiao Jing, and many of them still interact with each other. It is not difficult to find out Xiao Jing's identity after a random dig.A big-name photographer in the fashion industry, he has won many awards and has taken pictures of many celebrities.

And the identity of the flat-chested beautiful girl also surfaced, the coordinator of "Fashion·Health" and assistant to the editor-in-chief.It's just that he couldn't find out the identity of the fat guy. Obviously, the fat guy's funny is more popular than his image, and he is very pleasing.

Of course, more people just came to enjoy the process of a pair of starlings violently attacking a flat-chested girl and a fat boy in the video. It was hearty and hearty, and there were not a few of them who repeated it ten times.

Fan Yao also saw the interaction between Xiao Jing, Zhao Wei and Huang Jiaozhu, and said with a smile: "Just now I was talking to that cheap uncle to let him run a farmhouse, and I asked a celebrity reality show to come and record and help him make the farmhouse popular. , Now it’s all right, as long as these two people come here, it will be a big hit without recording. However, it would be even better if Master Huang can bring the baby.”


Xiao Jing thought for a while, and said with a smile: "This is a good idea. With the environmental conditions here and the food and wine, it will definitely become popular. If there is a star effect, it will be difficult not to become popular."

Fan Yao giggled and said, "So, sister Jing, did you promise to really invite them?"

Xiao Jing took a sip of "Wen Qingtian" and closed her eyes to enjoy it for a while, then said: "After drinking this kind of wine, if I don't help you, I will definitely not be able to fall asleep."

Fan Yao joked: "I think you are afraid that you won't be able to drink this kind of wine in the future?"

Xiao Jing nodded without denying it!
The two chatted for a while, then Xie Nan and Bai Bai also came down from the mountain, and they were tired after walking around for two hours.Bai Bai walked towards Fan Yao and Xiao Jing, while Xie Nan was attracted by the pile of things behind the cabin, squatting there, unable to move away no matter what.

"Ali, is this the shell of a pearl oyster?"

Xie Nan asked Fatty Li who was drinking water not far away: "Is this clam shell yours?"


Of course, Fatty Li had discovered these clam shells a long time ago, and knew that Wang Leshan got them, but he was not interested and naturally didn't ask any more questions.

Xie Nan himself is considered a half-designer, a half-way monk, but he has good talent and he likes it, especially for the design of shellfish. He has his own very unique insights.Pick up these clamshells and look at them. The more you look at them, the more you like them. You can't put them down.The shape, look, texture and many other aspects of these clam shells formed various works in Xie Nan's mind within a short while, and he was stunned for a while.

After looking at it for a long time, I took some more photos, then raised my head and asked Fatty Li over there: "Are you going to sell these clam shells?"

At this moment, Wang Leshan happened to be back there, Fatty Li said, "Let me ask for you."

Ran over to talk to Wang Leshan, Wang Leshan curiously asked Xie Nan, and heard that she was going to take it back to make handicrafts, but it was the same as Wang Leshan's way of thinking about how to deal with these clam shells, so he let Xie Nan choose whatever he wanted. Pick as many as you want.Xie Nan really wanted to take them all away, but Wang Leshan didn't mention the money at all, so she was naturally embarrassed and only took about thirty of them.

Wang Leshan knew that if Xie Nan took it well and the effect was good, he would definitely come to him. The amount of money was the second priority. The key was that this clam shell had a way to deal with it, so it could be regarded as making the best use of it.

At this time, Bai Bai, who had gone to Fan Yao and Xiao Jing's side, ran over and yelled at Fatty: "Little Fatty, come and see, come and see, you are hot, hahaha."

After traveling up and down the mountain, the relationship between these two people, who were mercilessly mocked by a pair of bastards, is quite good.

Fatty Li is a little confused, confused, why am I angry?

Wang Leshan and Xie Nan were also curious.

Bai Bai held the mobile phone and showed it to several people while chatting, and finally let Fatty Li and Wang Leshan understand it. As for how much they understand, it is hard to say, after all, they don't play with scarves very much. I don't know how popular the tens of thousands of reposts are.

"Am I on fire?"

Fatty Li scratched his head when he heard so many retweets by celebrities, smiled rather silly, and muttered to himself: "I thought it would only become popular after it was on TV."

Wang Leshan laughed out loud when he heard this. The fat man who co-authored it now thought that the filming just now was going to be on TV.

With such a large amount of forwarding, it is estimated that it is much more popular than the average TV station.

Fatty Li took the phone and looked at it. The more he looked at it, the uglier his face became. At the end he looked up to the sky and let out a long sigh. This is the way to make Mao himself angry. It seems that it is not a good reputation to be so popular...

However, when Fatty Li heard that stars like Zhao Wei and Huang Xiaoming might come here to play, he suddenly became more energetic, his eyes opened wider than ever, as if they were shining!
His favorite celebrity is Princess, and he bought many posters to put them in the room!
What kind of clothes should I wear to meet my idol? Should I work hard to lose weight during this time, and shave my head first? Should I find those posters at home and ask her to sign them? Subdue those two stinky birds before she comes, and absolutely don't let them call themselves fat in front of their idols...

Fatty Li fell into infinite reverie.

After four o'clock in the afternoon, Fan Yao and his party were sent away. Before leaving, they gave some things grown in the field and a jug of wine. The filming finally came to an end.

Originally, Wang Leshan thought it was just a simple shoot, but he didn't expect that it was much more complicated than he imagined, and of course there were many benefits.

As for running the farmhouse and the possibility of celebrities coming, this also made Wang Leshan think deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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