crazy farmer

Chapter 373 Three Causes

Chapter 373 Three Causes
The emperor who rushed from the imperial capital to Yunhai City suddenly felt his heart beating wildly the moment he got off the plane.

"what happened?"

Xia Qiyang noticed something strange about the emperor. He rarely saw anxiety on the emperor's face and eyes. Even when the headquarters was attacked or an earthquake occurred, the emperor did not have such an expression.

"I don't know."

The emperor shook his head and frowned: "I always feel that something big has happened, no, it has already happened."

Xia Qiyang frowned when he heard the words. He has always been disrespectful to ghosts and gods and only thinks twice before acting, but he firmly believes in the intuition of the emperor, because the intuition of the emperor has been confirmed countless times. One of the magical powers.

Xia Qiyang picked up the phone and said, "I'll send someone to check what happened recently."

The Son of Heaven nodded. It was impossible for him to imagine that his old enemy, the Great Demon King, would die like this. Even if the Son of Heaven knew about it at this time, it would probably be unbelievable, it was too sudden.

"Lukani is estimated to arrive in two hours. Should we find a place first, or just wait here?"

"Find a quiet place and rest for a while."

The emperor felt that his current state was not right, and he needed to find a place to adjust. The person he was about to face might be unknown, but he knew that this person was definitely not simple.

He came to look for Wang Leshan this time with a big conspiracy in mind. If the hole cards in his hand are used well, not only can the miracle return to its peak, but it can also surpass the past.

However, what he doesn't know is that what Wang Leshan and the underground people are talking about now far exceeds his imagination, and also exceeds what he has seen. From the moment of [Crazy Farm], Wang Leshan's vision far surpassed that of the emperor, and also surpassed all the people on the earth.No one on earth can be sure that there are aliens and alien civilizations in this universe, but Wang Leshan can be sure that this difference is very simple, and it is very simple and direct to determine many things.

Seeing the half-hearted anger of the underground people and hearing his words, Wang Leshan took another bite of food, but at this moment the underground people could clearly see that Wang Leshan was pretending to be calm.After yelling, Tao Bannan seemed to let out a sigh of relief, and his mood improved a lot. He signaled the No. 2 robot to make him another big bowl of rice, and looked at Wang Leshan calmly.

Seeing the people in the underground looking at him calmly, Wang Leshan didn't speak immediately, but he mulled over what Tao Bannan had said in his heart.

The first point, and the most important point for Wang Leshan, is that the earthquake was not caused by the underground people. Wang Leshan believed in this sentence ninety percent, as the underground people said, if they can really cause the earthquake , It is true that earthquakes can destroy human beings.What the underground people said about them "why bother to seek peace", Wang Leshan is not sure whether it is true or not, but one thing is certain, that is, why bother to manipulate the two island explosions, and it will be over with an earthquake, and the facts have proved that eight Both Tiandao and a certain island in the South China Sea were destroyed by the earthquake.

The rest of Wang Leshan didn't believe it, it was because the earthquakes were too dense, and they were all major earthquakes.

This point is very important to Wang Leshan. From this point, it can be confirmed that the underground people do not have the ability to destroy human beings, at least they do not have the ability to destroy human beings at a super fast speed.If it is really possible to cause an earthquake, to be honest, even Wang Leshan has quite a lot of power now, and it is absolutely impossible to stop it. At most, he can use Yun Mian to hide with his relatives and friends, or hide in the space.

The second point is that the underground people should have had contact with humans before, and it was a secret contact. At least the human side is secret. Not many people know about it, and there may be some cooperation or agreement, otherwise there will be no backlash. said.

The third point is that the underground people said that the earthquake was caused by humans themselves, which made Wang Leshan very puzzled.Humans can't even predict earthquakes, and obviously they can't be caused.If the underground people did not tell lies, then this trigger may refer to "unintentional" trigger rather than active trigger.

In addition, there is a fourth point, which puzzled Wang Leshan the most, that is why the underground people would say this to him.Moreover, since the second time the underground people appeared on Turtle Island until now, the attitude of the underground people also made Wang Leshan a little confused.Is it just related to Dadizi? Wang Leshan thinks it shouldn't be that simple.

After figuring out the first point, Wang Leshan regained his composure, and the whole person became really calm, not artificial.Seeing that the underground people looked at him silently, he smiled faintly: "This is just your one-sided statement."

After saying this, Wang Leshan continued to eat. He didn't ask what kind of cooperation the underground people had with the surface people before, and he didn't ask why the people on the ground were contradicting their promises, and why they said that the earthquake was caused by humans. Keep calm Wang Leshan who came down knew that without him asking, the underground people would also say it, otherwise, the underground people would not open this topic.

As he said before, whether it is war or peace, both sides will take the initiative, and so does he.

And just as he guessed, after seeing Wang Leshan only said a "one-sided word", he ate calmly, and the underground man who was pretending to be calm and eating with a big bowl put down the big bowl in his hand.

"I don't have to lie to you."

The underground people said with difficulty: "We know that the people on the ground have existed for a long time, at least thousands of years ago, but they have never had any contact with the people on the ground. It was not until more than 60 years ago that we had the first contact with the people on the ground. The first real contact. The initial contact was very tortuous, but the result was smooth. Our eight major tribes reached a series of cooperation with the ground people and signed many secret agreements. In the first 50 years of cooperation, both of us were very happy , have made great achievements in many fields.”

The underground people paused, glanced at Wang Leshan, and said, "Yes, the target of our cooperation is the United States. Except for the US military, government, and high-level leaders in the field of science and technology, very few people and forces know of our existence. So we chose to cooperate with the United States, because what first attracted our attention to the people on the ground was the successful development of nuclear weapons in the United States more than [-] years ago. Later, we sent people to investigate the United States for several years. The equality and freedom of the United States and how much it itself is At the same time, it is one of the most powerful countries on the ground. These all meet the prerequisites for our cooperation. In the past fifty years, the United States has indeed maintained this prerequisite for cooperation. However, in the past ten years , the situation has changed a lot.”

Tao Ban breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at Wang Leshan, pointed to the place where the battle took place just now, and said, "You saw that genetic warrior just now, and this is one of the reasons for the changes in the situation. In the past ten years , America's 'Area 52' has achieved great results in the research on genetic warriors. In addition to controlling the fusion of animal genes, it also controls the mutation of human genes. At the same time, it also controls the fusion of our underground human genetic technology, forming a brand new This type of genetic warrior! This kind of genetic warrior has reached 65% of our underground survival ability. With the help of external factors, it can enter the underground survival. Over the years, 'Area 52' has treated this new type of genetic warrior The research has reached an almost crazy level, as far as I know, the number has exceeded [-]!"

"Cause two."

Tao Bannan gestured with two huge fingers, and continued: "Last year, more than a dozen countries on the ground jointly launched a scientific research operation to 'penetrate the earth's crust'. The initiator of this operation was the United States. In fact, only the United States knows about scientific research. It is just a cover. Even before that, three years ago, the United States had secretly penetrated the crust at a deep seabed in the Pacific Ocean, leaving traces of you on the ground for the first time in the mantle. The United States is to explore the world we live in, and at the same time send those genetic warriors underground, infiltrate into our living space, and plunder our living resources and space. But, they don't know that the piercing of the earth's crust will happen in three days. It caused such a large-scale and multiple earthquakes a year later. They don't even know how much their actions have affected our living space, and how many people have died because of it!"

Hearing the reason for the earthquake, Wang Leshan frowned.He wasn't sure if what the underground people said was true, or if it was just to deter the ground people and himself.

"There is a third cause."

Taoban couldn't say the last reason: "Our underground people's body structure is able to survive under high temperature and low temperature, and can also survive in an environment with an extremely thin atmosphere. More than ten years ago, the United States secretly launched the Mars project." , the first batch of astronauts were mainly our underground people, they landed very smoothly, and carried out a number of scientific research work. Later, a total of five groups of astronauts were sent out, and our underground people had nearly 30 people, all of whom were our elites tribe. However, in recent years, the United States has blocked any information on Mars for various reasons."

"These three reasons, together with the information we have collected, can confirm that the United States is planning to attack our people, plunder our living space and resources, and enslave us to become slaves of their colonial fire system! We underground people, there are a total of eight One tribe is very dissatisfied with you people on the ground, especially the United States, especially four of them, they are united to start a war against you people on the ground. Although the remaining four tribes are also very dissatisfied, they still hope to seek peace .After all, the people on the ground are not just America."

Tao Bannan stopped, and looked at Wang Leshan with burning eyes.

After hearing these three reasons, which contain a lot of information, Wang Leshan couldn't help being startled, but he still remained calm: "It doesn't matter whether what you said is true or not, I'm just curious, why did you tell me so much?"

(End of this chapter)

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