crazy farmer

Chapter 5 Pearl Clams

Chapter 5 Pearl Clams

Dakang Village, the name of the village comes from the meaning of tall and big.

There is also a relatively legendary saying that Kang is one of the 28 constellations, which belongs to the second constellation of the Eastern Canglong Qisu. It is said that Kang Jinlong once came here.

Dakang Village is surrounded by mountains on three sides.To the east is Liyu Mountain, to the west is Jiuping Mountain, and in the middle is Dakang Mountain.There is a Longtan on Dakang Mountain, which is the source of many streams, and it is also the place where the legendary Kang Jinlong descended to earth.

Many small streams in Dakang Village converge into a small river on the other side. This small river is like a hand extending from the mountain to the outside world.Along the small river, an asphalt road was built, extending to Sanhe Town, connecting with Provincial Highway 56 that runs through Sanhe Town, and also connecting with the outside world.

There are more than 300 households in the village, which is considered a big village in Sanhe Township, with about 300 to [-] people.

However, most of the young people in the village are working or doing business outside the village. Young people like Wang Leshan who have a certain level of education—going to high school—rarely stay in the village.

In the village in the early morning, there are already many people walking around, or go to the entrance of the village to take a country bus to go to the town to buy vegetables, or get up early to work in the fields while the sun is not very big, or get up early and sit at the door An old man smoking a pipe.

The village is so big, so everyone knows each other, and everyone knows everything in the village.They all greeted Wang Leshan with a smile. At the same time, they all felt that the child was pitiful and felt sorry for what happened to Wang Dacheng's family.

A young man in his early twenties, a piece of fifty acres of land with a fish pond, how could this be done!
The fish pond was on the right side at the foot of Dakang Mountain. More than ten minutes later, Wang Leshan arrived there. After approaching, he saw the cornfield irrigated with Lingshui at first sight.A total of seven acres of corn were planted. Wang Leshan specifically selected the middle acre to be irrigated with Lingshui. It may not be clear from a distance, but when you get closer, you can immediately find that the corn in this acre is compared with the ones on the side. To grow much better.

Not to mention the average height of at least [-] centimeters, the corn stalks are thick, it seems like they are all bodybuilding champions in this area, and the ones next to them are skinny and weak!

What surprised Wang Leshan the most was that the surrounding areas were still in flowering stage, but the corn in this acre had already formed ears of corn, and the corn cobs had already taken shape!
The growth in one night is so gratifying, this difference makes Wang Leshan's eyebrows dance with joy, and he is overjoyed!
"When there are no people walking in the field at night, I will irrigate the other corn and the crops in other fields! With this growth, it is estimated that there will be a harvest in less than a month!"

In a good mood, Wang Leshan walked through the corn field with his hands behind his back, like a general in a military parade. He walked back and forth twice before returning to the fish pond.

Looking at the water in the fish pond in broad daylight, Wang Leshan had the urge to jump down for a swim. The water is so clear that you can see the bottom. You can clearly see the fish swimming in the fish pond.

Compared with yesterday's sickly appearance, today's fish in the fish pond seemed to be full of energy, but the overnight change, Wang Leshan found that there seemed to be more big fish.

Once the water became clear, some rubbish at the bottom of the fish pond could be seen at a glance, but it was absolutely intolerable to have such rubbish in such clear water.

After Wang Leshan took out fish food from the cabin and sprinkled some, he found a long pole, fixed a steel ring on the top, sewed a net on it, and started cleaning the bottom of the fish pond in a small wooden boat.

The fish pond is not small, and Wang Leshan worked for a whole day to clean up all the garbage at the bottom of the fish pond.

Pulled the boat with a lot of rubbish back to the shore, moved the rubbish ashore, and found that there were several river mussels caught together with the rubbish. I wanted to throw it back into the fish pond, but found one of the mussels It was slightly different, Wang Leshan stopped to identify it a few times, and found that it was a kind of pearl oyster.

After cleaning up the garbage on the boat, Wang Leshan took the pearl oyster to the cabin, found something hard, opened it, and found that there were some tiny particles attached to the two shells, which could not be pearls. Big bright!
These small pearls are almost worthless, but Wang Leshan sees unlimited "business opportunities" here - if pearl oysters are cultivated in the space, how many pearls will be produced!
I've thought about it several times in my mind, and the more I think about it, the more feasible it is for Wang Leshan.

In the space, the most suitable environment for the growth of pearl oysters can be adjusted. With the addition of spiritual water and a 1:10 time shift, it is absolutely possible to raise pearl oysters that can produce super-large pearls within a certain period of time!

"Well, then make the pearl oyster the first project of space cultivation!"

Wang Leshan murmured, before it was dark, he quickly punted into the fish pond again, after searching for a while, he fished out five pearl mussels from the fish pond.

"If you want to breed in large quantities, you still have to go to the market to buy some."

Wang Leshan returned to the cabin, observed that there was no one around for the time being, and entered the space with a thought.Put five pearl oysters into the water pool in the space, but saw that the pearl oysters seemed to be more energetic after touching the third-level spiritual water, and then quickly dived into the first-level spiritual soil at the bottom of the pool.

I went to look at the planted peach tree seeds. It has been about 20 hours since planting. According to the time in the space, it has been seven or eight days. The first-order spiritual soil covering the seeds is slightly loose. I believe it will not pass. How long does it take to germinate successfully.

Can live!

This is very important to Wang Leshan, he took the washbasin to scoop up the third-order spiritual water and poured some water carefully.

Looking at the empty land, Wang Leshan muttered: "With pearl oysters, I have some ideas. Precious things must be planted and cultivated in the space."

Exited the space, and moved some things into it.

After returning home, after dinner, he asked about the situation of his parents. Seeing that the effect of the spiritual water continued and the situation became more and more optimistic, Wang Leshan felt relieved.After dark, Wang Leshan came to the fish pond by himself again. After "supplementing" a little energy for the multi-function water pump, he pressed the delivery button and began to irrigate the remaining 49 mu of land.

Less than 2 minutes later, the Lingshui pump finished irrigating 49 mu of land independently, and Wang Leshan got 4 points.

Going back to the hut, he filled the water tank with third-level spiritual water as he did last night. With the experience of He Yuting breaking in yesterday, Wang Leshan locked the door and even turned off the lights, and then comfortably Soaked in the water tank.

He found that after yesterday's "bath", he was very energetic today, and he didn't feel much tired after a day's work.

There is no doubt about the benefits of this spiritual water. Wang Leshan thought about finding a suitable reason for his parents and sister-in-law to drink it. The health of the family is very important.

After soaking for about an hour, the spiritual water became cloudy, and Wang Leshan ended his bath.

After leaving the fish pond and returning home, he happened to meet He Yuting who was about to go out. Obviously, seeing that it was getting late, she was planning to call Wang Leshan home.

"Sister-in-law, don't worry about me, I'm fine. Besides, the road is dark at night." Wang Leshan said something to He Yuting, and then went into the house to see his parents.

He Yuting was really worried. She was worried that Wang Leshan, who was back in the countryside and had to take care of so many fields and fish ponds, was not used to it. He was too tired, and she was even more afraid that he would not be able to survive.Even, she secretly hated herself, just as the village said that she was a disaster star, why didn't she see herself that way sometimes.


Waking up the next day, Wang Leshan went to the fishpond and was relieved when he saw that the irrigated crops were growing very well.After lunch, I carried a backpack and put a jug in it, which was full of third-order spiritual water.Of course, this third-order spiritual water can also be drunk. It can quench thirst and replenish physical strength to get rid of fatigue.

He took the rural bus at the gate of the village to the town and changed to a bus to Yunhai City. He asked the people at the bus station and went straight to the fish market.

After visiting the whole fish market, I finally found pearl mussels in a small shop.Because pearl mussels cannot be cultivated on a large scale in the south of the Yangtze River, there are very few pearl mussels in the market. They are generally sold as an incidental situation, and generally there are no pearls, so the price is not high.

The Yangtze River Delta has the largest pearl breeding base in the country, but the pearl oysters are cultivated, not the pearl oysters. There is a word difference between the two, but there are still some differences.

The owner of the small shop looked at the background of Wang Leshan leaving with a bag, and couldn't help shaking his head and laughing: "It's really rare that young people believe that pearls can be grown from pearl oysters these days."

He clapped the 300 yuan in his hand and cursed silly 13 secretly.Pearl oysters produce pearls, but basically they are small and rare, so the gains outweigh the losses.The slightly better pearl oysters are generally found in the northeast area. In the Yangtze River Basin or even in the Yangtze River Basin, there are almost no good pearl oysters. All the pearl oysters raised in the coastal area are marine products.

After Wang Leshan bought the pearl oyster, he was in a good mood, and walked around the fish market again, wanting to know the current market situation in the fish market.

After leaving the fish market, in a remote corner, Wang Leshan put all the pearl mussels into the pool of space.Next, I went to the Xinhua Bookstore in the city and bought more than a dozen books on agricultural planting and breeding.With [Crazy Farm], Wang Leshan has great confidence in planting and breeding, but he also knows that blindness is not allowed, and it is always good to know more.

There happened to be a flower and bird market not far from the bookstore. I decided to go there and have a look. Planting is not limited to vegetables and grains. With spiritual water and space, flowers are also grown. Moreover, generally speaking, the economic value of flowers is higher. in vegetable grains.

Wang Leshan put the book in his backpack, went in for a walk, and Wang Leshan was speechless. He had heard that the prices of some pets and flowers were astonishing, but after seeing and hearing it in person, he was still a little unacceptable.A pet dog casually sells for tens of thousands, and the price of some ornamental fish is beyond imagination. What surprised Wang Leshan most was the precious flowers, especially the several kinds of orchids in a store that were priced at [-]. Left and right, completely dumbfounded!

According to the shopkeeper, these orchids are quite cheap. For example, the treasure "Suguan Heding" can be sold for four to five million yuan, and the Clivia such as "Tianjiao No. 500" and "Oracle Bone Inscription" are even more expensive. It can be sold at a sky-high price of tens of millions, not a small one of 1 and 1000, but a big one of seventy-eight thousand!

(End of this chapter)

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