crazy farmer

Chapter 379 A Further Understanding

Chapter 379 Learn More

The so-called magic bean that can increase strength is undoubtedly the vigorous bean.

For a long time, Wang Leshan has been very cautious about Dali beans and Yinaoguo, which are far more than melons in comparison.

So far, the people who have eaten Dali beans can be counted with their fingers, Wang Qingsong, Zhang Long, Zhao Hu, Fatty Li, Hong Qingqing, Wang Daxiang and the oldest group of farm employees, Fan Mingwei, Gongshu Yuanwen, etc. Great craftsmen, and then there is the group of soldiers in the Guishan base.

Moreover, except for Wang Qingsong, the rest of the people who ate vigorous beans almost all ate them for inexplicable reasons, and they ate very little, basically one or two.

The vigorous beans eaten by the soldiers at the Guishan base have been adjusted.

It can be said that all the Dali beans are handled by Wang Leshan himself, and have never been transferred to a third person through the hands of others.

Even for those health products that require vigorous beans from the health care product company, the raw materials of the vigorous beans are all personally handled by Wang Leshan. At least, the raw materials received by the health care product company are not the original vigorous beans, or boiled. Either pound it into a puree, or add spirit water and squeeze it into juice.

However, there are always clues to some things no matter how careful the calculations are, not to mention that there is no impenetrable wall in this world. If there is no one else in the world who knows about Dali Bean, even Wang Leshan himself would not believe it.

Wang Leshan was not surprised when he heard the Son of Heaven mentioned Dali Bean. With the existence of miracles, Wang Leshan knew that he must have intelligence gathering capabilities that he could not even imagine. Stop it.

Of course, that's all there is to it.

Seeing the Son of Heaven and other people from Miracle Headquarters looking at him with sincerity and anticipation, Wang Leshan shook his head directly and said: "I also get these beans occasionally, there are not many, and there are not many left. Everyone is disappointed. Let’s talk about it later.”

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand at the crowd, got on the Decepticon, and under the somewhat disappointed eyes of the crowd, controlled the Decepticon to lift off and fly away from the mountain.

Most of the people present saw the Decepticon take off for the first time. They had heard of it before, but they finally saw it today, and their eyes were full of surprise.Of course, there are also experts in dynamics and mechanics. They couldn't figure out why the flying car could fly. After thinking over and over again, they couldn't match the flying car with the existing technology on the earth.The earth's technology has a way to take off in a straight line without a run-up, but it is absolutely impossible to do it like the Decepticon. No matter how you look at it, it seems that the lightweight "body" of the Decepticon cannot be loaded with powerful and stable weapons. The pusher is puzzling.

The Decepticon flew directly from Siam to the South China Sea, found a place, and released Wang Qingsong.Wang Leshan gave Wang Qingsong some time to digest what happened just now, and also asked him to find a reason to quit his current job first, and told him bluntly that in the next period of time, he would strengthen his training.

Afterwards, the Decepticons flew to the island of Royal VIII.

After getting out of the car, the underground people hesitated to speak, but Wang Leshan said, "Eat first."

In ten minutes, a table of food was ready, and Wang Leshan and the underground people sat down on the left and right. The situation was similar to that when Tao Ban was in distress.


Wang Leshan made a bowl of rice for the underground man, and he could see his excitement from his eyes. In this respect, Tao Bannan was much better than him at the beginning—it was obvious that Tao Bannan could see it at the beginning. Provided by Wang Leshan The food I eat is all high-energy food, and I only ate bowl after bowl—thinking of this, Wang Leshan added: "Let's say it first, what you eat is what you eat, don't eat all the bowls."

The underground man who was about to throw the bowl directly into his mouth was startled when he heard the words, and stretched out a finger awkwardly to grab all the rice in the bowl into his mouth.

Chopsticks are obviously uncomfortable to use, and the hands are too big, and the chopsticks are too thin, which is not easy to use. The underground man reached out and grabbed a handful of vegetables and stuffed them into his mouth, and then picked up the whole fish and put it in his mouth.

Faced with such a eating situation, Wang Leshan put down the bowls and chopsticks wisely, stood up with a piece of fruit and carried it back, letting the underground people finish eating, they really lost their appetite.

After a few minutes, Wang Leshan heard a heavy belch, and then walked over, threw a piece of fruit and a bottle of spiritual water to the underground man, and asked the No. 5 robot to bring him some tissues, motioning for him Wiping my mouth, looking at it, I also felt that it was not good to stay in the eating place, so I suggested going out for a walk.

The underground people who ate so many high-energy things cooperated very well. After eating fruits and vegetables, drinking water and wiping their mouths, they stood up and followed Wang Leshan towards the sea.

The underground man, who was hesitant to say anything before, became much quieter after eating. He was a little skeptical and curious about Wang Leshan's purpose at first, but at this moment, he was not in a hurry at all. From his point of view , so much high-energy food is enough, right now, what he hopes most is to restore the source of life as soon as possible.

However, Wang Leshan's next sentence made him feel not so good.

Wang Leshan was walking in front, and said unexpectedly: "Take out your source of life and let me have a look."

Hearing the words, the underground people immediately turned their expressions back, stopped in their footsteps, and entered a state of extreme defense.

Wang Leshan didn't see the same thing about it. He had just "detected" the underground man who ate so much food, and found that after eating so much food, the energy body strength in the underground man increased from the original "7". When it reaches "8", although it is not much, it is enough for Wang Leshan to confirm the fact that high-energy food can increase the strength of the energy body, which is the source of life.

Now it is necessary to further confirm whether this underground man can also take out the source of life from his body like Tao Bannan.

Although Wang Leshan has basically confirmed that Tao Bannan's words are true, he is still very cautious, after all, this is a matter related to the energy body.

Seeing the underground people staring at him silently and coldly, Wang Leshan said lightly: "If you want to eat something that requires more energy than those just now, just listen to me."

The underground man hesitated.

Wang Leshan saw that it was confirmed that the source of life could be taken out.

He looked at the underground man indifferently. Although he had already confirmed what he wanted to confirm, he did not cancel his order to make the underground man learn to be obedient.

If you are not obedient, hit him until he is obedient!
"How do you know the source of life?"

The underground man asked in a deep voice. In the past two years, he said that he had said a lot of insignificant things to the miracle man, but he never said a word about the source of life.He wondered how Wang Leshan knew, could it be that Tao Ban couldn't tell?

Wang Leshan just looked at him indifferently, without answering, the momentum on his body was rising faintly.

Sensing Wang Leshan's aura, the underground man's expression sank. He found that Wang Leshan's aura outside the cage was not as good as one-tenth of what it is now, and it was still rising.

He knew that his hope of recovering the source of life by eating these high-energy foods and then escaping was gradually decreasing, tending to zero!
The ground man in front of him far surpassed any ground man he had ever seen.

Under Wang Leshan's staring eyes, and under Wang Leshan's aura, the underground people collapsed unknowingly, their expression darkened, and they stretched out their hands to press their chests. The light shone brightly, and the source of life in their bodies was taken by him. out.

Seeing this, Wang Leshan stretched out his hand, a golden light flashed, and the golden thread wrapped around the source of life, and it fell into Wang Leshan's hand.

Seeing this, the underground people's expressions suddenly changed.

Wang Leshan turned his hand over, and there was an extra bottle in his hand. The bottle was not big, and it contained fourth-grade spiritual water. He threw the bottle to the underground man and said, "Drink it up."

The expression of the extremely angry underground man suddenly changed when he saw the bottle of water in his hand. The water he drank before was a second-order spiritual water, and the energy contained in it could not be compared with the fourth-order spiritual water. Water is definitely the food with the strongest energy that the underground people have ever seen.


The underground man didn't throw the bottle into his mouth. It should be Wang Leshan's words not to eat the bowl. He tilted the bottle and poured the spiritual water into his mouth.Looking at the water drops hanging on the wall of the bottle with burning eyes, the underground man really wanted to eat the bottle, but he held back, took the bottle and poured it out, trying to pour out the last drop.

Under Wang Leshan's gaze, after about 1 minute, a prompt sound appeared in his mind, and the underground human body re-condensed into the source of life, and the intensity was directly 3.

A bottle of 300ml fourth-order spirit water can directly transform the energy body from nothing to three, which surprised Wang Leshan.

It is amazing to say that the fourth-order spirit water contains high-intensity energy, but it cannot be used to enhance the energy value. It seems to be "purified" and "refined" by the underground people before it can be used to enhance or restore energy value.

The same is true for bastards.

"Drink more!"

Wang Leshan flipped his hands and produced another bottle of fourth-order spiritual water.

The underground people didn't have any idea of ​​resistance to this, so they drank it. After a while, Wang Leshan "detected" it, and the strength of the source of life increased again, from 3 to 5, 2 more strengths.

Made another bottle, this time only increased by 1 strength.

"From this point of view, the higher the strength of the source of life, the harder it is to increase it."

Wang Leshan probably had a judgment in his heart, which is not surprising.

Wang Leshan asked, "What's your name? Which tribe do you come from?"

The underground man hesitated slightly, and said, "Hanbixie, from the Cambrian tribe."

Wang Leshan asked again: "The Cambrian tribe? The main battle or the main peace? It refers to the attitude towards the people on the ground."

"Main battle."

"How many people are there in your tribe?"


"What about the other six tribes?"

"The Ordovician tribe, Zhuhe, 400 million people. The Siluru tribe, Zhuhe, 300 million..."

Wang Leshan asked Han Bixie a lot of questions. Although he refused to answer some questions even if he died, it still made Wang Leshan a big step forward in understanding the underground people.

The combined population of the eight major tribes should be no less than 3000 million, which is twice as much as Wang Leshan imagined. Moreover, in addition to the eight major tribes, there are also some small tribes with a population of several hundred to tens of thousands.

With the deepening of understanding, Wang Leshan became more and more sure that he would find a way to "raise" some underground people no matter what.

Wang Leshan contacted No. 2 and No. 3 who were out and asked about the results of their tracking.

(End of this chapter)

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