crazy farmer

Chapter 389 Spatial Positioning!

Chapter 389 Spatial Positioning!

Each of these underground people from the slave class knows why they are locked up in this mysterious space and eat and drink for offerings every day. Source handed over.

They obviously never thought that the source of life in their bodies could be so powerful in their entire life. If they had such a powerful source of life before, they would have been qualified to become fighters long ago.

Powerful, every subterranean slave has become extremely powerful, beyond their imagination.

Now, if they want to hand over the source of life in their bodies, are they willing to, of course not!

But, dare to resist?
Not to mention!
Everything in this mysterious space is amazing, not to mention the burly men who guard them, even the strange looking animal they saw in the mine - the gold digging dog - is better than them Much stronger!
How could there be any possibility to resist, let alone them, even Han Bixie, who was a nobleman and was as qualified as an elder like Tao Bannan, didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​such a thing.

Han Bixie knew too well that there were more existences in this space who could kill him casually than the number of fingers on two hands.

After a while, the animals in that corner will probably be able to kill him too!
The line was quickly lined up, and the first one in line was the underground man who was quite short in stature. Every underground man slave had tattoos on his body. The various tattoos represented which tribe they came from and the jobs they were engaged in. The crest on this little subterranean indicates that he came from a small tribe of blacksmiths.

This underground man honestly handed over the source of life in his body, the strength was just 10, Wang Leshan took the source of life, and threw him a Dali bean, the underground man caught it carefully, very happy!
He and other underground people ate one of this kind of bean when they first entered the space. This is a kind of food that contains extremely high energy, and it can also increase their own strength!
In other words, if they can take this kind of beans for a long time, even if the source of life is gone, their strength can far exceed the previous ones!
The underground people behind saw that there was such a reward, and their resistance became weaker.

Wang Leshan took the source of life and absorbed it directly.

Restore 20 energy points, increase energy limit by 1 point!
He "harvested" several groups of sources of life with an energy intensity of 10 one after another. While raising the upper limit of the energy value, the energy value was also fully recovered.

Wang Leshan turned around and started strengthening the newly made weapons.

Three weapons, pistols, rifles and military stabs.

Each of the three weapons has a quantity of 110.

It takes 10 energy points to strengthen the pistol from gradeless to ordinary grade, and it needs 3 times of reinforcement to upgrade to precious grade, and each enhancement requires 20 energy points.

It takes 15 energy points to strengthen the rifle from non-splicing to ordinary grade. It needs 3 reinforcements to upgrade to precious grade. Each reinforcement requires 30 energy points.

It takes 10 energy points to strengthen the military thorn from non-splicing to ordinary rank, and it needs 3 enhancements to upgrade to precious rank, and each enhancement requires 15 energy points.

These weapons will be the standard equipment of a hundred-man team.

Both pistols and rifles have the functions of accuracy, increased range, increased bullet power, multi-point simultaneous shooting, and a small chance of critical strikes. Some lucky ones will also have the function of chasing, and each gun has its own magazine space. .This space is a bit similar to the built-in space of a beehive. The outside of the magazine is a normal-sized magazine, but the space inside is a full 1 cubic meter. The bullets that can be loaded are beyond imagination. It is an exaggeration to say that carrying a magazine is not enough. what a difference.

The army thorns are made of star iron, which is hard and sharp enough to easily pierce and penetrate most of the things on the earth, and a little bit of deformed metal is added, which can be transformed into a ring and worn on the finger when not in use , appearing and disappearing, people are caught off guard.At the same time, it also has the functions of blood tank and wound deterioration.The blood tank can discharge the enemy's blood at the fastest speed, and will not cause any inconvenience and trouble to the owner's hand; the worsening wound is more dangerous. Once stabbed by the army bayonet, no matter how big the wound is, it will Expand to the most terrifying level in a rapid time, in other words, this can be regarded as additional continuous damage.To put it more exaggeratedly, being stabbed by this army thorn, even a small wound, has the possibility of being fatal, and it is huge!

Wang Leshan consumed all his energy and continued to "harvest" the source of life for the next underground person.

Such a move is really too terrifying in the eyes of the underground people.The underground people use the source of life in many ways, not only to increase combat effectiveness and survival, but they have never seen anyone directly absorb the source of life as much as possible!

No matter how you look at it, you think this ground person is an "evil cultivator", who devours the source of life of others to increase his cultivation!
Wang Leshan didn't care much about this. At the beginning, he had planned "Even if the underground people will die after the source of life is taken away, as long as they can really increase the upper limit of energy, they can try it." At this time, these underground People don't die because they lose their source of life.

Next, Wang Leshan kept repeating the process of absorbing the source of life and strengthening weapons.


After absorbing a source of life with a strength of 12, the upper limit of energy value increased by 1 point and became 199!

"It's finally here!"

Wang Leshan's heart jumped wildly, and he fixed his eyes to investigate. Sure enough, the source of life in these underground people with a strength of about 12 has lost the ability to increase the upper limit.

Finally reached this hurdle again!

Wang Leshan stopped "harvesting". Since the source of life with more than ten strengths is useless now, he naturally has no intention of continuing to absorb it.

He took the dozens of energy stones with an energy intensity above 20 in the inventory, and checked them carefully. Energy bodies with an energy intensity of 20 and above can increase the upper limit of energy.

That is to say, when the energy limit is 199 and above, you must absorb energy bodies with an intensity of 20 or above to increase the limit.

Same as Wang Leshan's guess!
Taking an energy body with an energy intensity of 20 and absorbing it, the upper limit of the energy value has reached 200!


At this moment, a prompt sound appeared in Wang Leshan's mind

"Drip! The upper limit of the host's energy value has reached 200, and the space has opened the status transmission function!"

"Drip! The number of existing positioning coordinates in the space is 1, adding the next coordinate will consume 200 energy points!"

"Drip! The spatial positioning coordinates can be changed, and each change needs to consume 200 energy points!"


"Spatial positioning coordinates?"

Hearing the sudden notification sound, Wang Leshan froze for a moment, and saw that there was an additional option on the space stele, which was [Positioning Coordinates]. Big lights up!

According to the above description, this space is in a space parallel to the real world, no matter where you are in the real world, you can enter the space.In principle, whatever enters the space from where it exits is the same place.

But with this as the coordinates it is different!
As long as you set a positioning coordinate, you will have one more choice when you come out of the space. In addition to returning to the original entry point, you can also go directly to the positioned coordinate position!

To put it simply, if you set the coordinates in Dakang Village, no matter where you enter the space, you can choose to go directly to Dakang Village when you leave the space!
If two coordinates are set, there are three choices every time you go out.

In other words, if one seat is Dakang Village and the other coordinate is Turtle Island, then no matter where Wang Leshan enters the space, he can choose to go directly to Dakang Village or Turtle Island when he comes out again.

In other words, with space, two coordinates can be connected together "without distance".Entering the space from Turtle Island can go directly to Dakang Village, and entering the space from Dakang Village can also go directly to Turtle Island.

This space is equivalent to a teleportation transfer station!

In this way, how convenient it is, needless to say!
"Oh, this [Crazy Farm] is really crazy, and there are such perverted functions hidden!"

Wang Leshan was very excited. He read the explanation again, stepped out of the space in a flash, and returned to the room of the cabin.

The log cabin is the place where Wang Leshan often enters and exits the space. The first coordinate is directly selected here without even thinking about it!

"Drip! May I ask if the host is sure to locate the current coordinates?"


"Drip! The positioning is successful!"

"Drip! Currently, the number of positioning coordinates is 1, and the number of unlocated coordinates is 0. Consuming 200 energy can add one unlocated coordinate."


The next coordinate to locate, you must choose Turtle Island without thinking about it, but you must be at this coordinate if you want to locate.

Looking at the time, Wang Leshan took the Decepticon directly to Turtle Island. After arriving at Turtle Island, he spent 200 energy points on the middle camp of Turtle Island to add an unlocated coordinate, and then positioned the second coordinate at the here!
When I entered the space and thought about it again, three choices flashed in my mind, the normal coordinates, the first coordinates, and the second coordinates. One coordinate is naturally the log cabin in Dakang Village.

With a thought, I chose the first coordinate, and Wang Leshan appeared in the cabin!

Sure enough, it is the same as the description!
With such coordinate positioning, it only takes a moment to go back and forth between Turtle Island and Dakang Village, two of Wang Leshan's most frequented places!
At the same time, no matter where Wang Leshan is, he wants to go to these two places in an instant!

Awesome, I have to say that this function is really awesome!
It is so easy to use, Wang Leshan naturally wants to add a few more coordinates, but, with the consistent urgency of [Crazy Farm], how can adding a third coordinate still consume 200 energy points.

"Drip! The number of existing positioning coordinates in the space is 2, adding the next coordinate will consume 300 energy points!"

And it must be a one-time consumption, that is to say, with Wang Leshan's current upper limit of energy value, there is no way.

Returning to the space, Wang Leshan absorbed all the dozen or so pieces in storage with energy values ​​between 20 and 30, and the upper limit of the current energy value reached 219!

It is really difficult to increase the upper limit to 300!

More than 80 pieces of 20-strength energy bodies are needed!

Wang Leshan looked at those underground people...

(End of this chapter)

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