crazy farmer

Chapter 399 Attack

Chapter 399 Ten Attacks
Igoro Matica received a notice that a distinguished guest would come to the door today. He thought it was those people, but he never expected that it would be Wang Leshan.

Matika has never met Wang Leshan, but she is very familiar with Wang Leshan's name. It has not been long since she first listened to her son's words and sold the Royal No. [-] island to him. The earth-shaking changes, a person he thought could be worth using, has now become a figure that even the United States has a headache!
The United States attacked the Royal No. [-] island several times before and after. As the southern part of the Philippines, Matica, who is equivalent to the emperor of the soil, does not know the details of the process, but he is very clear about the result!
Matika has also heard about the transactions that group of people had with Wang Leshan several times before and after.

That group of people, the mountains that Matika can't get around so far, and Wang Leshan is a person who is on an equal footing with these mountains and even makes them want something!

From the beginning of the eight-day island explosion, Matica thought that she would also be cannon fodder thrown out by this group of people at any time, and she did not expect that so many major events would happen later, but she had nothing to do with herself. The island has gained a lot of benefits under his "government".

But now, those people "transferred" themselves to Wang Leshan, which brought him great news!
Although this good news may bring me a lot of trouble in the future, and the good news brought by Wang Leshan this time is to help him become independent from the current Philippine country, Matica doesn't care at all, He has been persistent all his life, isn't it just to restore the Sulu Sultan!

The Sulu Sultanate was the first country in the history of the Philippines. At that time, the scope of its rule was in the southern Mindanao of the Philippines.In the [-]th century, it was invaded by Spain and got the name of the Philippines. In the [-]th century, the Sulu Sultanate still existed, and it was not until the middle of the [-]th century that it was forcibly merged into the Philippines.

Matika knew very well that Wang Leshan's willingness to help him must be a conspiracy, and he must pay a high price, but he did not have the slightest resistance to this.The Sulu Sultanate had been a vassal state for hundreds of years in the Ming and Qing dynasties of China. Although it is a new century, what can it do if it is a vassal state in the face of absolute fists!

Thinking about it carefully, the current Philippine country is full of American military bases, which is much worse than the vassal state.At the very least, a vassal state is not a real rule but just a special interest transaction.

Matika agreed, and agreed with all her mouth. He was controlled by the underground people and had no chance of objecting, not to mention that he wanted to see it from the bottom of his heart.

However, Wang Leshan only left a sentence of "waiting for news" and left directly. This made Matica a little puzzled, is it all that is needed to agree? Doesn't it need to do something by herself?



The [-] planes of Donghua General Aviation were successfully transformed. After Wang Leshan cut the ribbon for the foundation stone laying ceremony of Shennong Pharmaceutical Factory, he hurried over and upgraded all the [-] planes to precious grades. Because the types of planes are different, strengthening The results are not the same, but the same thing is that these aircraft are absolutely beyond the reach of the current earth technology. The performance of a helicopter exceeds the performance of the best fighter jet on earth.

After the strengthened planes, five planes will be remodeled again, and they are ready to be transformed into airplanes. After the transformation, three planes will be put into use on the Royal No. In addition to helping watering and sowing seeds, it will also become a hidden armed force on the farm.Of these two, Wang Leshan decided to hand over one to Fatty Li, and set the other as an automatic intelligent program, because there is no one on the farm who is suitable to know the existence of this combat robot.This has nothing to do with trust or not. People like his parents, sister-in-law Fan Dachushen and others are undoubtedly the people Wang Leshan trusts the most, but there is no way to let them participate in such a fighting thing.

At the same time, a large amount of equipment has also been produced in the space, and there are also many prototypes of Autobots. It only takes a little more time to process, and the number of Autobots owned can exceed fifteen!

The reason why there is such a fast progress has a lot to do with the batch of underground people's sacred iron.The fifty boxes of 500 yuan earth core holy iron solved many problems of Wang Leshan. After all, there are some star iron dug out of the mine, but the quantity is not much. Now Wang Leshan needs such a large amount of transformation, and the star iron is undoubtedly the most needed. of



Robot No. 2, who stayed in the Antarctic for nearly ten days, finally sent a message, the first additional message besides the daily routine report: "The Antarctic channel has been explored so far, this is the plan to enter the ground and equipment needed."

The No. 2 robot sent a piece of information, no doubt, Wang Leshan couldn't understand it, and handed over all the information to the No. 1 robot.After scanning No. 1, Wang Leshan asked, "How long will it take to manufacture all these devices?"

Robot No. 1 said: "According to these data, a robot of rare rank like ours can enter the underground at any time. If the host wants to enter, it only needs to modify the Decepticon a little bit. However, the underground situation is currently still Without specific detailed data, it is uncertain whether the host can leave the Decepticons to carry out activities after entering the ground. Moreover, there are unpredictable dangers. If the host wants to go, it should be arranged in the second batch. The first batch will be all controlled by robots. Enter to collect specific and detailed data.”

Wang Leshan pondered for a while, and said: "Yes. The transformation of Donghua General Aviation has been completed. You only need to leave No. 15 for management. From No. 16 to No. 20, you can be dispatched to No. 2 to go underground together. .Five robots in total, enough?"

Robot No. 1 made some calculations and said, "Enough. There are indeed unknown dangers in the ground, but if the danger can threaten rare-grade robots, then there is no use in having a large number. And five robots are enough to cooperate." Gather information and data.”

"Okay, I'll go to Donghua and bring those four robots over right away." Wang Leshan suddenly said, "Last time, Tao Bannan proposed to borrow Dadizi, and it is estimated that Dadizi should be able to survive underground. No. 4, Pick some strong big earths from the space, and let No. 1 take them down together. As for the driving skills of the big earths, I will authorize them. If these big earths can help in the underground, that would be great , even if you can't help, there is no loss."


On the day Wang Leshan ordered No. 2 to lead the robot and Dadizi to start the exploration plan, many terrorist attacks occurred around the world.

The first happened in England. At around 9:11 a.m. local time, a giant covered in flames broke through the protective line of many guards, attacked the chancellor's residence at 11 Downing Street, and burned it down, killing 74 and [-]. Injuries, one of whom was seriously injured was the Minister of Finance of England himself!Afterwards, surrounded by many people, the flame giant walked away!

Not afraid of gunshots, infinite strength, and the whole body can breathe fire. This is the first impression of everyone on the scene about this flame giant, and it is also a terrible impression!

The second happened in Moscow. Before 10 o'clock local time, a three-meter giant man covered in stones suddenly appeared on the Red Square where a festival rally was being held. His fist smashed, and within a few minutes, all around him were smashed heads and corpses.However, unlike England, this fighting nation is all about fighting. They quickly assembled a group of warriors, holding pipes, chairs, stones and other hard objects that could be used, and killed the stone giant on the spot!
This is beyond the imagination of the stone giant, and it is even beyond the imagination of the manipulator behind it!

Of course, the fighting nation also paid an unimaginable price for this, and the entire Red Square was completely soaked in blood!

On this day, Moscow is full of tears.

The third case occurred in Ginza, Edo, Neon Country.

The fourth occurred on the Champs Elysees Avenue in Huadu, France.

The fifth incident occurred on Fifth Avenue in Gotham City, USA.

The sixth occurred in Dubai.

The seventh occurred in Berlin.

The eighth occurred in Seoul.

The ninth issue took place in Brussels.

The tenth happened in Jerusalem!

(End of this chapter)

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