crazy farmer

Chapter 425 Lottery

Chapter 425 Lottery
Regarding the material that can change and deform, many people here, TV, computer, and other ways to watch the party have already seen it. They have seen it from various channels, as well as the opening and performance just now. Shock is shock, YY is YY, and want to return I want to, but almost everyone knows that these things, as Nan Sheng said, will never easily flow into the market, and more will be used in national defense and other fields that require high-tech products.

And this "hidden rule" has always been popular and defaulted all over the world.

Therefore, no one thought about buying robots, chariots, and transforming armor.

Even if you want to buy it, Shennong Group will definitely not sell it.

Because of this, when they saw that the product that was promoted had such a function, they all fell into silence!

Hearing Fatty Li's words, they confirmed their guess.

Shennong Group wants to sell this product, a product that can deform!

Isn't this Nima the universal capsule in Dragon Ball?
The technology known as the highest technology and the most difficult to realize in Dragon Ball has come true!

And, here's the chance to own it!

In an instant, everyone present went crazy, and those watching through the screen also went crazy!
The whole world has gone mad!
At this time, the bracelet on Fatty Li's other hand lit up and turned into a ray of light to envelop it. After the light dissipated, Fatty Li's body was already covered with a deformed armor, and a pair of iron wings grew out of his back. Fan, Fatty flew up and stood on the 20-meter-high stage.

Everyone's eyes lit up again!
Even if the transforming car can be sold, does that mean that one day, the transforming armor on Fatty Li will enter the market?

This idea appeared in everyone's minds almost at the same time, and the whole world fell into madness again!
Fatty Li said at this time: "The four deformations of this Shennong I-type car are temporary, and more deformations will be launched as soon as possible to combine them with more things that will be used in life. , such as mobile phones, such as bags, such as glasses, such as cuffs, brooches, etc. Of course, more models will be launched. In addition, bicycles, motorcycles, large vehicles and airplanes are already being researched! And in the future , our Shennong Technology will also research a suspension car with the ability to deform, not only to solve the problem of difficult parking, but also to solve a series of problems such as traffic jams."

"Little fat brother, let's stop talking about the far away, and we will really go crazy! Of course, we absolutely believe in the strength of Shennong Group! Well, we now want to know when this transforming car will Can I buy it, how much can I sell it for?"

At this time, many people in the audience shouted, and many people echoed, no doubt this is what they all want to know.

At the same time, the people who watched the live broadcast also pricked up their ears, and they naturally thought of it, especially the car price!

In fact, after many people calmed down, they also knew it in their hearts.Such a vehicle definitely represents the latest technology of the earth. No, strictly speaking, it should be said that the current level of earth technology cannot reach black technology.Naturally, such high technology is not available to everyone.

Must be very expensive!
Only the truly rich can afford it!
This is what everyone thinks.

However, everyone still has a glimmer of hope, maybe it won't be too expensive, maybe, I can afford it myself!

Fatty Li coughed lightly, and said, "This car will be available for pre-order on New Year's Day next year, which is one o'clock in the afternoon next year. As for the price, it will be announced at one o'clock in the afternoon tomorrow. But I can tell you one thing, the price of this car The price will be different from what you imagined. Simply put, it is much cheaper than what you think! Shennong Group has always been committed to changing the way of life of all human beings around the world. If the price is sky-high, it can only change a small number of people. Lifestyle, which is not in line with the original intention of our Shennong Group. In short, I believe that the car price announced tomorrow is a car price that many people can afford."

People inside and outside the stadium cheered again when they heard Fatty Li's words.

"However. The first batch of vehicles is not many, limited to [-] vehicles. Whether you can grab them depends on how fast you move."

Fatty Li took down the bracelet from the car displayed just now, held it up, and said, "I know you must be very eager to drive this car home right now, right? Thanks to everyone for participating in this party, I am going to give this car to a friend who is present! Everyone look at their seats now, I believe everyone has seen that there is a button, and everyone presses it."

Everyone knows that this seat was taken randomly when they first came in, that is to say, it is completely random.Everyone immediately pressed the button, their eyes full of anticipation.

At this time, there was a crisp sound from the venue. When a person pressed the button, he was bounced out of the seat. The bounce was at least ten meters high, and he yelled loudly.

A robot was already on standby and caught it and landed on the stage.


This 25-year-old woman has never stopped screaming. From the panic of being thrown into the sky at the beginning to the excitement and excitement now, when she took the bracelet that Fatty Li handed over, she couldn't help being excited and kissed her hard. Fatty power.Then he hugged Nan Sheng excitedly, and said excitedly: "Nan Sheng, I am your fan, I got the admission ticket by reposting your scarf, I am so lucky, I love you to death! But...but I don't have a driver's license yet!"

Everyone inside and outside the arena roared with laughter, full of envy!

Who is this to reason with!

After the female fan left the stage, Fatty Li said again: "I know that the audience who didn't come here at this time must be very envious. It doesn't matter, you also have a chance. Retweet my latest scarf, and I will draw a netizen in the retweet to give a gift. A transforming car, what style you want is up to you!"

Nan Sheng took the conversation and said with a smile: "Reposting my scarf will also draw a netizen."

Good things and bad things: "Fatty force to open a scarf for us."

When everyone burst into laughter, they immediately took out their mobile phones and started reposting frantically.

After every three programs, the host will come up to promote a new product of Shennong Group. In addition to announcing the function and launch time, there is naturally a lottery draw.

Of course, every performance is still brilliant, combining Shennong Group's high-tech, or magical plants and other things. This night, everyone spent the night in the midst of visual impact and three views being destroyed and rebuilt of.For related products of Shennong Group, the whole world is amazed.

(End of this chapter)

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