crazy farmer

Chapter 356 The Big Bang

Chapter 356 The Big Bang

Colonel Smith is the head of the Air Force Base's Ace Fighter Flying Regiment. Naturally, the security at the location is heavily guarded, but these security are useless to Robot No. 1.

In the scanning state, robot No. 1 determined that Colonel Smith was in the room less than 100 meters ahead. However, robot No. 1 did not rush into the room directly to lift Colonel Smith out and take him to Wang Leshan. I chose to send a piece of audio to Wang Leshan. This audio is the content of Colonel Smith's call just now.

"...I have already sent people out...we have negotiated, but Huaxia has not given any reply...Then what can I do? Don't you know that General Anosi has always disapproved of having any relationship with Huaxia in the South China Sea? What kind of confrontation? Apart from negotiating, it is impossible for him to allow me to take any action! I sent the second team, but he still doesn’t know, if he knows…”

"...Well, I don't care about this matter. In short, you have to settle the matter for me. What are you talking about? The plan should start earlier? Moreover, the plan has changed! What does it mean to have a change? Why didn't you tell me? What? , Start right away? Are you going to leave me alone?... Tucker, Tucker, Tucker, are you listening? Faker!...Crack!"

Wang Leshan heard this audio from the No. 1 robot. The last sound was obviously the sound of something falling. Wang Leshan felt a little baffled. Then, the voice of the No. 1 robot came again.

"Host, the audio just now is of Colonel Smith's call. Right now, Colonel Smith is packing up his things and leaving the room he is in, as if he is going to escape here. What should I do next?"

Robot No. 1 was sent by Wang Leshan to infiltrate here, and the order he received was to play by ear. Robot No. 1, whose intelligence had been upgraded, knew that something unexpected had happened, so he asked Wang Leshan for instructions.

"Follow him and see what he is going to do?"

Wang Leshan, who had already descended to the air force base and attracted the attention of the ground, wanted to go on a rampage all the way and make a fuss, but after hearing this audio, his intuition told him that there would be a change. Therefore, he entered directly with the Decepticons immediately. into the space.

The soldier who found the same thing at first froze there immediately, rubbing his eyes to confirm if it was a hallucination.After rubbing his eyes, he still didn't notice the flying car that broke in just now... Uh, flying car?It must be an illusion!But why do so many people have hallucinations at the same time!

And when this group of people thought it was unbelievable, a black shadow suddenly appeared at the place where the Decepticon disappeared, but the black shadow disappeared after shaking for a while. The group of soldiers rubbed their eyes again, look at me, I looked at you, asking if the other party saw the strange thing just now.

However, at this moment, a loud noise sounded in the distance!

This loud noise startled even Wang Leshan, who had fled to a corner where the soldiers could not find. When he looked up again, he found thick black smoke billowing in the distance. It is quite far away here, but it is still so thick, which shows the power of the loud noise just now.

Boom boom boom!
Within a few seconds, there was another loud noise, not one sound this time, but several.

"what happened?"

"It seems to be over there at the naval base?"

"Oh my god, why did the explosion happen over there at the naval base!"

"Is it an enemy attack?"

"Enemy attack, how is it possible? Who dares to attack Batian Island!"


Various voices of discussion came from Wang Leshan's ears, and the words were naturally in English, but Wang Leshan could probably understand them, and he couldn't help but frowned: "It seems that this explosion must be the result of the conversation with Colonel Smith just now. What action is mentioned in relation to that!"

Colleagues also feel a little helpless. He came to "warn" the Batian Island base this time, in order to make them pay the price for intruding into Royal No. [-] Island twice, and let the outside world know that Royal No. [-] Island is A "forbidden place", do not trespass!

But I didn't expect that something like this happened on Eight Heavens Island at this time, which undoubtedly disrupted Wang Leshan's original rhythm.

It felt like he had clenched his fist and punched the cotton hard. He had this feeling when he was experimenting with Yunmian before, but that time he was happy, but this time he was a little helpless.

buzz buzz buzz ~~~
Sirens sounded in the air force base. Wang Leshan didn't know what the sirens meant or what level the sirens were, but it could be seen from the faces of the soldiers who heard the sirens. Something big happened, and this series of explosions was definitely not a drill or experiment.

"Host, Colonel Smith got into a car and seemed to be heading towards the sea."

"Grab him and I'll go to your place right away."

Wang Leshan heard the message from the No. 1 robot, and immediately gave an order, and then turned around and ran towards the No. 1 robot.

At this moment in the middle of the night, the lights in the air force base were already brightly lit. After a while of shock, the place was in order. There were already many planes preparing to take off. Obviously, they had received some instructions to go to the naval base.

Compared with the chaos just now, this orderly situation has caused some troubles to Wang Leshan. However, although he is not as capable of scanning as the No. 1 robot, his five senses are extremely powerful and fast, making it difficult for others to find him.

Boom boom boom!
Not long after Wang Leshan ran out, there was another explosion, and this time the explosion was much closer than before.

"Not to mention, there are still quite a few brave people in this world who dare to explode in Batian Island so recklessly."

Wang Leshan felt that he was quite courageous, but originally he only wanted to cause some trouble on Eight Heavens Island, but he really didn't expect to make such a big commotion.

Not long after he ran out, Wang Leshan arrived at the location of robot No. 1. However, robot No. 1 was not alone at the moment. In addition to grabbing the blond-haired Colonel Busy Smith, who was about 40 years old, there were more than a dozen people lying beside him. soldier.

Wang Leshan asked: "What's going on? Was it discovered?"

Robot No. 1 said: "Colonel Smith was surrounded by this group of soldiers not long after he escaped. These soldiers also wanted to arrest him. I was afraid that he would be captured, so I killed this group of soldiers."

This answer left Wang Leshan speechless.

Wang Leshan looked at Colonel Smith, who looked surprised, and said, "It seems that you have been discovered."

Colonel Smith was a little dazed. He didn't expect the higher-ups to find him so quickly, and he didn't expect to be rescued suddenly. However, he didn't know the person who rescued him, and this person was very weird.At this moment, another person came. From what they said, it seemed that these two people also came to arrest him.

Colonel Smith looked at robot No. 1, then at Wang Leshan, apparently confirming that Wang Leshan had a higher status among the two, and asked in English, "Who are you?"

Afterwards, he felt that Wang Leshan looked familiar. He had seen Wang Leshan's photos and had a good memory. He quickly recognized Wang Leshan. He hesitated for a while, as if confirming: "You, you are the Chinese from the Royal No. [-] island. ?”

This time, he directly spoke Huaxia.

"Colonel Smith seems to have good eyesight."

Wang Leshan said lightly: "I originally wanted to ask your Batian Island base for an explanation, but I didn't expect that your Batian Island would be in such a big trouble. It seems that it seems that I am asking for an explanation from Batian Island at this time. It’s a bit too much to add insult to injury, but after all, Colonel Smith is the one who ordered two raids on my Royal Island No. [-], so I can’t let you go easily.”

Smith's face was ugly, and he was shocked. He confirmed that the person in front of him was the Chinese from the Royal No. [-] island, but he couldn't figure out how this person entered the Batian Island base!

After hearing Wang Leshan's words, Smith's voice sank: "Then what do you want? Do you really want our Batian Island base to apologize to you, the owner of a mere private island?"

"You eight days island?"

Wang Leshan pointed to the soldiers who fell on the ground: "Why did they arrest you?"

Smith's eyes froze.

Wang Leshan smiled and said: "I think it would be more interesting to hand you over to these people to take you back than to hear an apology."

Smith's expression changed suddenly, and he wanted to struggle, but he couldn't break free from the hand of the burly man beside him.

At this time, the burly giant said to Wang Leshan: "Host, someone is here."

Wang Leshan thought for a moment and said, "Break his leg."


Robot No. 1 nodded, grabbed the hand on Smith's shoulder, and lifted Smith's entire body. Robot No. 1 stretched out its other hand, and this hand grabbed Smith's two feet. With a twist, Smith's feet became entangled like twists, and Smith screamed suddenly, his head covered in cold sweat.

"It's really twisted."

Wang Leshan didn't know whether to laugh or not to laugh at the fact that robot No. 1 carried out his orders to the letter, so he beckoned, and the two quickly left here.

About half a minute later, several cars drove over, and some soldiers got off from them. Seeing this scene, they were stunned for a moment, and then quickly brought Smith, who had fainted from the pain, into the car, leaving some Humans tend to those who were previously knocked out by robot #1.


Watching the car drive away, Wang Leshan and robot No. 1 followed.

Wang Leshan originally came to show off his power, but he didn't expect such a incident to become sneaky, and he was really helpless. However, the matter has come to this point, and Wang Leshan also knew that it was not appropriate to continue according to his own ideas, but he did not I left directly, but I was going to stay and watch the excitement, so I could relieve my depressed mood.

Of course, you can't show up at this time.Although he wasn't afraid of revenge from Eight Heavens Island, he didn't want to be considered an accomplice to the explosion, so he wouldn't take the blame for it.

As for whether Smith will reveal himself, Wang Leshan is not afraid, and sent someone to arrest Smith. It can be seen that Smith has been caught or exposed. At this time, what he said at this time, those people probably will not believe it. .

These cars quickly stopped in front of a house. The house was not small, and there were words on it. Wang Leshan didn't know these words. He asked robot No. 1 to find out that it was the Air Force Base Command.

Wang Leshan didn't follow, but let the No. 1 robot scan and track the movements there. The No. 1 robot projected a screen showing Smith's movements.Smith was quickly carried into a room, and a group of people, all wearing military uniforms, looked angry. One of them said a word, and soon someone called him in a fairly humane way. After waking up the unconscious Smith, the man yelled angrily and asked a few more questions, but Smith just sneered and didn't say anything when he woke up. Someone pulled Smith down and locked him up.

Smith didn't say what happened to Wang Leshan, and these soldiers didn't go into how Smith got injured, obviously they didn't pay attention to these things.

Wang Leshan asked the No. 1 robot to project another screen. On it was a picture of this group of supposed soldiers. Judging from the military ranks on their uniforms, this group of people should be the highest level of the air force base, several generals.

From the conversations of these people, Wang Leshan has some understanding of the upcoming explosion. Now they know that many camps on the naval base have been occupied by "gangsters" who did not know when they broke in. Those explosions were also made by these "gangsters". It is understood that there have been nearly ten explosions before and after.

The naval base is located in the southwest of Batian Island. Each of the dozen or so explosions is advancing towards the middle of the island. Obviously, these "gangsters" not only want to blow up the naval base, but also want to blow up the navy in the middle. The air station, the Naval Air Station is the main logistics maintenance station of the entire naval base and the support base of the fleet, and it is also the main logistics supply and maintenance center for aircraft carrier aircraft and shore-based aircraft!
It is even very possible that the explosion will advance to the air force base in the northeast corner. You know, Batian Island is that big!


Every explosion is a huge loss to Batian Island!

There are too many weapons and equipment in the Batian Island base, strategic bombers, attack nuclear submarines, cruise missiles, stealth fighters, unmanned reconnaissance aircraft...the value of each is too high!
What's more, once these weapons and equipment are bombed, it is more likely to cause a second explosion, and the power of this second explosion will never be weaker than the first explosion.

Since the establishment of the Batian Island base for more than half a century, such a thing has never happened. The situation is so serious that these generals even think of Pearl Harbor!
"We must cooperate with the naval base to send this group of..."

Before one of the generals finished speaking, the ground suddenly shook, and the explosion sounded again, this time the explosion sound was closer!

Moreover, this explosion took longer than before!

At the same time, one of the generals received a call, and his expression changed completely.

"No, it's 7 meters away from the No. 500 weapon depot, and there is a change!"

"What, Arsenal No. 7!"

"We need reinforcements immediately. If the No. 7 weapon depot is controlled, the consequences will be disastrous!"


In August of the new millennium, 64 AGM-86C cruise missiles were deployed on Batian Island, with a bomb weight of 1360 kilograms and a maximum range of 2500 to 3000 kilometers. They can carry W80-1 nuclear warheads or bombs **Conventional warhead.

64 of these 10 are in Armory 7!

(End of this chapter)

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