crazy farmer

Chapter 38 The Kitchen Lord and the Black-faced God

Chapter 38 The Kitchen Lord and the Black-faced God

Yunhai City, in terms of area, population, and economy, ranks second in Jiangnan Province, below Jiangzhou, the capital city of Jiangnan Province. However, there is one exception, and that is the university. It is culture.

Jiangzhou City is the political and economic center of Jiangnan Province, while Yunhai City is the cultural center of Jiangnan Province.One of the most important reasons is that the three best universities in Jiangnan Province are all in Yunhai University City, including the main campus of Jiangnan University, which ranks among the top three in the country.

Generally speaking, universities named after provinces are located in provincial capitals, but Jiangnan Province is an exception.

Yunhai University City, also known as Jiangnan Province University City, is composed of Jiangnan University, a top-notch university in China, Jiangnan Demonstration University, a famous university in China, Yunhai University, a famous university in China, and nine regional high-level universities. It is located in the east of Yunhai City, covering an area of ​​about 11 square kilometers , with nearly 20 teachers and students, it is the largest higher education park in Jiangnan Province.

The university city is naturally divided into east and west districts by a river. The main campus of Jiangnan University is located in the east district, covering an area of ​​nearly 2000 mu. In this hot land for knowledge, there are many buildings that Jiangnan people are proud of. Among them is Jiangnan University. University Library.

At this moment, the Bai Lu that Lin Xiaowen was talking about was sitting on the third floor of the library.

As usual, there was no one within five meters of where Bai Lu was sitting, and the people passing by all stared at her from a distance for a while and then walked away, no one dared to approach.

Anyone who has stayed in Jiangnan University for a period of time will have heard a "myth". There is a god-like beauty in the Department of Economics and Management. It was the third year, and I heard that he was already preparing for the doctoral examination of Mr. Wu Chengjing, a famous Chinese economist.

This beautiful female academic bully is not just a little bit better looking than the average female academic bully, she is also one of the top ten beauties in Yunhai University City selected by those who do good things.

If this is the case, it can be regarded as a "legend" at best and not as exaggerated as a "myth".The reason why it is called a "myth" is related to her family background and her violence.There are many rumors about her family background, and there are different opinions. Some say that her family has high-ranking officials, and some say that her family is the boss of a famous state-owned enterprise. Anyway, everyone knows that this female academic bully often goes to the boss who has built Jiangnan University into a first-class university in the country. Just go to the principal's house for dinner.

As for the violence, it is said that the broken arm of the female schoolmaster in the first year can circle the meridian system, which is completely proportional to the beautiful appearance.

Of course, during this period, there were rumors that the female academic bully named Bai Lu used to be super ugly, and it is said that she became like this entirely through plastic surgery.However, when people pass by her and take a look at her, they will also sigh with emotion: It is estimated that it is only God's supernatural work that can make it like this.

The phone on the table vibrated.

Bai Lu checked that it was from Lin Xiaowen and clicked on it. She was obviously not very interested in who Lin Xiaowen met.She and Lin Xiaowen have known each other since they were young, and even went to the same high school, but they really got to know each other only after they went to college.

Lin Xiaowen often goes to various fashion parties and some charity galas, and also knows a lot of various stars and celebrities. Bai Lu automatically belongs to what stars Lin Xiaowen sees. She has no interest and does not reply. She continues to read.

But soon, Lin Xiaowen sent another message: "Wang Leshan, I met Wang Leshan today."

When Bai Lu saw it, she felt as if she had received an electric shock. The hand holding the mobile phone trembled, and her expression, which seemed to remain unchanged for ten thousand years, became tense, and her wonderful eyes became moist in an instant!

"Student, let me get it for you. You are so thin, and you salute a lot...I'll go, what's on your face, it's so dark, it almost scared me to death!"——This was the first time the two met Once we met, in front of the very characteristic entrance of Yunhai High School with at least a 30-degree long slope, he said bluntly that she was scary, but he didn't seem to be scared, and kept helping her move the salute to the girls' dormitory.

"Student Bai Lu, why are you called Bai Lu when you are so dark? Why don't you change your name to Heiguo." "How much whiter do you think you are than me?" Well, I won’t call you a black pot, but call you an ugly girl.”——This was the first time he made her angry, and he even gave her a very ugly name.

"They all call you Black Faced God. That nickname is so ugly. I still think it's nice to be called Ugly Girl." "They still call you Stove Lord, but I think it's a good nickname." The sea of ​​clouds is dark, haha!" "I think it's more domineering to be called Yunhai Shuangsha." "It's up to you."——This was the first time she laughed in front of him, although she laughed at herself, she didn't seem to feel that much at that moment. shame, low self-esteem.

"Damn, that guy has a tough mouth, and he'll subdue after a beating, and tell me next time he bullies you!"——This was the first time he fought for her, with a bully look, but his eyes were It was swollen like a panda, and the corner of her mouth was also broken. She still made faces in front of her, and when she made faces, she pulled the wound and screamed there. She looked at it and didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

"Hahaha, ugly girl, seeing how weak you are, I didn't expect to fight so cruelly. But don't fight next time, no matter how ugly you are, you are still a woman, and you have to be reserved like a lady. The key is that you fight so crazy, They stole my limelight!"——This was the first time she helped him fight, she seemed to know what courage was for the first time, even after being hit several times, she still felt very happy, even very happy, and became The first girl in Yunhai High School who was punished for beating a boy.

"Ugly girl, you study so well, let me copy a little bit next time you take the exam." "No." The name of our Yunhai Shuangsha." "Okay."——This is the first time she got a zero in the test, because that idiot copied the same name, and both of them got a zero in the end.She chased him while beating and asked if it was intentional. He laughed while running away and said that this time the two finally reached the same level, and both of them finally collapsed on the playground from exhaustion and still laughed.She knew that he deliberately teased her because she saw that she was in a bad mood these days. Although this idea was stupid, she did laugh for a long time that day.

"I know I'm ugly, but it's fine if they say I'm ugly. Didn't you say you're my best friend? Why do you say I'm ugly?" "They say you're ugly to make fun of you. I say you're ugly to Training you, can it be the same? Although you are ugly, you have to be thick-skinned, don’t you? Otherwise, you will have doubts and restlessness when others say a word, so how can you live! Why don’t I just let you do it in all directions? Recognize that you are ugly, exercise you to suppress you, and call you numb. In the future, if others say you are ugly, you will not have any reaction. Only a strong mind is really strong! You didn’t realize that these days, you are much better than before I don’t care so much about people saying you’re ugly anymore.” “Then do you think I’m really ugly?” “Yeah.” “Asshole!” “However, I have a pretty good figure.” ——This was his first This time, she said a long paragraph of words that made her almost cry, but she was so ashamed by the last sentence that she didn't sleep all night.

"Does it still hurt?" "Yeah." "How long will it last, big sister?" "I don't know." "Hurry up and finish the pain, I'm going crazy."——This was the first time she was with her when she was suffering from dysmenorrhea With a support, although he was very impatient and ran away a few times, he still gave her his hand, let her pinch, scratch and even let her bite, although he kept screaming and scolding, but he didn't move his hand, according to his words It was because she was afraid of breaking her only white tooth.

"Listen to me, no matter if it's a teacher or a student, don't bully Bai Lu anymore, and be smart about those who say bad things behind your back, so that I won't hear you!" ——that was his first time in the city He won the grand prize in the track and field competition, but in the morning meeting, he turned his acceptance speech into cursing in front of all the teachers and students in the school, because the day before that when he went to the competition, she made a big fuss because of her menstrual period. joke.He was carried away by two physical education teachers in the end, and he was recorded as a major demerit just after winning the grand prize, while she sat down on the ground crying, because she was afraid, and even more because she was moved.

"I'm leaving." "Ah?" "I'm not going to study anymore, I'm going to work." "Why?" "Something happened at home, I have to support my family." "Then what should I do?" "You study hard. ""I mean, what would I do without you?" "This world won't turn around without anyone. You're still as ugly and strong without me, aren't you?" "Then where are you going?" "Shencheng." "Then Can I go to you?" "No." "Why?" "Why are you asking so much!"——This was the last time he had a conversation with her, and he left inexplicably angry. contacted.She left a lot of words on his QQ, but the profile picture has never been displayed.

From then on, she really listened to his words and studied hard, redoubled her efforts, and became a top student who is well-known in the entire university city.When she was in her life, the dark spots on her face began to fade, and her facial features did not change, but her whole person's image changed drastically, and she became a school beauty goddess.Her father overturned the case and became a hot political star in Jiangnan Province and even China. Her family background attracted many young talents.

For a long time, she wanted to find her very much, and she also had a million ways to find him, but she dared not go to him. She didn't know whether she would still be the same when she stood in front of him again after such a huge change. That her, not to mention whether he will treat her now like he used to treat the original her. The last thing she dares to imagine is whether the good feeling at the beginning will disappear because of goodbye.

She stood in front of the window of the library with her mobile phone in her hand. There was no movement for a long time, and she didn't even know the tears were falling from the corners of her eyes, but in the end she picked up the phone and called Lin Xiaowen.


Naturally, Wang Leshan didn't know what happened after he left, let alone anything about Bai Lu. He drove the car to the Sunshine Hotel, and was carrying a pot of wine and a few fish into the back kitchen to find Fan Mingwei.

(End of this chapter)

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