crazy farmer

Chapter 406

Chapter 406
"Host, the suspicious target of a certain kind of huge destructive weapon that you described was scanned. There is powerful energy in this weapon. So far, it has been found that there are three places where this weapon exists."

"Host, found a second passage besides the previous one. There are more than [-] underground people inside and outside the passage."

"Host, we found weapons of massive destruction in two places."


In the next hour or so, Wang Leshan received many messages from the robot. The longer the time, the more messages there were, and the situation became more and more pessimistic.

At this time, he also learned from Baige that China, the United States, and many other powerful countries in the world have learned about the situation in Antarctica, and may even launch an event involving China, the United States, Russia, and the United States in three hours. Fifteen countries, including Britain, France, Germany, Japan, and Australia, initiated a teleconference of national leaders to discuss the situation in Antarctica, and have dispatched relevant experts and military leaders to Australia for more in-depth discussions.

In this way, Wang Leshan knew that the next situation was beyond his control.After pondering for a moment, Wang Leshan chose to let the robots stay in Antarctica for observation, while he was going to use the space to leave here and return directly... This made Wang Leshan face a difficult situation for a while.

The reason is simple, Wang Leshan is going to choose one of Dakang Village and Turtle Island for space positioning, because one of them is going to be positioned on the South Pole!
The situation in Antarctica is tense right now, and Wang Leshan will feel uneasy if he does not spare a hand.

After thinking about it, Wang Leshan chose to erase Turtle Island and replace it with Antarctica, consuming 200 energy points.He entered the space in a flash, and when he came out, it was already Dakang Village.

The situation in Antarctica is tense, but Dakang Village is still peaceful. Wang Leshan went out of the room and went to the mountain, brought Wang Qingsong and others out of the space, and let them leave directly on the mountain by speeding car, heading for Turtle Island standby.Afterwards, Wang Leshan sent a robot from Dakang Village to the general aviation airport, and let it take all the remaining modified planes at the general aviation airport to Turtle Island.


"What's the matter, I see you've been restless?"

After nightfall, Wang Leshan stood alone by the fish pond, thinking about the situation in Antarctica and the layout of Turtle Island.Bai Lu, who got off work, came over, stood beside Wang Leshan, took his hand, and asked.

"Something happened in Antarctica."

Wang Leshan knew that Bailu also knew about the attacks that happened all over the world these days, so he didn't intend to hide it from her.

He took her to sit down by the side, and said, "I may be a little busy in the next period of time, and I will trouble you to take care of my family."

Bai Lu nodded, and said softly, "When are you not busy? It's fine if you're busy, but be careful."

"There is one more thing that I need to discuss with you." Wang Leshan thought for a while and said, "Now the sales business under our Shennong Group will be quickly closed in a short period of time, but the production will continue to expand."

Now Bai Ge, who is very clear about Shennong Group's business, quickly understood what Wang Leshan meant, and said, "Are you going to accumulate food and medicine to deal with what happens next?"

Wang Leshan nodded and said: "Tomorrow, I will hold a general meeting of shareholders to discuss this matter with everyone. As for the implementation, you have to worry about it. Oh, and the pharmaceutical factory must speed up. The formula, I will give it to Grandma Lin and the others later."

"Ok, I know."

Bai Lu stood up, took Wang Leshan's hand, and said, "Then I'll accompany you to find Grandma Lin and the others."


There are hundreds of scientific research stations in Antarctica, involving more than 30 countries and regions. Today, all scientific research stations on Antarctica have been destroyed, and all the staff and scientific research personnel of the scientific research stations have been killed. Such a serious loss of contact, Even though many major countries knew that the situation in Antarctica had been influenced and controlled public opinion in the first place, they still attracted attention in a very short period of time, and the intensity of this attention was amplified geometrically. The terrorist attacks across the country for a period of time could not help but arouse large-scale discussions, speculations, and panic.

And soon, the world's major media all set their sights on Antarctica, and the microphones were aimed at the big countries in the world, demanding that the big countries speak up and explain what happened in Antarctica, and even explain and deal with terrorist attacks together. declared.

"Multiple signs of other intelligent life on Earth"

"New Intelligent Life on Earth, Intelligent Life Full of Violence"

"Another kind of intelligent life, or aliens"

"Behind the Scenes of the Attack"

"All the scientific research stations in Antarctica lost contact"

"The Antarctic scientific research station lost contact may be related to the terrorist attack"

"Antarctica may have fallen, may have been occupied"

"Multiple civilian satellites photographed flags on the Antarctic continent",

"The Silence of the Great Nation"

"Insiders confirmed that fighter jets from Afghanistan, Chile, and Pakistan were shot down in Antarctica"

"Aliens Appear on the Antarctic Continent"

"How long will you hide us, until the world perishes?" "

"Our Right to Know What Happened on Antarctica"


Public opinion is blooming everywhere, and influence and pressure have flocked to several major powers in the world in a very short period of time. Among them are not only the voices of people from all over the world, but also the voices of some countries, because they are still the same as most of them. People also don't know the reason for the multiple attacks, let alone what happened above Antarctica.

On the cusp of trouble!

Several powerful countries have been pushed to the cusp!

At this time, something that will also be pushed to the forefront is quietly happening in the Philippines!
The Miracle Company headed by Tianzi and the South Filipino military and political power group headed by Matica have joined together, and they have even agreed on the detailed rules of action and are ready to start implementing them.

For them, the current situation in Antarctica is undoubtedly an excellent opportunity!


Three days later, Wang Leshan learned from Bai Ge that the 5000-nation coalition had been established, and that [-] countries would send troops to form an amphibious combat force of [-] people and a flying corps. Entering Antarctica, one is to find out the current situation in Antarctica, and the other is to test the strength of the Antarctic underground people.

In addition, the United States will send a single genetic fighter with a number of one hundred, and the Chinese Congress will send a mecha unit, and the two will enter Antarctica with extra combat power.

Moreover, Bai Ge also told Wang Leshan that in the past few days, both China and the United States have contacted Tao Bannan, the person in charge of the underground people. However, they only got vague answers from Tao Bannan, and there was almost no answer. Answers with useful information.From this, both countries also know that Taobannan, or the master and tribe among the underground people, has lost the right to speak and cannot have much influence on the subsequent situation.

In other words, war is imminent.

No, the war has begun!
With multiple armies en route to the South Pole, Tianzi and Matica go into action!
(End of this chapter)

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