crazy farmer

Chapter 385 Demonstrate strength

Chapter 385 Demonstrate strength
On the edge of the sea area of ​​the Royal No. [-] island, a large freighter was parked. This freighter was sent by Tao Bannan to send the one hundred underground people, and it was also to transport the thousand tons of grain from the warehouse on the island.

On both sides of the freighter, there are two ships on each side, obviously they are combat ships with weapons and quite powerful firepower.

This transaction is very important to the underground people, which makes Tao Bannan have to pay attention to it.

The four battleships are all armed forces under the control of the ground people, and on the big freighter, apart from the one hundred underground slaves, there are more than a dozen tribal fighters including Xingchen.

Like the previous cooperation or transaction with the United States, the underground people provided, whether for research or other purposes, are slaves belonging to the three major classes of underground people.

The three major classes of underground people are slaves, warriors, and nobles. The so-called elders are also from the noble class.A slave can never become a nobleman, and even becoming a warrior has extremely strict requirements. There are two possibilities for a warrior to become a nobleman, either to be strong to a certain extent, or to accumulate military merits to a certain extent, but no matter which one It's all hard!

Tao Bannan is a nobleman, a nobleman of the Zhendan tribe, one of the eight major tribes, and a nobleman among the nobles, so he is qualified to become an elder!
And Xingchen is a warrior, a warrior belonging to the Presbyterian Church, who enjoys resources that ordinary nobles cannot enjoy, but because of the special reason of being a member of the Presbyterian Council, even if he is extremely powerful and has outstanding military exploits, he has no chance to become a nobleman. Unless they are really strong enough to challenge the entire aristocratic class of the entire Presbyterian Church.

This time the Elder Earth Center came to the ground and negotiated a deal with Wang Leshan on behalf of the eight major tribes, and left his personal bodyguard to Tao Bannan, and even handed over the burden of follow-up cooperation with Wang Leshan to Tao Bannan. It can be seen that Tao Bannan has a high status among the Sinian tribe.

Beside Tao Bannan, apart from the personal bodyguard Xingchen, there are two other people, and they are humans from the ground, one is a woman with a typical Eastern European appearance, and the other is an Asian man.This woman is very beautiful, and she is the kind of beauty that is extremely in line with oriental aesthetics. If the miraculous person is here, she will be recognized at a glance. She has the nickname of the beautiful snake and is the most powerful woman under the devil .And that Asian's reputation is the same as his appearance, and he is not known to the world. However, if you mention some of his subordinate companies, I am afraid that not many people in the world will not know that it is a man with great financial resources, named Wu Yao.

At this time, the expressions of these two people were not as imposing as usual, but with a sluggish respect, which was obviously the reason why it was difficult for Tao Ban to control.

Tao Bannan took the two of them by his side to see Wang Leshan in Turtle Island in order to show his sincerity by exposing these two powerful people whom he controlled to Wang Leshan.

After waiting for a period of time outside the sea area, a signal was sent from the island agreeing to enter the island. About ten minutes later, the freighter arrived at the southern pier of Turtle Island under the protection of four battleships. stopped at sea.

Wang Leshan has already arrived here from Dakang Village at the fastest speed at this moment. Seeing Tao Bannan waited for a group of underground people all wearing big cloaks to get off the boat, skipping the two ground people, Wang Leshan Le Shan looked directly at those underground people to detect the strength of the source of life in their bodies.

Generally, the strength is 3-5, but there are also more than 10, but looking at the clothes and arrangement, it is obvious that these more than 10 are not the ones that the underground people are going to "sell" to themselves, but are likely to be the same as the previous stars. Responsibilities, bodyguards, protecting Tao is difficult.

From Hanbixie, Wang Leshan already knew about the hierarchical system of underground people, and he also guessed that the elders of the earth core and Tao Bannan would definitely sell themselves to the underground people of the slave class, but he was prepared, the energy of these people The low intensity is a bit low, but there are those high-energy foods, it is not a problem, as long as the lack of arms and legs will affect the "growth" of the source of life.

Tao Bannan introduced Numeria and Wu Yao to Wang Leshan. Seeing that Wang Leshan was not very interested, he didn't say much. He asked Wang Leshan to count the number of people and completed the handover, and then let the soldiers who started to bring help Move the grain in the warehouse to ship.

The process went very smoothly.

"Mr. Wang, I look forward to working with you next time!"

After all the food was loaded onto the freighter, Tao Bannan reached out and shook Wang Leshan with an extremely sincere and happy tone.

Wang Leshan nodded lightly.

"Then let's say goodbye."

Tao Bannan withdrew his hand and signaled the people around him to get on the boat, and he and Wang Leshan nodded and waved their hands, turned around and left.

Wang Leshan suddenly said: "I'm afraid you won't be able to leave for the time being."

Tao Bannan turned around and looked at Wang Leshan suspiciously, while Wang Leshan pointed to the sky above his head.

Tao Bannan raised his head and looked, the sky was blue and blue, there was nothing unusual, he looked at Wang Leshan with more doubts, but at this moment, some sounds came from the sky, when Tao Bannan raised his head again, it was already faint Saw several planes.

Tao Bannan's expression sank: "This is?"

The planes seemed to know that it was not appropriate to lower their heights to get close to the island, so they opened the cabin doors at high altitude, and many figures jumped out of them.

"Gene Warrior!"

Before these people hit the ground, when they were in the air, Tao Bannan could confirm it.The United States has cooperated with the eight underground tribes for a long time, and the success of the genetic warriors is related to the underground people. Tao Bannan is naturally familiar with this.

"Mr. Wang, I have received news that a large number of genetic soldiers in the United States are missing. It seems that this group of people is one of them." Tao Bannan said to Wang Leshan: "The disappearance of this group of genetic soldiers or traitors is obviously out of dissatisfaction. The result of the Huamei meeting is to provoke a war between the underground people and the surface people."

Tao Ban looked at Wang Leshan hard, and the meaning was very clear, that is, they don't want to start a war. If this group of genetic soldiers must start a war, it's their problem. I hope we can continue to cooperate when the time comes.

"I know."

Wang Leshan nodded lightly, and said: "A few days ago, a few genetic warriors also broke into my island. Although, that was before the Huamei meeting, but my island has always had an unwritten rule. If you break through, you have to pay the price. Now also!"

With a flick of his wrist, the black watch on Wang Leshan's wrist shone brightly, turning into a black longbow, which Wang Leshan held in his left hand. It was the black light that had just been made.

Glancing at the sky, he counted 36 genetic warriors who had jumped from several planes.

Wang Leshan drew the string with his right hand to form a full moon, and said lightly: "Peach is half difficult, you underground people should always be curious about my strength?"

Tao was surprised to see a mysterious longbow suddenly appeared in Wang Leshan's hand, but when he heard Wang Leshan's words, his heart skipped a beat.

"Look, I'm not necessarily as strong as some of your clansmen imagined, but I'm definitely not as weak as some of your clansmen imagined."

As Wang Leshan said, 36 energy arrows have been condensed on the bowstring, each of which has the power of the third gear, which means that each arrow needs to consume 1 point of energy!
Looking at Tao Bannan and the people around him, they all sensed the terrifying power contained in the energy arrow, and their expressions were full of horror.

let go!

The 36 energy arrows left the string and shot towards the 36 genetic warriors who were still landing in mid-air. One energy arrow aimed at a person, and the sky it passed dragged long traces, one after another. The arc is a kind of indescribable beauty.

In the blink of an eye, the first energy arrow hit a genetic warrior.

The energy arrow with third power, which can make the body of the rare No. 1 robot visibly shake, can shoot and kill this genetic warrior effortlessly.

After penetration, burst!

Boom boom boom boom!
Almost at the same time, the second branch also found its home, and then the third branch, the fourth branch, the fifth branch... until the No.30 six.

All hit, all penetrate, all burst!

This process, if judged by the naked eye, there is almost no distinction between before and after, that is, at the same time.

In other words, people and animals on the island saw the 36 landing people being shot and then exploded at the same time.

Like a blossoming firework, the most beautiful brilliance bloomed in an instant.

And these genetic warriors are like fireworks that explode in an instant, and then disappear in ashes!
Tao Bannan and the astonishment in the eyes of other people around him added seven points, and Xingchen narrowed his eyes even more. He said before that Wang Leshan was invisible to him. What surprised him the most was that even now Wang Leshan had already After showing such terrifying power, he still feels that he can't see through it. This is the scariest thing!

Wang Leshan retracted the bow, transformed it into an arm and put it on his hand, as if he had done an ordinary thing, then pointed to the No. 5 robot standing behind him, and asked lightly: "You underground people should also be curious about his strength?"

Robot No. 5 nodded upon receiving Wang Leshan's instruction, bent his knees, leaped into the sky, and opened his hands, turning into two big knives. A plane still circling.

Tao Bannan and others followed the figure of No. 5 robot and looked up. The higher the No. 5 robot flew, the more astonishment they saw in their eyes. At a height of about 1000 meters, No. 5 robot had already become a small light spot.

In the eyes of Tao Bannan and others, they saw this small spot of light passing by a plane, and the plane fell down. In less than two seconds, several planes all fell.

After falling to a certain height, they saw that these planes had been broken in two.

Boom boom boom!
Half of the plane and half of the plane fell on the beach by the sea, and black smoke billowed up.

Robot No. 5 came back from the sky, landed smoothly, and stood behind Wang Leshan with a blank expression, as if he hadn't done anything just now.

Tao Bannan waited for others to dare not look directly.

Wang Leshan clapped his hands and said: "These people have been dealt with, you can go back with peace of mind."

Uh, Tao Bannan and the others boarded the ship a little bit out of their wits, and they didn't come out of the surprise until the freighter left the pier and joined the four battleships.

"Elder Earth Core is right, you really can't be an enemy of this person!"

"It's just that this person is so strong, I'm afraid that we will cooperate in the future..."

(End of this chapter)

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