crazy farmer

Chapter 431 The next stage of the lunar plan

Chapter 431 The next phase of the lunar plan

Let the robot take Wang Qingsong and Baige to wander around first, Wang Leshan called a group of robots and gold digging dogs over, and the No. 2 robot took out the survey reports conducted in various areas during this period. We analyzed the mineral deposits in the area.

"First, through all aspects of detection, it can be confirmed and verified that the previous countries surveyed the moon's surface about the moon's magnetic field. The magnetic field is indeed very weak, less than one percent of that of the earth. However, the survey found that The rocks on the surface of the moon have been magnetized by a strong magnetic field, which can prove that the surface of the moon used to have a magnetic field. At present, we are studying the reasons for the disappearance of the moon’s magnetic field, and the guessed direction is related to these magnetized rocks. If it goes well If it is cracked, the moon's magnetic field can be strengthened or even restored, of course, without affecting the earth."

"Second, according to the survey during this period, there are as many as a hundred kinds of minerals that can be used on the moon. Currently, ilmenite, rare earth, thorium-uranium ore and helium-3 are valuable for mining. Among them, iron-rich , Titanium lunar sea basalt may be the reason for being magnetized. It can be refined into a super titanium iron through a multifunctional mineral extraction machine, which can replace star iron. In this way, it will greatly speed up the manufacturing of flying cars and other equipment that requires star iron. with building construction."

"The content of helium 3 on the moon is very rich. Helium fusion using helium 3 and deuterium can be used as an energy source for nuclear power plants. This fusion will not produce neutrons. We can confirm that it is completely pollution-free through experiments. It can be a very Nuclear fusion, which is easy to control and has a very high stability, will become a new energy source. Not only can it be used in nuclear power plants, but it can also be used in space navigation, and the energy contained is very high. In addition, we are going to start experiments to use it first for the next In China's lunar tourism and immigration plan, the newly built lunar module and rocket will use this as energy."

"In addition, there are many elements on the surface of the moon that are radioactive and can emit gamma rays by themselves due to changes caused by cosmic ray bombardment. Regarding the research on these elements, we have currently set two directions, one is space weapons, and the other is space weapons. Genetic engineering of life."

"Through surveys, a large amount of ice and water substances were found in the permanent shadow area of ​​the two poles of the moon, that is, the two poles on the back of the moon that will never be irradiated by the sun. In addition, the underground people brought The presence of water molecules has been found in some deep underground samples. At present, I am asking the underground people to continue to go deeper, and it is very likely that real liquid water will be found!"





After listening to the No. 2 robot's report, Wang Leshan discussed with the No. 2 robot the next plan, tasks and deployment. Two hours later, a series of plans came out.

First of all, at least two mining areas will be built in the near future to mine ilmenite and helium 3.The work of mining and smelting is handed over to the gold digging dogs and robots, and then some underground people will join them.At the same time, smelting plants, laboratories and rest areas are essential facilities in the mining area.

Second, continue the study of the lunar magnetic field.

Third, establish a laboratory dedicated to the study of radiation to study radiation and develop space weapons. The experiments on radiation and life genes will allow the underground people who have been studied by the United States to study genetic warriors before. The captured genetic warriors also joined the ranks of "white mice".

Fourth, after the mining and smelting of ilmenite is on the right track, a large factory will be built on the moon to produce mechanical equipment such as flying cars.

Fifth, speed up the process of expanding the base.

Sixth, establish a second base in another area suitable for landing on the moon, and the area next to this base will also be used as a living area for future lunar immigrants.

Seventh, start preparing for the construction of the space station.This space station will be built between the moon and the earth, and it will also be Shennong Group's first space station.The purpose of establishing the sky is twofold. One is to serve as one of the stations for future moon landings, which will greatly reduce resource consumption during the moon landing process.The second is that some experiments in various aspects of the universe and space will be carried out here.




As for the water resources on the moon, Wang Leshan's attitude is that he will only research and not mine in the near future. Naturally, this is also because of the multi-functional water pump. There is no shortage of water in the base, and even the entire moon will not be short of water.

After finishing these tasks, Wang Leshan left the conference room. When he reached the gate of the base, Wang Qingsong and Bai Ge were already waiting here.The three of them all entered the chariot, flew out of the base, and entered the primitive surface of the moon, admiring the most primitive scenery on the moon.

When I first saw it, I was very excited, but after seeing it too much, it is inevitable that I feel desolate in my heart.

After flying for about an hour, Wang Leshan sent a message to the two, saying, "How about it, come and experience the most primitive moon?"

"Can't wait!"

Both of them said excitedly.

Naturally, they couldn't fully feel the moon's gravity in the flying car.

The three of them put away the flying car almost at the same time, but they still kept the equipment that can withstand the cosmic radiation on the surface of the moon, otherwise, they would surely die!
Even so, there is no air on the surface of the moon, which means that the air pressure on the moon is almost zero, which naturally leads to a complete imbalance with the air pressure in the body. Wang Qingsong and Bai Ge immediately screamed, but there is no air here. Screaming, no sound could be heard.Especially Bai Ge, all the meridians on his body burst in an instant, and blood spurted out wildly.Wang Qingsong is a little better, after all, he has eaten a lot more beans and other things than Bai Ge, and his physical strength is also much higher, but even so, he is still spurting blood from his mouth.

Both of them re-entered the chariot immediately, which made Wang Leshan beside him laugh out loud.Of course, no matter how much Wang Leshan laughed, there was no sound.However, soon, Wang Leshan also felt unwell and got into the chariot.

Undoubtedly, no matter how strong Wang Leshan's body is now, it cannot resist the damage to his body caused by this air pressure imbalance.

Of course, after all, Wang Leshan's physique is far superior to that of Bai Ge and Wang Qingsong, and he persisted in the primitive lunar environment for a full seven seconds.

Don't think that these seven seconds are short. You must know that the two of Bai Ge couldn't hold on in an instant. If they were ordinary people, they might be completely over in that instant.

"Okay, I won't tease you."

Wang Leshan laughed, and said to the two who were soaking in the prepared spiritual water to repair their bodies: "Go, I will take you to a good place."

Bai Ge held back the pain and asked with his teeth gleaming, "Are you going to that... green place?"

Wang Qingsong's eyes also lit up.

(End of this chapter)

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