crazy farmer

Chapter 429 Moon Immigration Plan

Chapter 429 Moon Immigration Plan
From landing and landing to opening the hatch and the first astronaut walking out of the lunar module are all broadcast live simultaneously. This is more authentic than the American moon landing, and with the development of satellite information in various countries, it is impossible to Suspicions of the so-called fake moon landing appeared again.

Of course, this is mainly because Shennong Group showed too much black technology at last night's party.From everyone's point of view, there is such a black technology, and the moon landing is naturally impossible to be fake.

Similarly, Bai Ge's words are also synchronized to the live broadcast, and can be heard almost all over the world immediately.

Everyone knows that it was American astronaut Neil Armstrong who left the first step on the moon, and said that sentence that is regarded as a classic by later generations-this is a small step for me, but it is a giant leap for mankind step.

In a sense, Armstrong's words are full of emotion, wonder and excitement, while Bai Ge's words are more like a declaration!

Of course, these two passages cannot be judged as higher or lower.

As for the five words "interplanetary race", many people have doubts and confusion. The meaning is naturally easy to understand, but when the five words are spoken at this time, people have various guesses.

At this time, as the astronauts and four robots walked out of the lunar module and lined up in front of the lunar module, the voice of Bai Ge sounded again in the live broadcast: "Reporting chief, Shennong I has landed The lunar module has successfully resisted the surface of the moon, and all the astronauts have successfully left the module! Please give instructions to the chief!"

At the launch site on the side of the giant screen, the chief stood up again, waved to the moon image on the screen, and then said with difficulty: "Start the lunar exploration mission!"

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

A row of astronauts all saluted a military salute.

Then, the picture about the moon is turned off.

It is naturally impossible to continue the live broadcast of the next part of the lunar exploration mission. During this period, it will involve the contact between the Shennong I lunar landing team and the Shennong base, which is a secret that will not be announced to the world for the time being.

After the moon landing screen was turned off, the screen of the launch site was left on the giant screen.

The chief sat down and nodded at Wang Leshan. Wang Leshan leaned deeply in front of the microphone and said, "This is the end of the live broadcast about the moon landing. At the end, on behalf of the Shennong Group, I announce to the world that I will cooperate with the China Space Administration. Let's join hands to start the moon immigration plan and realize the dream of human beings becoming a transplanetary race!"

At this moment, the world fell into silence.

At this moment, there is only one voice in the world, and that is Wang Leshan's voice.

"In the next month, Shennong Group will join hands with Huaxia Space Administration to complete the first step of lunar immigration! A total of five lunar modules will be launched, and these five lunar modules will realize five points on the moon. The soft landing experiment, to find the three most suitable routes to the moon! At the same time, these five lunar modules will also perform the mission of establishing a lunar base on the moon, and reproduce China's construction speed on the moon!"

"In February, Shennong Group will join hands with Huaxia Space Administration to realize the second part of the lunar immigration plan, which is lunar travel! A total of ten lunar modules will be launched in this month. These ten lunar landings are no longer just Bringing astronauts up, will also bring non-astronaut humans up, realizing the feasibility of lunar tourism!"

"In March, the third step of the lunar immigration plan will be completed! The front construction of the first lunar base will be completed, the environment of the lunar base will be transformed, the oxygen supply system and gravity system will be installed, and the lunar environment will be made habitable for humans!"

"In April, the fourth step of the lunar immigration plan will be completed, and the first phase of the lunar immigration plan will also be completed, which is to realize the lunar immigration of 4 people and establish the first community on the moon with normal human life and work!"

After Wang Leshan announced the lunar immigration plan, the live broadcast ended completely, but the whole world fell into madness!
Regarding lunar immigration and interplanetary species, these two points are by no means mentioned for the first time. They have been mentioned many times before and after, whether it is out of good wishes or out of mouth.However, everyone responded with a good attitude towards the statement about moon immigrants and interplanetary species mentioned earlier, and laughed at those with a bad attitude. It has never been like this time, 90.00% of the people above five joined Hot discussion, 90.00% of people choose to believe, believe in the feasibility of lunar immigration and interplanetary species!
Not only the folks are crazy, but even the high-level officials of various countries, as well as the space agencies and scientific research institutes of those powerful countries, are crazy!
Especially NASA!

They know best that this is not Shennong Group talking about it, they know best that it is true, and it is extremely feasible, and even, this feasibility has already been confirmed.

The photos taken by satellites and astronauts prove it all!
Landing on the moon, judging from the photos taken on the moon last time and the live broadcast of the China Space Agency, American astronauts and scientists are very aware of the gap between them and the China Space Agency, and this gap is enough It proves that Huaxia Space Agency has the technology to land on the moon anytime and anywhere!
On the moon, they photographed a huge building complex, and this building complex is obviously the moon base, the moon base has already been built!

And it is obviously not difficult to transform such a lunar base into a place suitable for human living, living and working.

As for the actions on the moon, there are robots, flying cars and even animals operating the flying cars in those photos. Humans want to carry out activities on the moon, which is too simple for Shennong Group.

To sum up, Shennong Group already fully possesses all the capabilities of lunar immigration.

Not to mention the photo with the greenery!
"Prepare for the flight right away! When the visit request was made last time, Huaxia Nation postponed the time until after the moon landing plan. Now that the moon landing is over, we must go to Huaxia Nation immediately!"

Such an idea is by no means limited to the United States. Almost all powerful countries immediately requested a second visit!

Although it is stated in a certain convention that it belongs to all mankind like Antarctica, what is written on paper can never be guaranteed.Don't talk about breaking the contract or not, if Huaxia really completes the moon immigration plan, there is no doubt that the moon will be completely owned by Huaxia!

Besides, other countries do not have such moon landing technology, so it is useless to talk too much!

While the senior officials of Huaxia Kingdom were processing the visit requests from various countries, Wang Leshan had already returned to Dakang Village, then entered the space, exchanged a total of [-] robots in the space, and dispatched them to the Huaxia Space Bureau to participate in the next The work of lunar immigration is under the unified management of No. [-] robot.

Yet back to the island of Royal VIII, preparations for the space transport's third moon landing began.

This time, Wang Leshan will also go to the moon.

(End of this chapter)

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