crazy farmer

Chapter 45 Fish and Corn

Chapter 45 Fish and Corn
When Wang Leshan entered the mouth of the beans, Wang Leshan suddenly felt a strong fragrance filling his mouth and nose. He took a bite. The strange thing is that the beans, which look like jewels, did not crack his teeth. Wang Leshan squeezed them just now. It was quite hard, but now it is surprisingly soft. After chewing a few times, the whole bean seemed to melt!
"Could it be that it's because of the saliva in the mouth, which is the so-called melting in the mouth?"

Wang Leshan muttered something to himself, but before he finished speaking, he felt his whole body was transparent again, because the essence of the melted beans had entered his body.

With a transparent feeling all over his body, Wang Leshan could even feel that his body seemed to be changing, and a sense of swelling seemed to be fermenting in his body. After about ten seconds, this feeling of swelling subsided, replaced by a kind of fullness.

Wang Leshan waved his arm, and he could clearly feel that his strength was much stronger than before!

Recently, I have been soaking in third-order spiritual water. Wang Leshan's strength is much stronger than before. Not to mention that his strength is so strong that he can pull up weeping willows like a monk like a flower, but what kind of five hundred catties can he lift? Ding can still do it. ,

It can be said that Wang Leshan's strength foundation is absolutely not bad, but on this basis, he can feel the increase in strength after eating a grain of vigorous beans. Obviously, this increase is not just a little bit, but definitely a lot!

"It seems that I still underestimated this vigorous bean!"

Wang Leshan ate the remaining seven Dali beans one by one. The sense of expansion of power made Wang Leshan cautious not to eat them all at once. The explosive body that is often mentioned in novels is a tragedy.Every time he ate a pill, Wang Leshan waited for about ten seconds until the feeling of swelling disappeared before continuing to eat.

After eating all of it, Wang Leshan felt a sense of power all over his body, and felt that his current strength had increased by at least half compared to before.

"Try it!"

Wang Leshan looked at the sack filled with rice, which weighed about a hundred catties. He stretched out one hand to grab it, and then lifted it lightly, and the sack was lifted off the ground. He swung the sack in a circle.


Before this, Wang Leshan could lift a hundred catties with one hand without much effort, but like this, he really couldn't do it.

Putting down the sacks, Wang Leshan stacked all the six sacks together, then stretched out his hands to copy them on the bottom, sank his waist, and said "get up", and the six sacks of six hundred kilograms were lifted up, and I don't feel strenuous, and I still have strength to spare.

"From this point of view, my current strength must be seven or eight hundred catties."

Wang Leshan muttered, but he remembered weightlifting. He remembered that the world record for his own weight was about half of this weight.I didn't think much about it before, but now I realize that my strength has reached this level, and I'm shocked.

"I don't know if I can lift it!"

Wang Leshan thought for a while, then sank down again, with his feet slightly spread.He also practiced sports for a period of time in high school, but he also knows some tricks to exert strength.Once again, he let out a low shout, and the force rose from his heels to his waist and gathered in his arms. Wang Leshan felt like a powerful dragon rising from the bottom, and the sack in his hand was immediately lifted above his head.

However, Wang Leshan dropped the sack after lifting it above his head for a moment, obviously this has reached the limit.Even so, Wang Leshan was also very pleasantly surprised. Moving a sack like this is many times more difficult than lifting a barbell. If it is a barbell, Wang Leshan has absolute confidence to lift it and hold it still.

"With our strength, it may be more than enough to win a championship in the Olympics and break a world record!"

While Wang Leshan laughed out loud, he also discovered that besides his great strength, his own explosive power is also quite terrifying. He thought about finding an instrument that can test strength to test it.

Also, Wang Leshan feels that his body has also been somewhat changed, which is most likely the reason why the power of the Dali Bean is hidden in the muscles and even the cells.

Lifting up the clothes, there were some muscular lines, but now they are more material, with smooth lines and almost visible explosive power.

After moving his arm slightly stiff because of one stroke, Wang Leshan devoted himself to the work of harvesting the beans.

After more than an hour, they were all harvested. Wang Leshan counted them. There were not many seeds exchanged, but nearly 300 pods were harvested. Most of these pods contained 7 vigorous beans, and a small part of them contained 8 grains. , 9 capsules, rarely reach 10 capsules.Wang Leshan spent some time peeling and counting, there are about 2500 pieces!

After harvesting the beans, Wang Leshan received 20 reward points, and the total points reached 47. This time, reaching 40 did not get the plant to be unlocked. The next plant needs to reach 50 points, and the plant to be unlocked is called [Beauty Melon] ], as for the effect, it is blurry and unclear.

Because of harvesting Lingdao and Dali beans, the points are higher than before, but Wang Leshan also knows that these are all exchanged for energy.

Power now: 4/12!

However, now that there is a way to replenish energy, Wang Leshan will not be too heartbroken.

It took some time to pull up the bean sprouts, soak some vigorous beans as seeds, and sow them. This time, they planted quite a lot, filling the entire space, and used 100 seeds as seeds.

If a seed germinates successfully, it will surely produce 1 branches, and each branch will be connected with at least 3 pods, and a pod can produce at least 3 beans. This ratio is at least 7:1, which means that after maturity, Wang Leshan can at least Harvest 63 vigorous beans!

The bean sprouts were completely dehydrated and withered due to the ripeness of the beans. There was no need for Wang Leshan to dry them, so they moved out of the space and piled up with the stalks of the spiritual rice.

The time in the space is not too short, but it is only past 3 o'clock in the middle of the night outside.

Wang Leshan moved all the rice stalks and bean sprouts outside the small wooden house, dug a big hole next to the high-grade vegetable garden, threw these plants in, and lit a fire, preparing to burn them all to ashes as fertilizer. When cooled, spread them all together in the high-grade vegetable garden.

Not long after it was lit, two men rushed to the cabin, looking stern and holding pistols in their hands.

These two people were undoubtedly the policemen guarding the entrance of the village. When they saw the flames here, they naturally rushed over.Come over and see, Wang Leshan was squatting by the fire and stoking the fire, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, heaved a sigh of relief, and put the gun away.

Seeing this, Wang Leshan's heart warmed. He knew that Lin Xiaohu specially arranged for them to guard here. He smiled apologetically at the two of them and said, "I couldn't sleep, so I got up and burned the rice stalks."

The two nodded, although they felt helpless, they didn't want to complain: "It's fine."

"Both brothers, you must be hungry, right?"

Seeing that the two were about to leave, Wang Leshan stopped them and said, "Eat something, thank you for your hard work."

Seeing that Wang Leshan had finished speaking, the two turned around and went to the house. They couldn't refuse, so they had to stay.However, a strong fragrance soon came out from the cabin, and when Wang Leshan brought out a large pot of boiled corn, he took a bite, and he was glad that he didn't go away!

"Boss Wang, your corn... By the way, it looks like the most recent signature dish of the Dandi Restaurant in the town!" One of them gnawed off three corn cobs in a row before opening his mouth.

Wang Leshan said with a smile: "Dandi Restaurant's corn comes from me."

"That's no wonder, this corn is so delicious! The last time I was lucky enough to eat it for a friend's treat, I almost ate my tongue. Tsk tsk, after I inquired about it, three corn cobs were broken in one plate It’s about ten yuan, and it’s priced at 108! I was scared at the time, but it’s worth it when you think about the taste!” The other one also had a look of enjoyment, and said: “I didn’t expect that this corn came from you Yes, we brothers are blessed today. I thought it was a hard job, but it turned out that we came to enjoy the blessing..."

The other one coughed immediately when he heard that this guy started talking nonsense as soon as he had something delicious. This person was a little embarrassed.

Wang Leshan smiled, naturally he didn't care, and said with a smile: "The two elder brothers will eat first, and I'll get a fish. The fire is still burning, so it's time to roast it."

Going back to the cabin, I took out one of the fish that was caught in the water tank and processed it, pierced it with a stick from head to belly, took it out and roasted it over the fire of spiritual rice and bean sprouts.

He was also hungry, gnawing on the corn while grilling.

Not long after, the fish smelled delicious, which was much stronger than that cooked by Chef Fan. Of course, this is not because of how good Wang Leshan's grilled fish is. The reason is that the spirit rice and bean sprouts .

The two policemen were extremely reluctant but decisively put down the corn in their hands, swallowed, and stared at the fish with straight eyes.The smell made the two policemen greedy, so I dare not eat corn anymore. Corn is delicious, but I have eaten it anyway. If I eat too much and the fish can't eat it, it will be wasted!

Wang Leshan joked with a smile: "Two big brothers, eat the corn first, and the fish will be ready immediately."

The two shook their heads together, one of them was quite clever, and said: "There is a brother in the car, we will not eat the leftover corn, we will take it to him."

"Oh? There is another big brother, so you can call him here too. There should be nothing to do at night, we will grill fish and eat here, and it will be dawn soon." Wang Leshan said.

The two hesitated, "Is this okay?"

"It's all right." Wang Leshan said with a smile: "One elder brother went to call for someone, and the other stayed to help me grill this fish. I'll get another one."


As soon as they heard that there was a fish, the eyes of the two of them suddenly brightened, and the clever one immediately told the easy-talking bald one to go, and the bald one said a few times, "If you can't eat raw fish, you must wait for them to come back." Then he quickly ran to the entrance of the village.

After Wang Leshan finished the fish, the policeman who went to call for help also came back.The two people who were there before looked at each other, and waited for the man to sit down to give him the corn, saying "eat more", "this corn is rare", "Dandi restaurant will sell it for more than 100" He even said persuasive words such as "dry this corn, or you won't give brother face", which can be described as well-intentioned.

If you eat more corn, you can eat less fish, dear!

(End of this chapter)

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